- Drag item from List and Drop to Container
- Drag Item Around in Container
- Study react-dnd
- study useContext for state management
- study redux toolkit for state management
- React Hooks
- immutability-helper : Mutate a copy of data without changing the original source
- react-dnd
- react-redux
- @reduxjs/toolkit
- Read document of react-dnd
- Initial Box component
- useMemo for BoxStyle
- Initial Container
- Display box in Container
- Drag box around in Container
- Initial List component
- useMemo for ListStyle
- Drag item from List and Drop to Container
- Display item currently dnd to Container
- Read Document of immutability-helper
- use immutability-helper to add newItem to boxes
- check isDragBox and isDragList
- useContext for state management : isDragBox, isDragList
- Read Document of react-redux
- Read Document of redux toolkit
- update state management with Redux-toolkit
- setBoxDragging
- setListDragging
- addItemBox
- use immutability-helper to add newItem to boxItems
- setNewLocationItem
- use immutability-helper to update location of item in boxItems
├── .gitignore
├── package.json
├── README.md
├── public
└── src
├── app
└── store.js
├── components
├── Box.jsx
├── BoxSlice.js
├── Container.jsx
├── List.jsx
└── index.jsx
├── App.js
├── ItemTypes.js
└── index.js
Use the cmd line to clone repo to your computer
git clone [github_repo_url]
Use the cmd line to install dependencies.
npm install
Run in cmd for start the dependencies server
npm start