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kiyama-hajime authored Jun 17, 2024
2 parents cb6a88d + 1b26cbd commit b725628
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Showing 12 changed files with 425 additions and 0 deletions.
97 changes: 97 additions & 0 deletions ritsu/chapter07/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
from gensim.models import KeyedVectors

def load_word_vectors(file_path):
return KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format(file_path, binary=True)

def main():
file_path = 'GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin.gz'
word_vectors = load_word_vectors(file_path)

word = 'United_States'
if word in word_vectors:
vector = word_vectors[word]
print(f"単語 '{word}' のベクトル:")
print(f"単語 '{word}' はモデルに存在しません。")

if __name__ == '__main__':

[-3.61328125e-02 -4.83398438e-02 2.35351562e-01 1.74804688e-01
-1.46484375e-01 -7.42187500e-02 -1.01562500e-01 -7.71484375e-02
1.09375000e-01 -5.71289062e-02 -1.48437500e-01 -6.00585938e-02
1.74804688e-01 -7.71484375e-02 2.58789062e-02 -7.66601562e-02
-3.80859375e-02 1.35742188e-01 3.75976562e-02 -4.19921875e-02
-3.56445312e-02 5.34667969e-02 3.68118286e-04 -1.66992188e-01
-1.17187500e-01 1.41601562e-01 -1.69921875e-01 -6.49414062e-02
-1.66992188e-01 1.00585938e-01 1.15722656e-01 -2.18750000e-01
-9.86328125e-02 -2.56347656e-02 1.23046875e-01 -3.54003906e-02
-1.58203125e-01 -1.60156250e-01 2.94189453e-02 8.15429688e-02
6.88476562e-02 1.87500000e-01 6.49414062e-02 1.15234375e-01
-2.27050781e-02 3.32031250e-01 -3.27148438e-02 1.77734375e-01
-2.08007812e-01 4.54101562e-02 -1.23901367e-02 1.19628906e-01
7.44628906e-03 -9.03320312e-03 1.14257812e-01 1.69921875e-01
-2.38281250e-01 -2.79541016e-02 -1.21093750e-01 2.47802734e-02
7.71484375e-02 -2.81982422e-02 -4.71191406e-02 1.78222656e-02
-1.23046875e-01 -5.32226562e-02 2.68554688e-02 -3.11279297e-02
-5.59082031e-02 -5.00488281e-02 -3.73535156e-02 1.25976562e-01
5.61523438e-02 1.51367188e-01 4.29687500e-02 -2.08007812e-01
-4.78515625e-02 2.78320312e-02 1.81640625e-01 2.20703125e-01
-3.61328125e-02 -8.39843750e-02 -3.69548798e-05 -9.52148438e-02
-1.25000000e-01 -1.95312500e-01 -1.50390625e-01 -4.15039062e-02
1.31835938e-01 1.17675781e-01 1.91650391e-02 5.51757812e-02
-9.42382812e-02 -1.08886719e-01 7.32421875e-02 -1.15234375e-01
8.93554688e-02 -1.40625000e-01 1.45507812e-01 4.49218750e-02
-1.10473633e-02 -1.62353516e-02 4.05883789e-03 3.75976562e-02
-6.98242188e-02 -5.46875000e-02 2.17285156e-02 -9.47265625e-02
4.24804688e-02 1.81884766e-02 -1.73339844e-02 4.63867188e-02
-1.42578125e-01 1.99218750e-01 1.10839844e-01 2.58789062e-02
-7.08007812e-02 -5.54199219e-02 3.45703125e-01 1.61132812e-01
-2.44140625e-01 -2.59765625e-01 -9.71679688e-02 8.00781250e-02
-8.78906250e-02 -7.22656250e-02 1.42578125e-01 -8.54492188e-02
-3.18359375e-01 8.30078125e-02 6.34765625e-02 1.64062500e-01
-1.92382812e-01 -1.17675781e-01 -5.41992188e-02 -1.56250000e-01
-1.21582031e-01 -4.95605469e-02 1.20117188e-01 -3.83300781e-02
5.51757812e-02 -8.97216797e-03 4.32128906e-02 6.93359375e-02
8.93554688e-02 2.53906250e-01 1.65039062e-01 1.64062500e-01
-1.41601562e-01 4.58984375e-02 1.97265625e-01 -8.98437500e-02
3.90625000e-02 -1.51367188e-01 -8.60595703e-03 -1.17675781e-01
-1.97265625e-01 -1.12792969e-01 1.29882812e-01 1.96289062e-01
1.56402588e-03 3.93066406e-02 2.17773438e-01 -1.43554688e-01
6.03027344e-02 -1.35742188e-01 1.16210938e-01 -1.59912109e-02
2.79296875e-01 1.46484375e-01 -1.19628906e-01 1.76757812e-01
1.28906250e-01 -1.49414062e-01 6.93359375e-02 -1.72851562e-01
9.22851562e-02 1.33056641e-02 -2.00195312e-01 -9.76562500e-02
-1.65039062e-01 -2.46093750e-01 -2.35595703e-02 -2.11914062e-01
1.84570312e-01 -1.85546875e-02 2.16796875e-01 5.05371094e-02
2.02636719e-02 4.25781250e-01 1.28906250e-01 -2.77099609e-02
1.29882812e-01 -1.15722656e-01 -2.05078125e-02 1.49414062e-01
7.81250000e-03 -2.05078125e-01 -8.05664062e-02 -2.67578125e-01
-2.29492188e-02 -8.20312500e-02 8.64257812e-02 7.61718750e-02
-3.66210938e-02 5.22460938e-02 -1.22070312e-01 -1.44042969e-02
-2.69531250e-01 8.44726562e-02 -2.52685547e-02 -2.96630859e-02
-1.68945312e-01 1.93359375e-01 -1.08398438e-01 1.94091797e-02
-1.80664062e-01 1.93359375e-01 -7.08007812e-02 5.85937500e-02
-1.01562500e-01 -1.31835938e-01 7.51953125e-02 -7.66601562e-02
3.37219238e-03 -8.59375000e-02 1.25000000e-01 2.92968750e-02
1.70898438e-01 -9.37500000e-02 -1.09375000e-01 -2.50244141e-02
2.11914062e-01 -4.44335938e-02 6.12792969e-02 2.62451172e-02
-1.77734375e-01 1.23046875e-01 -7.42187500e-02 -1.67968750e-01
-1.08886719e-01 -9.04083252e-04 -7.37304688e-02 5.49316406e-02
6.03027344e-02 8.39843750e-02 9.17968750e-02 -1.32812500e-01
1.22070312e-01 -8.78906250e-03 1.19140625e-01 -1.94335938e-01
-6.64062500e-02 -2.07031250e-01 7.37304688e-02 8.93554688e-02
1.81884766e-02 -1.20605469e-01 -2.61230469e-02 2.67333984e-02
7.76367188e-02 -8.30078125e-02 6.78710938e-02 -3.54003906e-02
3.10546875e-01 -2.42919922e-02 -1.41601562e-01 -2.08007812e-01
-4.57763672e-03 -6.54296875e-02 -4.95605469e-02 2.22656250e-01
1.53320312e-01 -1.38671875e-01 -5.24902344e-02 4.24804688e-02
-2.38281250e-01 1.56250000e-01 5.83648682e-04 -1.20605469e-01
-9.22851562e-02 -4.44335938e-02 3.61328125e-02 -1.86767578e-02
-8.25195312e-02 -8.25195312e-02 -4.05273438e-02 1.19018555e-02
1.69921875e-01 -2.80761719e-02 3.03649902e-03 9.32617188e-02
-8.49609375e-02 1.57470703e-02 7.03125000e-02 1.62353516e-02
-2.27050781e-02 3.51562500e-02 2.47070312e-01 -2.67333984e-02]
24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions ritsu/chapter07/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
from knock60 import load_word_vectors

def main():
file_path = 'GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin.gz'
word_vectors = load_word_vectors(file_path)

word1 = 'United_States'
word2 = 'U.S.'

cosine_similarity = word_vectors.similarity(word1, word2)
print(f"単語 '{word1}' と '{word2}' のコサイン類似度: {cosine_similarity}")
except KeyError as e:
print(f"単語 '{e.args[0]}' はモデルに存在しません。")

if __name__ == '__main__':

単語 'United_States' と 'U.S.' のコサイン類似度: 0.7310774326324463
36 changes: 36 additions & 0 deletions ritsu/chapter07/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
from knock60 import load_word_vectors

def main():
file_path = 'GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin.gz'
word_vectors = load_word_vectors(file_path)

word = 'United_States'

similar_words = word_vectors.most_similar(word, topn=10)
print(f"単語 '{word}' と類似度の高い上位10語:")
for similar_word, similarity in similar_words:
print(f"単語: {similar_word}, 類似度: {similarity}")
except KeyError as e:
print(f"単語 '{e.args[0]}' はモデルに存在しません。")

if __name__ == '__main__':

単語 'United_States' と類似度の高い上位10語:
単語: Unites_States, 類似度: 0.7877248525619507
単語: Untied_States, 類似度: 0.7541370987892151
単語: United_Sates, 類似度: 0.7400724291801453
単語: U.S., 類似度: 0.7310773730278015
単語: theUnited_States, 類似度: 0.6404393911361694
単語: America, 類似度: 0.6178409457206726
単語: UnitedStates, 類似度: 0.6167312264442444
単語: Europe, 類似度: 0.6132988333702087
単語: countries, 類似度: 0.6044804453849792
単語: Canada, 類似度: 0.6019070148468018
40 changes: 40 additions & 0 deletions ritsu/chapter07/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
from knock60 import load_word_vectors

def main():
file_path = 'GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin.gz'
word_vectors = load_word_vectors(file_path)

word1 = 'Spain'
word2 = 'Madrid'
word3 = 'Athens' # Athensはギリシャの首都

vector = word_vectors[word1] - word_vectors[word2] + word_vectors[word3]
similar_words = word_vectors.similar_by_vector(vector, topn=10)

print(f"単語 '{word1}' から '{word2}' を引き、'{word3}' を足したベクトルと類似度の高い上位10語:")
for similar_word, similarity in similar_words:
print(f"単語: {similar_word}, 類似度: {similarity}")
except KeyError as e:
print(f"単語 '{e.args[0]}' はモデルに存在しません。")

if __name__ == '__main__':

単語 'Spain' から 'Madrid' を引き、'Athens' を足したベクトルと類似度の高い上位10語:
単語: Athens, 類似度: 0.7528456449508667
単語: Greece, 類似度: 0.6685471534729004
単語: Aristeidis_Grigoriadis, 類似度: 0.5495778322219849
単語: Ioannis_Drymonakos, 類似度: 0.5361456871032715
単語: Greeks, 類似度: 0.5351786613464355
単語: Ioannis_Christou, 類似度: 0.5330225825309753
単語: Hrysopiyi_Devetzi, 類似度: 0.5088489651679993
単語: Iraklion, 類似度: 0.5059264898300171
単語: Greek, 類似度: 0.5040615797042847
単語: Athens_Greece, 類似度: 0.5034109950065613
21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions ritsu/chapter07/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
from gensim.models import KeyedVectors
from tqdm import tqdm

def main():
model_path = 'GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin.gz'
model = KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format(model_path, binary=True)

questions_file = 'questions-words.txt'
output_file = 'questions-words-add.txt'

with open(questions_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f_in, open(output_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f_out:
for line in tqdm(f_in, desc='Processing'):
if line.startswith(':'):
category = line.split()[1]
words = line.split()
word, cos = model.most_similar(positive=[words[1], words[2]], negative=[words[0]], topn=1)[0]
f_out.write(f"{category} {' '.join(words)} {word} {cos}\n")

if __name__ == '__main__':
33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions ritsu/chapter07/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
from tqdm import tqdm

def main():
input_file = 'questions-words-add.txt'

with open(input_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
sem_cnt = 0
sem_cor = 0
syn_cnt = 0
syn_cor = 0

for line in tqdm(f, desc='Processing'):
line = line.split()
if not line[0].startswith('gram'):
sem_cnt += 1
if line[4] == line[5]:
sem_cor += 1
syn_cnt += 1
if line[4] == line[5]:
syn_cor += 1

print(f'意味的アナロジー正解率: {sem_cor/sem_cnt:.3f}')
print(f'文法的アナロジー正解率: {syn_cor/syn_cnt:.3f}')

if __name__ == '__main__':

意味的アナロジー正解率: 0.731
文法的アナロジー正解率: 0.740
41 changes: 41 additions & 0 deletions ritsu/chapter07/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from gensim.models import KeyedVectors
from tqdm import tqdm
from scipy.stats import spearmanr

def cos_sim(v1, v2):
return, v2) / (np.linalg.norm(v1) * np.linalg.norm(v2))

def calc_cos_sim(row, model):
w1v = model[row['Word 1']]
w2v = model[row['Word 2']]
return cos_sim(w1v, w2v)
except KeyError:
return np.nan

def main():
model_path = 'GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin.gz'
model = KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format(model_path, binary=True)

csv_file = 'wordsim353/combined.csv'
combined_df = pd.read_csv(csv_file)

tqdm.pandas(desc='Calculating cosine similarity')
combined_df['cos_sim'] = combined_df.progress_apply(calc_cos_sim, axis=1, model=model)

combined_df = combined_df.dropna(subset=['cos_sim'])

human_scores = combined_df['Human (mean)'].values
cos_sim_scores = combined_df['cos_sim'].values

spearman_corr, _ = spearmanr(human_scores, cos_sim_scores)
print(f'Spearman correlation: {spearman_corr:.3f}')

if __name__ == '__main__':

Spearman correlation: 0.700
54 changes: 54 additions & 0 deletions ritsu/chapter07/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
import numpy as np
from gensim.models import KeyedVectors
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans

def main():
# GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin.gzの読み込み
model = KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format('GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin.gz', binary=True)

# 国名の取得
countries = set()
with open('questions-words-add.txt', 'r') as f:
for line in f:
line = line.split()
# capital-common-countries, capital-world, currency, gram6-nationalを用いて国名を取得
if line[0] in ['capital-common-countries', 'capital-world']:
elif line[0] in ['currency', 'gram6-nationality-adjective']:
countries = list(countries)

# 単語ベクトルの取得
countries_vec = [model[country] for country in countries]

# k-meansクラスタリング
n_clusters = 5
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=n_clusters, random_state=42)

# クラスタリング結果の出力
for i in range(n_clusters):
cluster = np.where(kmeans.labels_ == i)[0]
print(f'Cluster {i}:')
print(', '.join([countries[k] for k in cluster]))

if __name__ == '__main__':

Cluster 0:
Denmark, Japan, Austria, Spain, Tuvalu, Malaysia, Belgium, Portugal, Morocco, England, Oman, Malta, Netherlands, Samoa, Sweden, Vietnam, Europe, Nepal, Iceland, Thailand, Italy, Ireland, Greenland, Indonesia, Australia, China, India, Philippines, USA, Germany, Fiji, Laos, Switzerland, Canada, Korea, Taiwan, Finland, Qatar, Bahrain, Liechtenstein, Cambodia, Bhutan, France, Norway, Bangladesh
Cluster 1:
Uganda, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Niger, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Mali, Burundi, Algeria, Mauritania, Madagascar, Gabon, Senegal, Tunisia, Kenya, Gambia, Malawi, Liberia, Zambia, Angola, Guinea, Botswana, Ghana
Cluster 2:
Dominica, Colombia, Brazil, Cuba, Peru, Jamaica, Uruguay, Nicaragua, Suriname, Belize, Chile, Ecuador, Honduras, Argentina, Guyana, Venezuela, Mexico, Bahamas
Cluster 3:
Lebanon, Libya, Sudan, Syria, Israel, Pakistan, Iran, Egypt, Afghanistan, Jordan, Iraq, Somalia, Eritrea
Cluster 4:
Croatia, Albania, Latvia, Ukraine, Cyprus, Azerbaijan, Poland, Montenegro, Greece, Russia, Macedonia, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Estonia, Uzbekistan, Hungary, Turkmenistan, Turkey, Armenia, Belarus, Lithuania, Moldova, Bulgaria, Tajikistan, Slovenia, Serbia, Kazakhstan, Romania, Slovakia
35 changes: 35 additions & 0 deletions ritsu/chapter07/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
import numpy as np
from gensim.models import KeyedVectors
from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import dendrogram, linkage
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

def main():
# GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin.gzの読み込み
model = KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format('GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin.gz', binary=True)

# 国名の取得
countries = set()
with open('questions-words-add.txt', 'r') as f:
for line in f:
line = line.split()
if line[0] in ['capital-common-countries', 'capital-world']:
elif line[0] in ['currency', 'gram6-nationality-adjective']:
countries = list(countries)

# 単語ベクトルの取得
countries_vec = [model[country] for country in countries]

# Ward法による階層型クラスタリング
Z = linkage(countries_vec, method='ward')

# デンドログラムの可視化
plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10))
dendrogram(Z, labels=countries, leaf_rotation=90, leaf_font_size=8)

if __name__ == '__main__':

0 comments on commit b725628

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