SwitchPixelGameEngine is a PixelGameEngine for Nintendo switch.
An easy-to-use PixelGameEngine for Nintendo Switch homebrew game
Curious about what's next? See my to-do list on Trello
You need the one file - SwitchPixelGameEngine.h - included in your project!
You'll need the following packages installed through (dkp-)pacman in order for Aether to compile:
Add the following lines in your Makefile after LIBS
CFLAGS += `freetype-config --cflags`
LIBS += `freetype-config --libs`
Provides a fast, richly featured, cross platform pixel drawing and user interface framework for
- The development of games
- Visualisation of algorithms
- Prototyping and experimentation
- Education
Runs on Switch. It is easy to port!
SwitchPixelGameEngine is actively maintained and developed!
Please see https://github.com/tiansongyu/SwitchPixelGameEngine/wiki
- 基本图形函数(basic graphic function)
- 文字显示(display strings)
- 帧率显示(display FPS)
- 按键控制(keyboard input)
- 触屏控制(touch input)
- 更改像素块大小(change the size of pixel)
- 更改分辨率(chage the image resolution)
- 支持透明度(transparency support)
Thanks Javidx9 who inspired me to achieve it and his olcPixelGameEngine !
WinterMute, fincs and devkitPro contributors for devkitARM, devkitA64 and dkp-pacman.
Yellows8 and all the mantainers for switch-examples.