Copy or link the desired base16-*.rasi theme files to ~/.local/share/rofi/themes/
git clone
ln -s base16-rofi ~/.local/share/rofi/themes/
rofi -theme base16-default-dark
For older Rofi versions (< 1.4), copy the desired base16-*.config theme file to ~/.config/rofi/config
git clone
mkdir ~/.config/rofi
ln -s base16-rofi/themes/base16-default-dark.config >> ~/.config/rofi/config
On Fedora, run:
dnf install rofi-themes-base16
For Rofi < v1.4 this repo also provides a hook to switch the color scheme automatically when a base16_shell theme is set. Note that for now, this only works when there is no existing Rofi config file (to avoid overwriting it). The setup is pretty straightforward:
export BASE16_SHELL_HOOKS=$HOME/.config/base16-shell/hooks
mkdir -p $BASE16_SHELL_HOOKS
cp hook/ $BASE16_SHELL_HOOKS && chmod +x $BASE16_SHELL_HOOK/
Then set the rofi_config_file
and rofi_themes_dir
variables in the script.
See, which contains building and contributing instructions.