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A few changes to the analysis of abstract signatures demo (#17)
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timholy authored Aug 25, 2020
1 parent 2918905 commit 8af6d04
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Showing 3 changed files with 228 additions and 41 deletions.
93 changes: 56 additions & 37 deletions demos/abstract.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,20 +1,23 @@
using MethodAnalysis

Given a Tuple-type signature (e.g., `Tuple{typeof(sum),Vector{Int}}`), determine whether this signature
is "at risk" for invalidation. Essentially it returns `true` if one or more arguments are of abstract type,
although there are prominent exceptions:
- `Function` is allowed
- any constructor call is allowed
- `convert(X, x)` where `isa(x, X)` is true
- `setindex!` and `push!` methods where the valtype is a subtype of the eltype (likewise keytype for AbstractDicts)
- Constructor calls with arbitrary argument types
- `convert(X, x)` where `isa(x, X)`
- `setindex!` and `push!` methods where the valtype is a subtype of the eltype (for AbstractDicts, likewise for the keytype)
- `getindex`, `length`, `isempty`, and `iterate` on any tuple
All of these are "allowed," meaning that they return `false`.
Moreover, some specific non-concrete argument types---like `Union`s of concrete types and `Function`---
do not trigger a return of `true`, although other at-risk argument types can lead to an overall `true` return
for the signature.
function atrisktype(@nospecialize(typ))
function is_atrisk_type(@nospecialize(typ))
# signatures like `convert(Vector, a)`, `foo(::Vararg{Synbol,N}) where N` do not seem to pose a problem
isa(typ, TypeVar) && return false
# isbits parameters are not a problem
Expand All @@ -24,7 +27,7 @@ function atrisktype(@nospecialize(typ))
# Exclude signatures with Union{}
typ === Union{} && return false
isa(typ, Union) && return atrisktype(typ.a) | atrisktype(typ.b)
isa(typ, Union) && return is_atrisk_type(typ.a) | is_atrisk_type(typ.b)
# Type{T}: signatures like `convert(::Type{AbstractString}, ::String)` are not problematic
typ <: Type && return false
if typ <: Tuple && length(typ.parameters) >= 1
Expand All @@ -38,6 +41,9 @@ function atrisktype(@nospecialize(typ))
p2 = Base.unwrap_unionall(p2)
if isa(p2, DataType) && length(p2.parameters) === 1
T = p2.parameters[1]
if isa(T, TypeVar)
T = T.ub
isa(p3, Type) && isa(T, Type) && p3 <: T && return false
Expand All @@ -53,9 +59,9 @@ function atrisktype(@nospecialize(typ))
# show(io::IO, x) is OK as long as typeof(x) is safe
elseif p1 === typeof( || p1 === typeof(Base.print) || p1 === typeof(Base.println)
# atrisktype(typ.parameters[2]) && return true
# is_atrisk_type(typ.parameters[2]) && return true
for i = 3:length(typ.parameters)
atrisktype(typ.parameters[i]) && return true
is_atrisk_type(typ.parameters[i]) && return true
return false
# setindex!(a, x, idx) and push!(a, x) are safe if typeof(x) <: eltype(a)
Expand All @@ -75,30 +81,46 @@ function atrisktype(@nospecialize(typ))
isconcretetype(typ) && return false
# ::Function args are excluded
typ === Function && return false
!isempty(typ.parameters) && (any(atrisktype, typ.parameters) || return false)
!isempty(typ.parameters) && (any(is_atrisk_type, typ.parameters) || return false)
return true

@assert atrisktype(Tuple{typeof(==),Any,Any})
@assert atrisktype(Tuple{typeof(==),Symbol,Any})
@assert atrisktype(Tuple{typeof(==),Any,Symbol})
@assert !atrisktype(Tuple{typeof(==),Symbol,Symbol})
@assert !atrisktype(Tuple{typeof(convert),Type{Any},Any})
@assert !atrisktype(Tuple{typeof(convert),Type{AbstractString},AbstractString})
@assert !atrisktype(Tuple{typeof(convert),Type{AbstractString},String})
@assert atrisktype(Tuple{typeof(convert),Type{String},AbstractString})
@assert !atrisktype(Tuple{typeof(map),Function,Vector{Any}})
@assert !atrisktype(Tuple{typeof(getindex),Dict{Union{String,Int},Any},Union{String,Int}})
@assert atrisktype(Tuple{typeof(getindex),Dict{Union{String,Int},Any},Any})
@assert !atrisktype(Tuple{Type{BoundsError},Any,Any})
@assert atrisktype(Tuple{typeof(sin),Any})
@assert !atrisktype(Tuple{typeof(length),Tuple{Any,Any}})
@assert atrisktype(Tuple{typeof(setindex!),Vector{Int},Any,Int})
@assert !atrisktype(Tuple{typeof(setindex!),Vector{Any},Any,Int})
@assert atrisktype(Tuple{typeof(push!),Vector{Int},Any})
@assert !atrisktype(Tuple{typeof(push!),Vector{Any},Any})
@assert is_atrisk_type(Tuple{typeof(==),Any,Any})
@assert is_atrisk_type(Tuple{typeof(==),Symbol,Any})
@assert is_atrisk_type(Tuple{typeof(==),Any,Symbol})
@assert !is_atrisk_type(Tuple{typeof(==),Symbol,Symbol})
@assert !is_atrisk_type(Tuple{typeof(convert),Type{Any},Any})
@assert !is_atrisk_type(Tuple{typeof(convert),Type{AbstractString},AbstractString})
@assert !is_atrisk_type(Tuple{typeof(convert),Type{AbstractString},String})
@assert is_atrisk_type(Tuple{typeof(convert),Type{String},AbstractString})
@assert !is_atrisk_type(Tuple{typeof(convert),Type{Union{Int,Float32}},Int})
@assert !is_atrisk_type(Tuple{typeof(convert),Type{Union{Int,Float32}},Int32})
@assert is_atrisk_type(Tuple{typeof(convert),Type{Union{Int,Float32}},Integer})
@assert !is_atrisk_type(Tuple{typeof(convert),Type{T} where T<:Union{Int,Float32},Int})
@assert !is_atrisk_type(Tuple{typeof(map),Function,Vector{Any}})
@assert !is_atrisk_type(Tuple{typeof(getindex),Dict{Union{String,Int},Any},Union{String,Int}})
@assert is_atrisk_type(Tuple{typeof(getindex),Dict{Union{String,Int},Any},Any})
@assert !is_atrisk_type(Tuple{Type{BoundsError},Any,Any})
@assert is_atrisk_type(Tuple{typeof(sin),Any})
@assert !is_atrisk_type(Tuple{typeof(length),Tuple{Any,Any}})
@assert is_atrisk_type(Tuple{typeof(setindex!),Vector{Int},Any,Int})
@assert !is_atrisk_type(Tuple{typeof(setindex!),Vector{Any},Any,Int})
@assert is_atrisk_type(Tuple{typeof(push!),Vector{Int},Any})
@assert !is_atrisk_type(Tuple{typeof(push!),Vector{Any},Any})

# Get the name of a method as written in the code. This strips keyword-method mangling.
function codename(sym::Symbol)
symstr = String(sym)
# Body methods
m = match(r"^#(.*?)#\d+$", symstr)
m !== nothing && return Symbol(only(m.captures))
# kw methods
m = match(r"^(.*?)##kw$", symstr)
m !== nothing && return Symbol(only(m.captures))
return sym

isexported(mi::Core.MethodInstance) = isdefined(Main,
isexported(mi::Core.MethodInstance) = isdefined(Main, codename(
getfunc(mi::Core.MethodInstance) = getfunc(mi.def)
getfunc(m::Method) = getfield(m.module,
nmethods(mi::Core.MethodInstance) = length(methods(getfunc(mi)))
Expand All @@ -124,7 +146,7 @@ end
const becounter = Dict{Core.MethodInstance,Int}()
visit() do item
if item isa Core.MethodInstance && !fromcc(item.def.module)
if atrisktype(item.specTypes)
if is_atrisk_type(item.specTypes)
becounter[item] = length(all_backedges(item))
return false
Expand All @@ -141,15 +163,12 @@ open("/tmp/methdata_$VERSION.log", "w") do io

# Split into exported & private functions
mtup = (nmethods = 0, nbackedges = 0)
miexp = Pair{Core.MethodInstance,typeof(mtup)}[]
miexp = Pair{Core.MethodInstance,Int}[]
mipriv = similar(miexp)
for (mi, c) in prs
n = nmethods(mi)
pr = mi=>(nmethods=n, nbackedges=c)
if isexported(mi)
push!(miexp, pr)
push!(miexp, mi=>c)
push!(mipriv, pr)
push!(mipriv, mi=>c)
165 changes: 165 additions & 0 deletions demos/abstract_tests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
atrisk_backedges = with_all_backedges(keys(becounter))

function atrisk_method(m::Method, atrisk_backedges)
for mi in methodinstances(m)
mi atrisk_backedges && return true
return false

function atrisk_triggers(m::Method, atrisk_instances)
triggers = Set{Core.MethodInstance}()
for mi in atrisk_instances
if atrisk_method(m, all_backedges(mi))
push!(triggers, mi)
return triggers

# This removes MethodInstances that no one in their right mind should ever invalidate by specialization.
function remove_unlikely_methodinstances(list)
out = Core.MethodInstance[]
for mi in list
mi = mi::Core.MethodInstance # must have MethodInstance elements
# All `continue` statements below omit the MethodInstance
name = codename(
name (:invokelatest, :unwrap_unionall, :rewrap_unionall) && continue
name (:print, :sprint) && length(mi.specTypes.parameters) - mi.def.nkw > 3 && continue
# No one should ever specialize on notify or schedule's `val` argument
name === :notify && !is_atrisk_type(mi.specTypes.parameters[2]) &&
!any(is_atrisk_type, mi.specTypes.parameters[4:end]) && continue
name === :schedule && !any(is_atrisk_type, mi.specTypes.parameters[2:end-1]) && continue
# Add more removal-filters here

# We've decided to keep it
push!(out, mi)
return out

using Test

# Invalidating the code that loads packages leads to major slowdowns, especially if it happens repeatedly
# in a dependent chain of package loads. Ideally, we'd make this code-path "bulletproof".
for m in methods(Base.require)
@test_broken isempty(remove_unlikely_methodinstances(atrisk_triggers(m, first.(miexp))))
@test_broken isempty(remove_unlikely_methodinstances(atrisk_triggers(m, first.(mipriv))))

# Test overall number of atrisk MethodInstances and their average number of backedges
badexp = Set(remove_unlikely_methodinstances(first.(miexp)))
badcounts = filter(pr->pr.first badexp, miexp)
@test length(badcounts) < 1000
if length(badcounts) < 800
@info "There are now only $(length(badcounts)) at-risk specializations of exported methods, consider dropping the threshold"
meancounts = sum(last.(badcounts))/length(badcounts)
@test meancounts < 32
if meancounts < 24
@info "The mean number of at-risk backedges is now only $meancounts, consider dropping the threshold"

# Check for inference quality in specific functions.
# This is valid only for functions that should always return a particular type for any valid call of their methods.
function function_returns(@nospecialize(f), @nospecialize(typ); allow_missing_for_missing=true, minargs=0)
for m in methods(f)
sig = Base.unwrap_unionall(m.sig)
for rt in Base.return_types(call_type(Base.unwrap_unionall(m.sig))...)
rt <: typ && continue
if allow_missing_for_missing && any(T->T===Missing, sig.parameters[2:end]) && rt === Missing
length(sig.parameters) - 1 < minargs && continue
return false
return true

# All the is* functions
# Not all of the broken cases have been checked carefully; it's possible some of these should return `Union{Bool,Missing}`
# or something.
@test_broken function_returns(isabspath, Bool)
@test function_returns(isabstracttype, Bool)
@test_broken function_returns(isapprox, Bool)
@test_broken function_returns(isascii, Bool)
# @test function_returns(isassigned, Bool)
@test function_returns(isbits, Bool)
@test function_returns(isbitstype, Bool)
@test function_returns(isblockdev, Bool)
@test function_returns(ischardev, Bool)
@test function_returns(iscntrl, Bool)
@test function_returns(isconcretetype, Bool)
@test function_returns(isconst, Bool)
@test function_returns(isdefined, Bool)
@test function_returns(isdigit, Bool)
@test function_returns(isdir, Bool)
@test function_returns(isdirpath, Bool)
@test_broken function_returns(isdisjoint, Bool)
@test function_returns(isdispatchtuple, Bool)
@test_broken function_returns(isempty, Bool)
@test_broken function_returns(isequal, Bool; minargs=2)
@test_broken function_returns(iseven, Bool)
@test function_returns(isexported, Bool)
@test function_returns(isfifo, Bool)
@test function_returns(isfile, Bool)
@test_broken function_returns(isfinite, Bool)
@test_broken function_returns(isinf, Bool)
@test_broken function_returns(isinteger, Bool)
@test function_returns(isinteractive, Bool)
@test_broken function_returns(isless, Bool)
@test function_returns(isletter, Bool)
@test function_returns(islink, Bool)
@test function_returns(islocked, Bool)
@test function_returns(islowercase, Bool)
@test_broken function_returns(ismarked, Bool)
@test function_returns(ismissing, Bool)
@test function_returns(ismount, Bool)
@test function_returns(ismutable, Bool)
@test_broken function_returns(isnan, Bool)
@test function_returns(isnothing, Bool)
@test function_returns(isnumeric, Bool)
@test_broken function_returns(isodd, Bool)
@test_broken function_returns(isone, Bool)
@test_broken function_returns(isopen, Bool)
@test function_returns(ispath, Bool)
@test_broken function_returns(isperm, Bool)
@test function_returns(ispow2, Bool)
@test function_returns(isprimitivetype, Bool)
@test function_returns(isprint, Bool)
@test function_returns(ispunct, Bool)
@test_broken function_returns(isreadable, Bool)
@test_broken function_returns(isreadonly, Bool)
@test_broken function_returns(isready, Bool)
@test_broken function_returns(isreal, Bool)
@test function_returns(issetequal, Bool)
@test function_returns(issetgid, Bool)
@test function_returns(issetuid, Bool)
@test function_returns(issocket, Bool)
@test_broken function_returns(issorted, Bool)
@test function_returns(isspace, Bool)
@test function_returns(issticky, Bool)
@test function_returns(isstructtype, Bool)
@test_broken function_returns(issubnormal, Bool)
@test_broken function_returns(issubset, Bool)
@test function_returns(istaskdone, Bool)
@test function_returns(istaskfailed, Bool)
@test function_returns(istaskstarted, Bool)
@test_broken function_returns(istextmime, Bool)
@test function_returns(isuppercase, Bool)
@test_broken function_returns(isvalid, Bool)
@test_broken function_returns(iswritable, Bool)
@test function_returns(isxdigit, Bool)
@test_broken function_returns(iszero, Bool)

@test_broken function_returns(eof, Bool) # just the Pkg.TOML one is broken

# Check that we never infer certain methodinstances
for f in (==, isequal, <, <=)
for mi in methodinstances(==)
if any(T->T<:Real, mi.specTypes.parameters)
@test !is_atrisk_type(mi.specTypes)
11 changes: 7 additions & 4 deletions src/findcallers.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,14 +1,13 @@
export findcallers

function get_typed_instances!(srcs, mi::MethodInstance, world, interp)
# This is essentially take from code_typed_by_type
tt = mi.specTypes
function get_typed_instances!(srcs, @nospecialize(tt), method::Method, world, interp)
# This is essentially taken from code_typed_by_type
matches = Base._methods_by_ftype(tt, -1, world)
if matches === false
error("signature $(item.specTypes) does not correspond to a generic function")
for match in matches
match.method == mi.def || continue
match.method == method || continue
meth = Base.func_for_method_checked(match.method, tt, match.sparams)
(src, ty) = isdefined(Core.Compiler, :NativeInterpreter) ?
Core.Compiler.typeinf_code(interp, meth, match.spec_types, match.sparams, false) :
Expand All @@ -17,6 +16,7 @@ function get_typed_instances!(srcs, mi::MethodInstance, world, interp)
return srcs
get_typed_instances!(srcs, mi::MethodInstance, world, interp) = get_typed_instances!(srcs, mi.specTypes, mi.def, world, interp)

defaultinterp(world) = isdefined(Core.Compiler, :NativeInterpreter) ?
Core.Compiler.NativeInterpreter(world) :
Expand All @@ -25,6 +25,9 @@ defaultinterp(world) = isdefined(Core.Compiler, :NativeInterpreter) ?
function get_typed_instances(mi::MethodInstance; world=typemax(UInt), interp=defaultinterp(world))
return get_typed_instances!(Tuple{CodeInfo,Core.SimpleVector}[], mi, world, interp)
function get_typed_instances(@nospecialize(tt), method::Method; world=typemax(UInt), interp=defaultinterp(world))
return get_typed_instances!(Tuple{CodeInfo,Core.SimpleVector}[], tt, method, world, interp)

struct CallMatch
Expand Down

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