Warning: prototype software
This charm is a prototype only. It is designed for testing the possibility of interacting with software deployed outside of Juju only.
This charm provides the pgsql:db
interface, without installing the database.
It's useful for connecting your model to a PostgreSQL database created outside of
Juju's control.
This charm is an example of the Envoy pattern. An envoy charm does little work on its own. Its role is to connect a Juju model to infrastructure that exists outside of Juju. Envoy charms are also known as proxy charms and integration charms.
Unlike regular charms, postgresql-envoy
relies on system administrators to perform
several setup tasks.
Deploy a PostgreSQL database server. Note the
connection parameters. These will be used as configuration parameters later. -
Ensure that a user account (a "role" in PostgreSQL terminology) exists that has the ability to create users and databases. This account becomes the
credential pair used within the configuration steps later.An example of a SQL command that creates such a user is:
(Optional) Add a small machine to the model. The default machine size is not required, as this charm does little work.
juju add-machine --constraints 'mem=512M cores=1 root-disk=10G'
When deploying decoy-postgresql
, you should use a placement directive (--to
) to point
to a machine that already exists.
juju deploy cs:tim-clicks/postgresql-envoy [--to <machine-id>] --config username=<admin-username> --config password=<admin-password>
Ensure that remote connectivity is enabled PostgreSQL in pg_hba.conf
Enable firewall access between the machine hosting the
application -
If you omitted the
parameters duringjuju deploy
, you can add them now:juju config postgresql-envoy username=<admin-user> password=<password>
Other charms should be able to interact with this charm as they are with cs:postgresql
When a relation is broken, the user account is removed.
This charm is not suitable for production
Clean up:
- When the application is removed, data persists. If you require a full clean up, then delete data manually.
Blockers for recommended usage
- Leaks secrets to log files.
does not understand thepgsql:db-admin
relation endpoint.