Web application firewall using the appsec component from crowdsec.
It's meant to be used together with an ingress/reverse proxy such as traefik. The bouncer expects requests to be forwarded from the ingress and it will in turn forward requests to the crowdsec appsec component. The appsec component will make a decisions based on appsec rules and respond to the bouncer.
For traefik it can be used with forwardauth
The real client IP will be retrieved from x-forwarded-for
. From right to left it will pick the first IPs that is not part of TRUSTED_PROXIES
The bouncer will reject all requests with 403 (forbidden) coming from an untrusted IP.
Due to a limitation in crowdsec, MTLS
can't be used for authentication by itself and a crowdsec registered APIKEY
must still be provided.
Usage: waf-bouncer [OPTIONS]
--listen-addr <LISTEN_ADDR>
[env: LISTEN_ADDR=] [default:]
--trusted-proxies <TRUSTED_PROXIES>...
--crowdsec-timeout <CROWDSEC_TIMEOUT>
[env: CROWDSEC_TIMEOUT=] [default: 10]
--crowdsec-api <CROWDSEC_API>
[env: CROWDSEC_API=] [default: http://localhost:8080]
--crowdsec-apikey <CROWDSEC_APIKEY>
--crowdsec-root-ca-cert <CROWDSEC_ROOT_CA_CERT>
[env: CROWDSEC_ROOT_CA_CERT=] [default: /etc/crowdsec_bouncer/certs/ca.crt]
--crowdsec-client-cert <CROWDSEC_CLIENT_CERT>
[env: CROWDSEC_CLIENT_CERT=] [default: /etc/crowdsec_bouncer/certs/tls.crt]
--crowdsec-client-key <CROWDSEC_CLIENT_KEY>
[env: CROWDSEC_CLIENT_KEY=] [default: /etc/crowdsec_bouncer/certs/tls.key]
-h, --help
Print help
-V, --version
Print version