This is a QGIS plugin which edits features with Bezier curves.
BezierEditing version 1.3.7 requires QGIS 3.20 or later.
To use BezierEditing version 1.3.4 for QGIS 3.18 or earlier, download from the following URL, Select the zip file from Manage Plugins in QGIS and install it.
You can install this plugin from QGIS menu --> plugin --> Manage and Install plugins... --> Bezier Editing
- fitCurves for fitting one or more cubic Bezier curves to a polyline.
Version 1.3.8
- fixed a bug where attributes disappear in the split tool.
Version 1.3.7
- fixed a bug where the tool button does not switch.
- fixed a bug where the setting for disable_enter_attribute_values_dialog is not applied.
- fixed a bug where the UseLastValue setting is not applied.
- fixed a bug where the default values of the form are not applied.
Version 1.3.6
- added Hungarian translation contributed by @BathoryPeter
- added detailed tooltip for Bezier Edit button
- Rewording messages
- fixed unsplit bug on mac
Version 1.3.5
- added support for reuse last value
- fixed autofill of fid
Version 1.3.4
- fixed initGui() bug
Version 1.3.3
- added support for moving the both handles [drag with alt]
- added support for fixing the first handle in adding anchor [click & drag with alt]
- added support for fixing the second handle to the anchor [click & drag with shift]
- added support for setting the number of interpolations
- changed to show handles by default
- Open and add bezierediting_{lang}.ts to the TRANSLATION section. {lang} must be a two letter language code.
- Run
which generates the translation files. On debian, you can install pylupdateapt install pyqt5-dev-tools
. - Open the newly generated .ts in i18n directory with QtLinguist or a text editor and do the translation.
- When ready, generate qm file with
. - (optional) To test, copy the .qm file to the plugins folder in your QGIS install (on Linux ~/.local/share/QGIS/QGIS3/profiles/default/python/plugins/BezierEditing/i18n) and start QGIS.
- Create pull request on GitHub or send the .ts file.
BezierEditing plugin are released under the GNU Public License (GPL) Version 2.
Copyright (c) 2019 Takayuki Mizutani