A command line interface for the superagent rest library. Designed to make testing JSON apis from the command line easier.
to install:
npm install -g superagent-cli
the super agent cli command is superagent
and requests look like the following:
superagent or superagent -h to display help
superagent <url> <rest method(get|post|put|patch|delete)> <json data>
superagent www.google.com
superagent www.google.com get
superagent localhost:3000 post '{"hello":"world"}'
superagent localhost:3000 post {hello: \'world\'}
Note: if using javascript literal notation (instead of fully qualified JSON) all
quotes around string must be escaped
ex: {hello: 'world'}
must actually be hello: \'world\'
or use two sets of quotes {hello: "'super world'"}
which will keep white space the same
superagent-cli can also add basic HTTP Auth to any request with with -u username:password
superagent -u username:password localhost:3000
superagent-cli can read json data from a file using the -f parameter.
superagent example.com/test post -f request_body.json
superagent-cli can set arbitrary headers with -H
superagent -H "Accept: text/plain, X-Arbitrary-Header: true" example.com