The program was developed as a student project for the following task:
- Write a software for a rental company so that users can rent different types of vehicles such as ICE/hybrid/BEV cars, motorcycles, pickups, and campers. It should allow the user to pick an available vehicle, enter their information and print out a invoice.
- Java ☕
- JavaFx
- Maven
- Jackson
- Gson
- Itextpdf
- One main application with two windows.
- First window is for picking vehicle
- Second window is for the customer information
- Filter through different vehicles
- Can see which vehicles are available or not
- See the details of a selected vehicle
- Enter all the customer info such as name, surname, email and phone number
- Enter the date from when to when you want to rent the vehicle
- For the customer we see their info that they typed in second window
- For the vehicle we see all the attributes and see the status if it can be rented or not
- For the reservation we can see the customer and their info, the vehicle data and when they are renting it.
- It contains the customer info
- The vehicle name that they chose
- The date when they rent the vehicle
- The total price how much it will cost
Detailed discription of the code and the applecation can be found and here