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maerzhase edited this page Jun 12, 2012 · 5 revisions

Getting started (Sebastian)

  • Download & Install for Processing
  • My first Map sketch / Hello World

Getting started (Till)

  • Download & Install for Eclipse
  • Pitfalls in Eclipse

Unfolding Overview (Till, Sebastian, Felix)

  • Idea / Concept
  • Target audience: coder, designer, ...
  • Advantages
  • Background & Technology
    • Architecture
    • Tile mechanism: Provider, SlippyMaps, Coordinates etc
    • Transformation: Matrices, Levels (Geo/inner, Map/outer, screen/canvas), etc

Tiles & MapProvider (Sebastian)

Interactions (Sebastian, Till) DRAFT

  • Mouse & Keyboard (default)
  • Restrictions

Multitouch interactions (Markus)

  • Adding new Handler
  • Describe touch functionality

Multi Maps (Till) DRAFT

  • Simple Multi map

Multi Maps 2 (Till)

  • with events
  • example: ComplexMapEvent
  • small multiples

Own interaction handler

Map manipulations

  • Simple Animation
  • Example: Center around moving data point (bike vis)

UI (Gunnar)

  • Buttons
  • Compass
  • BarScale

Geo Lookup (Markus)

  • Geonames
  • Countries

Loading & Displaying data (CODE NOT READY)

  • Create location Marker (as simplest default marker)

  • Style marker

  • Simple external data (Eartquake example)

Loading & Displaying data 2

  • FeatureManager
  • Label and Marker
  • Points, Lines, Polygons
  • Hit-Test
  • GeoRSS, GeoJSON, KML
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