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KeyBox in Docker and OpenShift

Docker Build Status Docker Automated builid

This repository provides a Dockerfile and an OpenShift template for KeyBox.

Please note: KeyBox runs without TLS! Terminating TLS is the job of the loadbalancer / reverse proxy in front of it (like the OpenShift router).

Docker run

Example for running KeyBox in Docker:

docker build -t local/keybox .
docker run --name keybox \
  -d \
  --user 1000001:root \
  -e DB_PASSWORD=blablubb \
  -p 8080:8080 \
  -v keybox_data:/opt/keybox/jetty/keybox/WEB-INF/classes/keydb \


On startup the KeyBox configuration file is generated by dockerize. The only mandatory paramater is DB_PASSWORD or else the container won't start properly. To see the defaults and available parameters, have a look into

Deploy on OpenShift

0 Create OpenShift project

Create an OpenShift project if not already provided by the service

oc new-project $PROJECT

1 Deploy KeyBox

oc process -f | oc -n $PROJECT create -f -

2 Configure KeyBox

Navigate to the generated URL and login with the KeyBox default credentials. Change the admin password now!


The template is configured with an emptyDir storage. You might want to replace this with a persistent storage volume (PVC) or else you'll lose your configuration when the Pod restarts.

Maintenance of this Repo

This repo triggers an automated Docker Hub build and always builds the latest tag from master - there is no release process involved. If a new KeyBox release is available, the Dockerfile needs to be updated and pushed. This will only be done occasionally. So if it's not done in time, feel free to send a PR - this can speed up things.