A repository to hold sample code for a number of classic data structures implemented in Python.
Contains a Node class that holds a variable and a pointer to the next Node.
Methods: __init__, __repr__, __str__, insert, pop, size, search, remove, dequeue, display
Contains a Node class that holds a variable and two pointers: one to the previous Node and one to the Next Node.
Methods: insert, append, pop, shift, remove
A Last In, First Out(LIFO) structure. Contains a LinkedList that keeps track of the objects passed in.
Methods: push, pop
A function that takes in a string and: Return 1 if the string is "open" (there are open parens that are not closed) Return 0 if the string is "balanced" (there are an equal number of open and closed parentheses in the string) Return -1 if the string is "broken" (a closing parens has not been proceeded by one that opens) It also takes an optional argument of a string of two characters. The first will act as an opening symbol and the second as a closing symbol.
A First In, First Out(FIFO) structure. Contains a LinkedList that keeps track of the objects passed in as well as the size.
Methods: enqueue, dequeue, size
Contains a BinaryHeap class with the following methods:
- .push()
- puts a new value into the heap, maintaining the heap property.
- .pop():
- removes the "top" value in the heap, maintaining the heap property.
- .heapify_up()
- compares a child to its parent and swaps them if the child is larger
- .heapify_down()
- compares a parent to its left child and swaps them if the parent is smaller; else compares the parent to its right child and swaps them if the parent is smaller
The heap constructor defaults to creating an empty heap, but allows for creating a populated heap if given an iterable as an input.
Visual assistance provided by BinaryTreeVisualiser
Contains a Node that holds variable, order and priority values. Also contains a Priority Queue class that organizes Nodes in a binary heap so that node returned is the node with that highest priority that was added first.
Methods: insert, pop, peek
Contains a Graph class with the following methods:
- g.nodes()
- Returns a list of all nodes in the graph.
- g.edges()
- Returns a list of all edges in the graph (without weights).
- g.add_node(n)
- Adds a new node 'n' to the graph.
- g.add_edge(n1, n2, weight)
- Adds a new edge to the graph connecting 'n1' and 'n2' with the given 'weight'. If either n1 or n2 are not already present in the graph, they should be added.
- g.del_node(n)
- Deletes the node 'n' from the graph, raises an error if no such node exists.
- Removes all edges connecting node 'n' to another node.
- g.del_edge(n1, n2)
- Deletes the edge connecting 'n1' and 'n2' from the graph, raises
an error if no such edge exists.
- Deletes the edge connecting 'n1' and 'n2' from the graph, raises
- g.has_node(n)
- Returns True if node 'n' is contained in the graph, False if not.
- g.neighbors(n)
- Returns the list of all nodes connected to 'n' by edges, raises an error if n is not in g.
- g.adjacent(n1, n2)
- Returns True if there is an edge connecting n1 and n2, False if not. Raises an error if either of the supplied nodes are not in g.
- g.breadth_first_traversal(start)
- Returns a list of nodes found by traversing the graph using a breadth first methodology.
- g.depth_first_traversal(start)
- Returns a list of nodes found by traversing the graph using a depth first methodology.