Contact : Remo Diethelm [rdiethelm ( at )]
Author(s): Christian Gehring, Peter Fankhauser, Remo Diethelm
Authors: Christian Gehring, Peter Fankhauser, Remo Diethelm
Maintainer: Remo Diethelm,
Affiliation: ANYbotics
This projected was initially developed at ETH Zurich (Autonomous Systems Lab & Robotic Systems Lab).
This work is conducted as part of ANYmal Research, a community to advance legged robotics.
The source code is released under a BSD 3-Clause license.
ROS messages and RViz plugins for kindr objects.
ROS messages for kindr objects.
Conversion between official ROS messages and kindr objects.
RViz plugins to visualize kindr ROS messages.
RViz plugins to visualize trajectory ROS messages.
To build, clone this repository into your colcon workspace and type
colcon build --packages-up-to <package_name>
To run tests type:
colcon test --packages-select <package_name>
colcon test-result --all --verbose