- Craigslist (stylized as craigslist) is a classified advertisements website with sections devoted to jobs, housing, for sale, items wanted, services, community service, gigs, résumés, and discussion forums.
- E2E tests Framework written in Testcafe.
- Design Pattern: Page Model PageModel
- Language: Javascript ES6
- Test the Madrid city Housing a.k.a https://madrid.craigslist.org/
- Sorting (price ⬆, price ⬇)
- Verified the house is ascending / descending order based on price
- Test expect atleast one house to present
- By default, such sorting possibilities are available (price ⬆, price ⬇, newest)
- Verified the default sorting options are available
- After using search such sorting possibilities are available (price ⬆, price ⬇, newest,
upcoming, relevant)
- Verified after search, the sorting options available are price ⬆, price ⬇, newest, upcoming, relevant
node version 6.14.8 and above
Environment Setup
$ git clone https://github.com/tmrprakash/craiglist-ui.git $ cd craiglist-ui $ npm install
- Every test picks the site to test from .env
Execute Test
Browser | CLI --------- | ---------------------- Chrome | $ npm run test:chrome Firefox | $ npm run test:firefox
- Test Reports are available in
A typical top-level directory layout
├── page-object # Abstraction pattern of the tested page
├── ReadmeImages # Documentation supporting files
├── reports # Store generated reports, after the test execution
├── resources # Load the config used for execution
├── screenshots # Store screenshot files for failed tests
├── tests # Entry point for E2E Test
└── .env # Test Environment Configuration
└── .package.json # Entry point for the package
└── README.md # Documentation
└── report-generator.js # Report generator supporting files
- All test execuction CLI takes screenshot on failures
- Introduce debug() function call before the failure
async navigateToHousing() { await t .debug() .click(this.housingLink); }
- While test exectution , it stops on the debugger statement. Browser has the option to Resume / Next Action
Start debug server
$ npm run test:serverdebug
Put the debugger keyword in test code where you want to stop.
async navigateToHousing() { debugger; await t .click(this.housingLink); }
Navigate to chrome://inspect in Google Chrome. In the Remote Target section, find the Node.js debugger and click Inspect.
Chrome will invoke its Developer Tools and the debugger will stop test execution at the first line. Click the Resume script execution button or press F5 to continue. After that, text execution will pause at the debugger keyword allowing you to debug test code.