Think of your app in terms of states, not routes or components. Connect your components and just dispatch Flux Standard Actions!
During the development of Rudy, a few versions were released under different names and npm tags. All of these plus several PRs have been combined to a stable, up-to-date and mostly compatible version which will be supported long-term. (See the migration instructions for version 2.)
Feature development efforts and the next version Rudy will be moved to a different repo in our Respond framework organization.
To be able to use Redux as is while keeping the address bar in sync. To define paths as actions, and handle path params and query strings as action payloads.
The address bar and Redux actions should be bi-directionally mapped, including via the browser's back/forward buttons. Dispatch an action and the address bar updates. Change the address, and an action is dispatched.
In addition, here are some obstacles Redux-First Router seeks to avoid:
- Rendering from state that doesn't come from Redux
- Dealing with the added complexity from having state outside of Redux
- Cluttering components with route-related code
- Large API surface areas of frameworks like
- Routing frameworks getting in the way of optimizing animations (such as when animations coincide with component updates).
- Having to do route changes differently in order to support server-side rendering.
yarn add redux-first-router
(A minimal <Link>
component exists in the separate package redux-first-router-link
// configureStore.js
import { applyMiddleware, combineReducers, compose, createStore } from 'redux'
import { connectRoutes } from 'redux-first-router'
import page from './pageReducer'
const routesMap = {
HOME: '/',
USER: '/user/:id'
export default function configureStore(preloadedState) {
const { reducer, middleware, enhancer } = connectRoutes(routesMap)
const rootReducer = combineReducers({ page, location: reducer })
const middlewares = applyMiddleware(middleware)
const enhancers = compose(enhancer, middlewares)
const store = createStore(rootReducer, preloadedState, enhancers)
return { store }
// pageReducer.js
import { NOT_FOUND } from 'redux-first-router'
const components = {
HOME: 'Home',
USER: 'User',
[NOT_FOUND]: 'NotFound'
export default (state = 'HOME', action = {}) => components[action.type] || state
// App.js
import React from 'react'
import { connect } from 'react-redux'
// Contains 'Home', 'User' and 'NotFound'
import * as components from './components';
const App = ({ page }) => {
const Component = components[page]
return <Component />
const mapStateToProps = ({ page }) => ({ page })
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(App)
// components.js
import React from 'react'
import { connect } from 'react-redux'
const Home = () => <h3>Home</h3>
const User = ({ userId }) => <h3>{`User ${userId}`}</h3>
const mapStateToProps = ({ location }) => ({
const ConnectedUser = connect(mapStateToProps)(User)
const NotFound = () => <h3>404</h3>
export { Home, ConnectedUser as User, NotFound }
- Dispatching thunks & pathless routes
- SEO-friendly styled links
- Automatically changing page
- Use Redux Devtools to debug route changes
More documentation available in docs
Missing examples for your use-case? PRs are very welcome! Topics waiting to be added include:
- Performing redirects bases on
. - Use hash-based routes/history (see the migration instructions)
- Restoring scroll position
- Handling optional URL fragments and query strings
- Route change pre- & post-processing
- Code-splitting
- Server-side rendering
- Usage together with
We use commitizen, run npm run cm
to make commits. A command-line form will appear, requiring you answer a few questions to automatically produce a nicely formatted commit. Releases, semantic version numbers, tags, changelogs and publishing will automatically be handled based on these commits thanks to [semantic-release](https:/
react-universal-component. Made to work perfectly with Redux-First Router.
webpack-flush-chunks. The foundation of our
product line.