Feel free to contribute @https://github.com/timm167/react-sudoku-builder
Use the link https://timm167.github.io/killer-sudoku/ to access. For Backend... The free render web-service struggles to perform the recusrsion, it is best to run locally.
For local deployment see instructions at the bottom of this file.
- Click a cell to add a value to it.
- To add the 'killer' Sudoku boxes, click killer mode.
- In the app 'box' refers to the boxes in killer Sudoku that must add up to a declared Sum.
- You can create a box using New Box button.
- You can declare it's sum using Set Box Total.
- Once every cell is in a box, and you have set values for the cells you wish to declare, press Solve Puzzle to solve it.
- To test without building your own Sudoku, just reset and press Test Puzzle then Solve Puzzle.
I built this project for two main reasons.
- I love Killer Sudoku
- I wanted to learn Depth-First-Search
This was my first time using Flask, Deploying in Render, Building recursive algorithms in a project, Managing complex state without React, and dealing with a bunch of other challenges I didn't anticipate.
It's unfinished due to a number of minor bugs in the frontend and a backend that could find solutions in much fewer recursions. I am sure a simpler solution was possible but the point was to learn recursions :)
A RESTful API for solving Killer Sudoku puzzles. This project provides a way to send a Sudoku puzzle in a specific format (grid and boxes) and receive a solution (if solvable) or an error message.
It uses Flask as the backend framework and should currently be deployed on Render.
The backend uses a recursive depth-first-search to try different combinations with particular constraints.
The frontend has it's own logic to validate user inputs on a basic level. The call to solve the sudoku activate the intensive logic in python.
Feel free to make pull requests, I will be making improvements over time.
- Reactive front end (not React)
- Lets you create a killer Sudoku puzzle within Killer Sudoku Rules and send it to the server
- Server solves Killer Sudoku puzzles
- Returns solvability status and solution grid
- CORS enabled for cross-origin requests
- Python 3.x
- Flask
- Flask-CORS
- Gunicorn (for production deployment)
- Render (for deployment)
- JavaScript
- In your command line
run git clone https://github.com/timm167/killer-sudoku.git
- CD into the app
cd killer-sudoku
- Run
python3 -m venv .venv
to start the virtual environment - Run
source .venv/bin/activate
(Mac) or.venv\Scripts\activate
(Windows) to activate the virtual environment - Run
pip install -r requirements.txt
to install requirements - Run
python app.py
to run the app - Head to https://timm167.github.io/killer-sudoku/
git clone https://github.com/timm167/killer-sudoku.git
cd killer-sudoku
python -m venv .venv
pip install -r requirements.txt
python app.py
git clone https://github.com/timm167/killer-sudoku.git
cd killer-sudoku
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python app.py