This is a lightweight parallel implementation of the finite element method (FEM) for solving composite structural problems. The code is built on the library petsc4py and mpi4py. Codes run in both sequential and parallel modes.
Code has been developed for solving simple mechanics problems to support the development of new Bayesian methodologies within a larger EPSRC programme grant - called CERTEST.
This is a new code, testing is being gradually added, please use with a very healthy level of scepticism
To install this project you must first clone the project
git clone
cd pyComp
Next is to create an environment with all the required packages
conda env create -f environment.yml
The environment is then activated
source activate pyComp
The package can be installed by running
python install
All unit tests can be run by calling
in the main directory
A simple example of a flat composite laminate made up of 3 layers and 2 interfaces, clamped at one end, and deforming under self weight is provided as a basic example. To run this example (sequentially)
cd examples
python -ksp_monitor
The output to screen will show the iterations of the iterative solver. A solution.vts
file will be generated. This can be opened using the open source software paraview. Snapshot of output is shown here.