Well, I'm glad you asked. Feed the Cat is a Pomodoro Timer, designed to help you boost productivity and master time-management.
It is built in React, with Firebase used to store user tasks.
A working demo of the application can be found here: https://shielded-hollows-19552.herokuapp.com/
You simply start by selecting a task, or create one if this is your first time.
After you've selected the task you wish to focus on, start a work session by pressing the 'Start Session' button. The cute little cat will begin stuffing his face with delicious mice, whilst you work away on your project. During this time you can not give in to any distractions. Any distraction that pops up during this time must be written down and dealt with later.
After your 25 minute session, you are rewarded with a 5 minute break to do anything you wish. Anything except work/think about work. That is the most important part.
After successfully completing 4 successive work sessions, you are rewarded with a 30 minute break for your efforts.
Repeat this cycle to see your productivity shoot through the roof, as well as your kitty's waistline.