Our Chaumian mint system is designed as an extension to the Ethereum network to enable privacy-focused, low-cost, and instant transfers of value. Building upon the eCash model, the system treats data as currency that can be securely and quickly transferred via various data-sharing platforms like email or SMS. Instead of relying on a centralized entity, the system utilizes Eigenlayer to create a trust-minimized environment. This ensures that while notes can be issued and honored like in traditional eCash systems, the risk of a single point of failure is mitigated. Essentially, users can transfer digital notes off-chain, allowing for quick settlements and enabling practical applications like micropayments, all while preserving user privacy.
participant ETH as Ethereum
participant ECM as Eigenlayer Central Mint
participant User1 as User 1
participant User2 as User 2
User1->>ETH: Send ETH to ECM
User1->>ECM: Send Blinded Data S(Data)
ECM->>ECM: Verify Transfer
ECM->>ECM: Sign S(Data) => B(S(Data))
ECM->>User1: Send B(S(Data))
User1->>User1: Unblinds Note
Note over User1: S(data) = S^-1(B(S(data))) = B(Data)
User1-->>User2: Send Note and Proof (B(data), data)
User2->>User2: Verify Signatures
User2->>ECM: Send Data and Address (B(data), data, address)
ECM->>ECM: Verifies Signature and Honors eCash
Note over ECM: [B(data),data] stored in eigenDA or other DA provider
ECM->>ETH: Send ETH to address
First, run the development server:
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
Foundry required to be installed.
cd contracts
forge install openzeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts --no-git
forge install foundry-rs/forge-std --no-git
forge test