I'm Martin, an experienced Software Developer 🖥️ and amateur photographer 📷.
Always looking to get better at the tools I know or learn about new ones and how to use them.
- feat(cvEntry): add url to link to
companysociety on yunanwg/brilliant-CV-Submodule (7 months ago) - [instagram] default posts
to zero on mikf/gallery-dl (10 months ago) - [instagram] Don't check private status for .../YOU/following on mikf/gallery-dl (10 months ago)
- Allow users to set their own accent color by passing in a color object on yunanwg/brilliant-CV-Submodule (1 year ago)
- [RFC] Don't replace proxy with random port in AddOrReplace on Shopify/toxiproxy (3 years ago)
- swaits/typst-collection - A collection of typst stuff, including packages and templates. (1 week ago)
- Thumuss/utpm - A package manager for local and remote Typst packages. (1 week ago)
- NVIDIA/nv-ingest - NVIDIA Ingest is an early access set of microservices for parsing hundreds of thousands of complex, messy unstructured PDFs and other enterprise documents into metadata and text to embed into retrieval systems. (1 week ago)
- nanoc/nanoc - A powerful web publishing system (2 weeks ago)
- Psycojoker/prosopopee - a static website generator to make beautiful customizable pictures galleries that tell a story (2 weeks ago)