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SampleKit is a monorepo which houses NPM packages for SvelteKit with corresponding VS Code extensions and documentation.

It's also home to a site dedicated to Svelte and SvelteKit learning resources.

Packages, Extensions, & Sites

Package Kind Description
@samplekit/preprocess-katex NPM Package Render math in Svelte markup.
@samplekit/preprocess-markdown NPM Package Transpile Markdown to HTML in Svelte markup.
@samplekit/preprocess-shiki NPM Package Decorate code in Svelte markup.
samplekit.svelte-pp-katex VS Code Extension Syntax highlighting for @samplekit/preprocess-katex
samplekit.svelte-pp-markdown VS Code Extension Syntax highlighting for @samplekit/preprocess-markdown
samplekit.svelte-pp-shiki VS Code Extension Syntax highlighting for @samplekit/preprocess-shiki
Sites Description Showcase the integration of common patterns and useful libraries for SvelteKit via demos and articles.
preprocessor docs Documentation for the preprocessor packages and extensions.

Internal Packages

Package Description
@samplekit/auth Provide auth functionality for the websites.
@samplekit/svelte-crop-window A loving Svelte 5 compatibile rewrite of sabine/svelte-crop-window utilizing a Melt-UI inspired builder pattern. is the main website for this repo.

It addresses common questions that come up when building a full stack application – or backend for frontend – using SvelteKit.

It targets questions that are beyond the scope of the SvelteKit documentation but which fall squarely within the realm of SvelteKit apps.

Here are a few of the questions (in no particular order) that it addresses:

How can I...

  • facilitate typesafe, fast, and maintainable REST endpoints?
  • integrate user authentication with passkeys, OAuth, device management and MFA?
  • create and run preprocessors?
  • integrate AWS services?
  • integrate a headless shop such as Shopify or Medusa?
  • create and use custom themes with intellisense?
  • protect against malicious users and bots?
  • wrap Svelte stores with custom logic controllers?
  • colocate – but effortlessly separate – server and client code?
  • inject typed services via the context API?
  • manage complex reactive Svelte state?
  • use SvelteKit adapters?
  • use SvelteKit in a pnpm workspace?
  • self host to avoid vendor lock-in?
  • dockerize and use githooks / github actions for CI/CD?


Smaller topics are siloed into articles that include interactive demos and links to the source code.

Larger topics such as authentication and shop integration live outside of specific articles, but are grouped in their respective lib/routes folders. In the future, these will also have dedicated article series.


The SampleKit repo is meant to show ideas, not a particular tech-stack (other than SvelteKit obviously). That being said, this is what's being used in

Package Kind Description
Svelte Core Reactive library
SvelteKit + Vite Core Full stack framework
TypeScript Core Language
PostgreSQL Database SQL database
Drizzle Database ORM, migrations, and DB GUI
Redis Database In-memory KV store
Zod User Input Validation
Superforms User Input Enhanced form handling
Custom Fetch Helper User Input Fully defined client requests right next to the server responses
Radix UI Style Design tokens
Tailwindcss Style CSS framework
PostCSS Style Building Tailwind utilities/components with intellisense
Lucide Style Icons
Twilio Transport SMS (currently disabled)
AWS SES Transport Email
Logflare Logging Log storage
Sentry Logging Error tracking
Platform Logging Browser and OS detection to add context to the session
Dozzle Logging Real-time Docker logs viewer
AWS S3 Storage and Delivery Object (image) storage
AWS Cloudfront Storage and Delivery CDN for object storage
AWS Rekognition Storage and Devivery Content moderation
Cloudflare Turnstile Bot Management Client side bot detection (CAPTCHA alternative)
Shopify Storefront Shop Integration Headless shop
Google Cloud Auth Sign in with Google
Custom Auth Package Auth Wrapper for session management, email confirmation, password reset, tokens, MFA, etc.

External Auth Packages Used in Custom Auth Package:

Package Description
Node Crypto Scrypt Password hasher
Nanoid Tiny, URL-friendly, crpytographically secure, and collision resistant string generator
SimpleWebAuthn Client & server helper fns for passkeys
otplib & qrcode Helpers for authenticator apps


To run the sites/ app, you'll need to set up Redis and Postgres. sites/ has scripts with docker commands to start and stop them. Just make sure your docker daemon is running!

cd sites/
cp .env.example .env.development
pnpm install # install node_modules
pnpm build:dependencies # build the required @samplekit packages (see package.json)
pnpm dev:up # start the docker services (see
pnpm dev # start the vite server

# Find instructions on setting up services and creating environmental variables in .env.example

initServer.ts will init the services and either warn or fail if they're not set up properly.

Note on Turnstile

If you want to test authentication without providing your own Turnstile key, comment out the client and server checks.

// src/routes/(auth)/(login)/signup/+page.server.ts
const signupWithPassword: Action = async (event) => {
    // const turnstileValidation = await validateTurnstile({
    // 	clientToken,
    // 	ip: request.headers.get('CF-Connecting-IP'),
    // });
    //['turnstile-used'] = true;
    // if (turnstileValidation.error) {
    // = '';
    // 	return message(
    // 		signupForm,
    // 		{ fail: `We've detected unusual traffic. Please refresh and try again.` },
    // 		{ status: 403 },
    // 	);
    // }
<!-- src/routes/(auth)/(login)/signup/+page.svelte -->
- <button ... disabled={$submitting|| !turnstile.token} type="submit">
+ <button ... disabled={$submitting} type="submit">
<!-- src/routes/(auth)/(login)/login/+page.svelte -->
- const signinDisabled = $derived($signinSubmitting || $resetSubmitting || !turnstile.token);
+ const signinDisabled = $derived($signinSubmitting || $resetSubmitting);


To remove the docker containers, you can run the following:

pnpm dev:down

If desired, you can remove the redis:latest and postgres:latest images with docker rmi.


Contributions are welcome – create an issue or submit a pull request to main from a feature branch.

Run pnpm validate before committing. This script runs the same validation in the CI pipeline and will block merging if it fails.

If you plan to make multiple commits, run githooks:init, which will automatically run pnpm validate on commit.

If a contribution to an NPM package or VS Code extension results in a SEMVER change, please run pnpm changeset and follow the instructions before committing. This is unnecessary for websites.

DevOps Overview for Contributors

The SampleKit repo deploys its apps via Docker containers on a private server orchestrated with CapRover.

Package Description
Prettier + ESLint Formatter + Linter
Custom Githooks pre-commit install, format, lint, and check
pre-push reinstall frozen lockfile
Docker Containers
Caprover Self-hosting PaaS
GitHub Actions validation/versioning/deployments workflows