Source code in C/C++ for the Wemos Lolin D1 mini Pro (ESP8266EX) which controls a buildserver monitor with multicolored leds.
The intent of this project is to build a cheap DIY build monitor. It is intended as a modifiable, give-away gadget, which can help developers monitor the status of a build monitor without the need of constantly checking the website of such monitor. It also acts as an eye-catcher, a fun gadget.
By making use of a microcontroller which can handle I2C and WiFi, we can monitor/poll the build status of (for instance) Jenkins and display this status by LEDs or LCD. A buzzer or vibration motor can be used to make some noise which makes the gadget noticed more easily. By using a regular USB (micro) cable we can power the device and all peripherals. A battery and charger circuit add the option to run fully wireless for some time.
At the moment this is a simple state machine example in which some colors of a NeoPixel strand of 4 elements are being toggled. The user is expected to provide credentials for the WiFi network and for the Jenkins buildserver - both can be set in configuration files. The device polls the status of the buildserver each minute and show the status by the leds. A light sleepmode is implemented to last longer on a battery charge.
- An Wemos Lolin D1 mino Pro (ESP8266EX) microcontroller with WiFi and USB charger.
- A NeoPixel strand of 4 leds, a 100 uF capacitor and a resistor of 470 Ohm.
Source code in C/C++ for the Wemos Lolin D1 mini Pro (ESP8266EX) which controls a buildserver endpoint with multicolored leds, a buzzer, a vibration motor and OLED display. While the buildserver-monitor is a simple device working autonomously (polling a Jenkins buildserver for a status), the buildserver-endpoint is a client which will need a server to control the device. The server application will communicate via an API with the endpoint to (for example): turn on the leds, display text on the OLED screen, etc.
The intent of the endpoint is to add more features (in hardware) and move control to a server application. This makes the endpoint a unit which can be controlled via WiFi with a bunch of attention drawing items (buzzer, leds, vibration motor and OLED screen).
Development of the endpoint is just started, a reference server (in C#) will be provided.
- An Wemos Lolin D1 mino Pro (ESP8266EX) microcontroller with WiFi and USB charger.
- A NeoPixel strand of 4 leds, a 100 uF capacitor and a resistor of 470 Ohm.
- An active buzzer.
- A vibration motor.
- An I2C OLED display.