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Application deployed on field computers to integreate Buckeye X80 wireless camera traps with Animl


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Animl Base

Animl Base is a node application deployed on linux-based field computers that ingests new images from a Buckeye wireless camera trap base station and uploads them to S3.

NOTE: Login credentials for TNC camera trap systems can be found here. To request access, please contact

Table of Contents


Buckeye X80 PC Base Reciever

The Buckeye X80 PC Base Receiver demodulates analogue RF transmissions and converts them into digital images, which get ported over to a connected computer via USB and stored on the filesystem.


We have tested and used a variety of headless field computers, and set up instructions vary slightly depending on which you're using. Thus far we've used:


Prep for Raspberry Pi only (can skip if not using RPi):

Assemble Sixfab Power Managment and UPS HAT

The Power Managment and UPS HAT solves a bunch of problems we encountered in our initial test deployment on SCI at once:

  • its battery serves as a UPS, which should guard against temporary power outages at Valley Peak and buffer any power lags we may be experiencing due to the long cat6 we're using to draw POE
  • it provides safe-shutdown configurations, so that if the battery % falls below a certain threshhold it will shut down the Pi safely
  • it has a built in fan, which should help mitigate overheating
  • its watchdog functionality should restart the pi automatically in the even that it hangs for any reason
  • it serves a web app through which we can monitor the battery health, power supply, temperature and fan speed of the Pi remotely

Refer to the Sixfab documentation for assembly instructions. Note, if you haven't already configured the Pi (step 2 below), you will need to hold off on setting up the Sixfab power software until the Pi is up and running.

Set up Sixfab Power software

Instructions can be found towards the bottom of the page here. A few configurations to set:

  • A scheduled event to reboot the device (via Hardware) once a day
  • Set battery design capacity to 3400
  • Enable watchdog

Set up Pi to boot from the USB flash drive:

  1. Good instructions on how to burn the Raspberry Pi OS to a flash drive and configure the RPi to boot from it: RPi 3 instructions, RPi 4 instructions. You'll need an SD card temporarily but won't need it once the RPi has been configured.
  2. Start up the Pi and step through the set up wizard.
  3. If you weren't prompted to change the pi user password in the setup wizard, change the password by opening the terminal, enter passwd on the command line and press Enter. You'll be prompted to enter your current password to authenticate (if you haven't set it yet the default pw is raspberry), and then asked for a new password.
  4. If using RPi 3B, Increase swap size - we found that the 100MB default swap size is insufficient, and recommend increasing it significantly. If the USB flash drive is formatted in ext4 (as it should be if you followed step 1), this is as simple as opening the /etc/dphys-swapfile config, commenting out the lines that restric swap size so that the system computes it automatically (it should result in 2x the RAM of the device, so 1.83 GB in the case of the RPi 3B).
$ sudo nano /etc/dphys-swapfile

Make sure all CONF_SWAPFILE settings are commented out. In particular #CONF_SWAPSIZE and #CONF_SWAPFACTOR. See this forum discussion for reference. Changes will take hold after reboot:

$ sudo reboot

After rebooting, you can confirm that swap size was inceased with the command:

$ swapon

Create new Linux user called "animl"

The "animl" user will be the primary owner/user of all application files, directories, and processes going forward. Create it, give it the same permissions as the pi user, and switch user:

$ sudo adduser animl
$ sudo usermod -a -G adm,dialout,cdrom,sudo,audio,video,plugdev,games,users,netdev,input animl
$ echo 'animl ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' | sudo tee /etc/sudoers.d/010_animl-nopasswd
$ su - animl

Change the hostname

This step is not necessary but may be helpful to better distinguish the computer on the network. To change the computer's default hostname, first update the /etc/hosts file:

$ sudo nano /etc/hosts

replace "raspberrypi" (or whatever the default is) with "animl-base-[network-name]" in the last line of the file and save. Then open /etc/hostname:

$ sudo nano /etc/hostname

And replace the default hostname with the same hostname you added to /etc/hosts.

Make sure computer is set to automatically power-on in BIOS settings

This process will differ depending on the computer.

Double check that avahi-daemon is installed and running

One of the easiest ways to connect remotely to your field computers and identify it on a local network is with mDNS (good explainer on that here). If you have Avahi installed and running on the Pi as described in that article, all you need to do to SSH into your pi from within your local network is run ssh [USER]@[HOSTNAME].local. So in our case the SSH command would look something like:

$ ssh animl@animl-base.local

This saves you from having to search for or remember the IP address of the field computer. Avahi This may have already been installed with the OS. To check, run:

$ avahi-daemon -V

If it returns a version number, you're all set, there's nothing more to do. If not, all you have to do is install Avahi, and then your device will be discoverable via [USER]@[HOSTNAME].local:

$ sudo apt-get install avahi-daemon

Download AnyDesk

We use AnyDesk for remote-desktoping into the field computers. You can download it here. Once you have it downloaded and installed, make note of your AnyDesk Address/ID, and be sure to set a password to allow for unattended access.

NOTE: Some Ubuntu computers don't ship with Ubuntu's Software Installer application, but you can install the .deb file by running sudo dpkg -i <the_file.deb>. If it responds by saying you are missing a dependency, try running sudo apt update then sudo apt --fix-broken-install then sudo apt -y upgrade

If using Ubuntu Desktop, following installation, be sure to disable Wayland: in /etc/gdm3/custom.conf, uncomment the WaylandEnable=false line. This is important so that you can log in/out of Ubuntu user accounts while maintaining an AnyDesk connection.

NOTE: You may also need to trick the computer into thinking there is a monitor attached in order for Anydesk to work. If you're using an RPi, make sure the hdmi_force_hotplug=1 setting in the /boot/config.txt file is uncommented. If you're using a computer using Ubuntu Desktop, you may need to purchase a dummy DVI or HDMI plug to emulate a monitor and allow remote access via AnyDesk.

Enable SSH

For Raspberry Pi's running Raspbian OS, this can be done from the configuration/preferences menu. For Ubuntu, you'll need to download and install openssh-server.

Set up Buckeye server software (Multibase Server Edition) and register new base

  1. Create new directory for the camera trap data
$ mkdir /home/animl/data
  1. Download the appropriate MulitBase SE version for your computer here and unzip using
$ sudo tar -xjf /path/to/FILENAME.tbz
  1. Move the mbse directory to /usr/local

  2. Follow the installation instructions in mbse/README.TXT to complete the installation. In step 3 of the instructions, when you are asked to edit and copy the contents of mbse/becmbse-sample.conf to etc/becmbse.conf. You may run into permissions issues. The following commands will copy the file to /etc/, rename it, and change the owner to "animl".

$ sudo cp /usr/local/mbse/becmbse-sample.conf /etc/
$ sudo mv /etc/becmbse-sample.conf /etc/becmbse.conf
$ sudo chown animl:animl /etc/becmbse.conf

At which point you can copy/paste the following settings into the config file and save it:

#This is where the writeable items (config and pictures) are stored.
#It cannot be the same as the program installation directory.
#This directory must be writeable by the user that the daemon
#will run as.

#Use and group.  May be name or number. Should not be root (0).
#The user may also need permission to access USB devices.

#TCP port for base manager HTTP

#Enable (y) or disable (n) usb server

#Options for SSL configuration.  Set this to use HTTPS instead of
#unencrypted HTTP.  The CACERT line is usually optional.

#Default parameters (run as a daemon in the background).  Try "mbased -?"
#to see available options.
  1. Add usr/local/mbse to the "animl" user's PATH via ~/.profile:
$ vim ~/.profile

Copy the following line to the bottom of the file and save:


You may need to close out of that shell and start a new one or restart the computer before the PATH will be updated.

  1. Add your new base. Plug the X80 PC Base Reciever into the computer, then start up the the Multibase SE app from the terminal with:
$ mbasectl -s

Next, open up a browser and go to localhost:8888 to access the Buckeye web app and login with the default credentials (default UN is Animl, PW is lmina). Navigate to Tools > Add Base, and complete base registration. Once the base is added, make note of the serial number (if you're unsure, a directory named with the serial number will have been automatically created under /home/animal/data/. You'll need that for the .env file you create in the next step. You can close out the browser window and kill the Multibase SE app:

$ mbasectl -k

Install Animl Base and dependencies

  1. Download some additional global dependencies (node, vim, git, awscli, exiftool, pm2):
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt full-upgrade -y
$ curl -sL | sudo -E bash
$ sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
$ sudo apt-get install vim -y
$ sudo apt-get install git -y
$ sudo apt-get install awscli -y
$ sudo apt-get install libimage-exiftool-perl
$ sudo npm install -g pm2
  1. Create a directory for the animl-base application code, cd into it, clone the repo, and install node dependencies:
$ mkdir /home/animl/animl-base
$ cd /home/animl/animl-base
$ git clone
$ cd animl-base
$ npm install
  1. Add a .env file to the project's root directory with the following items. Note, AWS creds can be found in the TNC Cameratrap network passwords document. For access, contact
# Base name (no spaces)
BASE_NAME = [network name]

AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = [access key ID]
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = [secret access key]
AWS_REGION = us-west-2

# Image directory to watch
IMG_DIR = '/home/animl/data/<base name>/cameras/'
# IMG_DIR = "c:\BuckEyeCam\X7D Base\pictures\" # Windows

# Log file to watch
LOG_FILE = '/home/animl/data/<base name>/log.txt'
# LOG_FILE = "c:\BuckEyeCam\X7D Base\log.txt" # windows

# S3
DEST_BUCKET = animl-images-ingestion-prod
  1. To configure logrotate to rotate all logs from animl-base and the temerature monitoring script, first create the logrotate config file:
$ sudo vim /etc/logrotate.d/animl

then copy/paste/save the following config:

/home/animl/.pm2/pm2.log /home/animl/.pm2/logs/*.log /home/animl/animl-base/animl-base/*.csv {
        rotate 24

You can then test the configuration with:

$ sudo logrotate /etc/logrotate.conf --debug
  1. Lastly, increase the the maximum number of files the computer can watch. This is a good idea because the Animl Base app watches for changes to the directories that Multibase SE adds image files to, so as the number of images stored on the computer grows, you begin to exhaust the default number (8,192) of files the system can watch. To increase it, perform the steps described here

Start Multibase Server and Animl Base and as daemons

If you haven't plugged the Buckeye X-series PC Base to the Pi, you can do that now.

We use PM2 to manage the application processes. To start the Buckeye Multibase Server, Animl Base, and the script up as daemons that will run in the background and automatically launch on restart, navigate to ~/animl-base/animl-base and run:

$ npm run start-daemon

Next, to generate a script that will launch PM2 on boot together with the application, run:

$ pm2 startup systemd

Then copy and run the generated command, and finally run:

$ pm2 save

This will save the current state of PM2 (with Animl Base and Mulitbase running) in a dump file that will be used when they system starts or when resurrecting PM2.

If you need make updates to animl-base after it's already been running/daemonized (especially updates that affect the ecosystem.config.js file), you'll want to pull down those changes and run the following to clear the cached processes:

$ pm2 unstartup systemd
$ pm2 delete all

Following that, startup and re-save the process as you did before by followin the steps above starting with npm run start-daemon.


Check the status of the apps

Run any of the following from the Pi's terminal to check if the apps are already running in the background via pm2 (see PM2 Cheatsheet):

$ pm2 list all
$ pm2 status

Use the following to check the status of animl-base specifically:

$ pm2 show animl-base

or Multibase Server:

$ mbasectl -i

Local webapp for managing Buckeye cams

For adding new cameras, repeaters, and managing deployed devices, use the Multibase Server edition local web application, which can be found at localhost:8888 from within the computer when Mulibase is running. You can remotely access it by remote-desktoping into the computer via AnyDesk/VCN and launchubg the local web app in a browser window if you're trying to manage the devices remotely. More detailed documentation on using the Buckeye MultiBase SE application can be found here.

NOTE: If you are having trouble adding a camera to the Base, from the Base home user interface (the page you get to after loging in and clicking the "admin" button under the base entry), try "restoring the network" (hamburger menu -> Restore Network). This will search for and locate any devices that were have already been registered to the base.

Sixfab power managment web app (Raspberry Pi only)

For remotely monitoring the RPi's status and configuring power, connectivity, and temperature alerts, you can access from any computer. Credentials are in the Camera trap network password document.


To remotely login to the computers via SSH, the computers's SSH needs to be enabled (see setup step above).

If you're connected to the same local network as the computer and avahi-daemon is running (as described above), simpley run:

$ ssh animl@[hostname].local

If not, you'll need to find the computer's IP address on the network, which I've found is simple if the Pi is connected to a screen and you can use the terminal. Just run either of the following commands:

$ hostname -I
$ ifconfig

However, if you don't have direct access to the Pi and are trying to scan a network for it, arp -a or nmap might be helpful. Other approaches to try can be found here.

Once you have the Pi's IP address, you can SSH into it with ssh [USER]@[IP ADDRESS], e.g.:

$ ssh animl@

Pulling down Animl Base updates from github and restarting remotely

SSH or remote into the computer, navigate to ~/animl-base/animl-base, stop PM2, pull down the changes, and restart PM2:

$ pm2 stop all
$ git pull
$ npm install # if dependencies changed
$ pm2 restart all

Accessing logs

PM2 logs can be viewed via the terminal with:

$ pm2 logs --lines 100
# or, if you just want to see the last 30 lines of a specific app, use:
$ pm2 logs animl-base --lines 30

The complete log files can be found in /home/animl/.pm2/logs/.

The temperature monitor logs can be found in the /home/animl/animl-base/animl-base/ directory (they're CSV files).

The Multibase Server Edition logs can be found in /home/animl/data/<base ID>/.

Related repos

Animl is comprised of a number of microservices, most of which are managed in their own repositories.

Core services

Services necessary to run Animl:

Wireless camera services

Services related to ingesting and processing wireless camera trap data:

Misc. services


Application deployed on field computers to integreate Buckeye X80 wireless camera traps with Animl







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