CoffeeScript port of the python cmd module.
The Cmd class is not very useful by itself, but it is designed to provide a base class that can be extended for desired functionality.
When a command is received, the method do_<command> is invoked with the command arguments as a list of strings. Lines starting with ? or help will invoke the do_help method, and ?<command> will invoke the method help_<command>
Define your subclass of cmd.Cmd:
cmd = require './cmd'
class DemoApp extends cmd.Cmd
do_somecommand: (args) ->
console.log "somecommand has been invoked!"
help_somecommand: () ->
console.log "Explains how to use 'somecommand'"
new DemoApp().cmdloop()
Run the Application:
$ coffee
> somecommand
somecommand has been invoked!
> ?somecommand
Explains how to use 'somecommand'
##Advanced Features More advanced modification can be attained by updating class variables and functions.
@prompt - The string to display as the command prompt.
@lastcmd - A string containing the last issued command.
@default - Method called when an unknown command is encountered.
@emptyline - Method called when an empty line is encountered. Default behavior is to re-issue the previous command received.