Statewide adjacent parcel aggregation efforts.
NOTE: These methods were developed for and originally implemented on statewide CoreLogic Parcel Point data for NY State.
Step 1: Filename: Step1_AnalyzeAdjacency.sql
Purpose: Create table of adjacency for all polygons in the NY State CoreLogic Parcel polygon data that are within 50 m of one another. Note: 50 m was chosen as the threshold for adjacency to account for small separations across right of ways, stream channels, etc.
Language: SQL (BigQuery)
Output: table in BigQuery that was be exported as csv file for reading in Step 2
Step 2: Filename:
Purpose: Identify and group adjacent parcels by common ownership (defined as very similar owner names) using fuzzy string matching, writing results as a new attribute in the CoreLogic Parcel Point polygon data.
Language: Python
Output: new attribute in input polygon data