Application to help neighbors help each others
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development purposes.
NodeJS 10.16.3 npm 6.9.0 MongoDB 4.2 Android studio 3.4.2
Get Android studio working using this tutorial in the react-native-cli tab at
SDK 1.8.0_221
First clone this repository
git clone
In barrio-solidario/backend folder : npm install
Make sure that you got mongodb installed, and that the a folder C:/data/db exists
In barrio-solidario/backend folder : npm run populate
in barrio-solidario/frontend folder : npm install
In backend folder npm run start
In frontend folder react-native start
Open the project in android studio .../barrio-solidario/frontend/android
Run it with an android virtual device or witha a real device if you can.
I suggest using the Pixel 2 with API level 28
Now you're supposed to see the application running !! The modifications you make in the react native sources (like the App.js file) should be shown in the virtual device on refresh !