This repo contains the codebase for Thomas Coste's MEng Individual Project on 'Object-Centric Respresentations for Cognitive Reinforcement Learning Tasks,' supervised by Prof. Murray Shanahan. This work was conducted as part of the MEng Degree in Computing (Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence) at Imperial College London.
- Animal-AI Environment
- Segmentation Visualizations
- Data Generation
- Reinforcement Learning
- Slot Attention and AlignNet
aai_environment/ is a placeholder for the Animal-AI (AAI) Environment from
aai_segmentation/ contains helpful visualizers for ground-truth mask segmentations. The a color range helper is used to find appropriate color ranges for creating ground truth masks. The ARI visualizer can help illustrate mask comparisons before ARI calculation and see the corresponding ARI score.
dataset_generation/ is used to generate datasets used throughout the project.
The arena creator creates Animal-AI arenas with a customizable range of object types and count. Object placement and even size are random at each environment reset through configuration randomization.
The AAI dataset generator collects images from a group of either competition or custom arenas. It resets environments iteratively, collecting the first image observed if it meets certain customizable conditions such as object distance and count.
rl_agents/ holds all files linked to reinforcement learning agents. Most important is the training script which trains a Stable Baselines 3 DQN agent on the AAI environment. Parameters are easily customizable and training curves are plotted to Tensorboard. There are multiple types of agents possible, depending on custom feature extractor classes.
The feature extractors can be one of the following:
- The base, or default, extractor. This is a standard CNN.
- A Slot Attention extractor. This uses a pre-trained Slot Attention model as the feature extractor and concatenates the resulting slot representations.
- An AlignNet extractor. This uses a pre-trained SA+AlignNet model as the feature extractor. This also requires stacking environment frames into time sequences, in order to be compatible with AlignNet.
A trained agent's behaviour can be visualized with the trained agent visualizer. This runs an AAI instance on an a given task and uses the trained model to predict actions. These actions are executed and the resulting observations are saved and printed out at the end.
slot_attention_and_alignnet/ contains a large number of files relating to the Slot Attention and AlignNet models and experiments. A separate README is dedicated to this folder.