.NET Datafixtures for Unit Tests
Test fixtures can be used to setup a certain environment state - usually a database. They make unit testing easier because you can easily enforce a particular state neccessary to test your code. Fixtures should be able to depend on each other, so that each fixture can focus on its own data.
This library provides a Fixture base class and a fixture loader that takes care of dependencies.
A simple fixture extends Fixture<T>
and overrides DoLoad()
class StartOfUnixTime : Fixture<DateTime>
protected override DateTime DoLoad()
return new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
To use this fixture, you need to load it:
var loader = new FixtureLoader();
var unixStart = loader.Add<StartOfUnixTime>();
// The data generated by the fixture is available via the property "Result".
Assert.AreEqual(1970, unixStart.Result.Year);
To make a fixture depend on another fixture, simply reference it as a constructor argument.
class UnixStartMessage : Fixture<string>
private readonly StartOfUnixTime start;
public UnixStartMessage(StartOfUnixTime start)
this.start = start;
protected override string DoLoad()
// You can access the result of the StartOfUnixTime
// fixture via its Result property
return "hello world, it is " + start.Result.Year;
When loading this fixture, the dependant fixtures are loaded automatically. You just need to load the fixture you are actually using.
var loader = new FixtureLoader();
var msg = loader.Add<UnixStartMessage>();
Assert.AreEqual("hello world, it is 1970", msg.Result);
In a fixture, you probably want to add an entity to your db context and save the changes. The db context is just another dependency and can simply be injected as a constructor argument.
class FirstStudent : Fixture<Student>
private readonly SchoolDbContext schoolDb;
public UnixStartMessage(SchoolDbContext schoolDb)
this.schoolDb = schoolDb;
protected override Student DoLoad()
var first = new Student()
StudentName = "Donald Knuth"
schoolDb.Students.AddObject( first );
return first;
Loading Database fixtures has a few implications. If you want your database to be in a repeatable state, you have to empty it first. You can use the utility class EntityFixtures to drop the entire database, initialize it, and load your fixtures:
var schoolDb = new SchoolDbContext();
FixtureLoader loader = EntityFixtures.DropCreateDatabase(scoolDb)
var first = loader.add<FirstStudent>();
// now you have a clean database with the first student
System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("First student: " + first.Result.StudentName); // => "First student: Donald Knuth"
You should use a LocalDB for your unittests. EntityFixtures.DropCreateDatabase()
actually throws an exception if you do not, but in any case: use your own brain.
If you have a look at EntityFixtures.DropCreateDatabase()
, it just calls FixtureLoader.RegisterService()
with your DbContext, and thereby making it available for constructor injection:
You are of course free to register and use other dependencies.