This repository contains an example Zuul-CI installation setup for GitHub. Zuul-CI is a gating system which goes beyond normal CI-CD pipeline functionality.
In oder to have Zuul-CI working with GitHub you need to setup a GitHub app. A guide on how to setup this app can be found here:
Done via Terraform.
Export an os OS_CLOUD
variable with the corresponding value of your OpenStack clouds.yaml to deploy.
cd terraform
terraform apply -auto-approve
Done via Ansible. Make sure you have the community.docker collection installed. Please use ONLY passwords wich contain alphanumeric letters. Underscores, hypens and dots might work, as they do not break the shell.
cd ansible
ansible-galaxy collection install community.docker
ansible-playbook --extra-vars "webhook_token=webhooksecretvalue db_user_pass=userpassword db_root_pass=rootpassword" main.yaml
Apache License 2.0