This is something I originally did as an outline for a course. But I've decided to turn it into a free book.
I'm gonna continue adding chapters over time.
Stay tuned.
- Statements vs Expressions
- Data Types and Variables
- Equality and Type Coercion
- Objects
- Arrays
- Functions
- Prototypes and Inheritance
- Loops and Iteration
- Truthy and Falsy Values
- Logical Operators
- Rest and Spread Operators
- JavaScript Runtime Environment
- Intervals and Timeouts
- Promises
- Async/Await
- HTTP methods and codes
- Fetch API
Dive into a chapter. Read the README.
- hidden classes
- javascript modules
- performant javascript tips/tricks
- map
- sets
- weakmap and when to actually use them
- regexes and how they work under the hood
- custom errors with error class +
- fun functions such as
, deep clone etc. look at lodash and underscore for inspiration - inversion of control