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cherry pick pingcap#30981 to release-5.1
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Signed-off-by: ti-srebot <>
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tiancaiamao authored and ti-srebot committed Dec 24, 2021
1 parent 0c172eb commit 1e921f4
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Showing 2 changed files with 209 additions and 1 deletion.
208 changes: 208 additions & 0 deletions executor/executor_test.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8813,3 +8813,211 @@ func (s *testSerialSuite) TestIssue28650(c *C) {
<<<<<<< HEAD

func (s *testSerialSuite) TestIssue30289(c *C) {
tk := testkit.NewTestKit(c,
tk.MustExec("use test")
fpName := ""
c.Assert(failpoint.Enable(fpName, `return(true)`), IsNil)
defer func() {
c.Assert(failpoint.Disable(fpName), IsNil)
tk.MustExec("drop table if exists t")
tk.MustExec("create table t(a int)")
err := tk.QueryToErr("select /*+ hash_join(t1) */ * from t t1 join t t2 on t1.a=t2.a")
c.Assert(err.Error(), Matches, "issue30289 build return error")

func (s *testSerialSuite) TestIssue29498(c *C) {
tk := testkit.NewTestKit(c,
tk.MustExec("use test")
tk.MustExec("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1;")
tk.MustExec("CREATE TABLE t1 (t3 TIME(3), d DATE, t TIME);")
tk.MustExec("INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('00:00:00.567', '2002-01-01', '00:00:02');")

res := tk.MustQuery("SELECT CONCAT(IFNULL(t3, d)) AS col1 FROM t1;")
row := res.Rows()[0][0].(string)
c.Assert(len(row), Equals, mysql.MaxDatetimeWidthNoFsp+3+1)
c.Assert(row[len(row)-12:], Equals, "00:00:00.567")

res = tk.MustQuery("SELECT IFNULL(t3, d) AS col1 FROM t1;")
row = res.Rows()[0][0].(string)
c.Assert(len(row), Equals, mysql.MaxDatetimeWidthNoFsp+3+1)
c.Assert(row[len(row)-12:], Equals, "00:00:00.567")

res = tk.MustQuery("SELECT CONCAT(IFNULL(t, d)) AS col1 FROM t1;")
row = res.Rows()[0][0].(string)
c.Assert(len(row), Equals, mysql.MaxDatetimeWidthNoFsp)
c.Assert(row[len(row)-8:], Equals, "00:00:02")

res = tk.MustQuery("SELECT IFNULL(t, d) AS col1 FROM t1;")
row = res.Rows()[0][0].(string)
c.Assert(len(row), Equals, mysql.MaxDatetimeWidthNoFsp)
c.Assert(row[len(row)-8:], Equals, "00:00:02")

res = tk.MustQuery("SELECT CONCAT(xx) FROM (SELECT t3 AS xx FROM t1 UNION SELECT d FROM t1) x ORDER BY -xx LIMIT 1;")
row = res.Rows()[0][0].(string)
c.Assert(len(row), Equals, mysql.MaxDatetimeWidthNoFsp+3+1)
c.Assert(row[len(row)-12:], Equals, "00:00:00.567")

res = tk.MustQuery("SELECT CONCAT(CASE WHEN d IS NOT NULL THEN t3 ELSE d END) AS col1 FROM t1;")
row = res.Rows()[0][0].(string)
c.Assert(len(row), Equals, mysql.MaxDatetimeWidthNoFsp+3+1)
c.Assert(row[len(row)-12:], Equals, "00:00:00.567")

// Test invoke Close without invoking Open before for each operators.
func (s *testSerialSuite) TestUnreasonablyClose(c *C) {
defer testleak.AfterTest(c)()

is := infoschema.MockInfoSchema([]*model.TableInfo{plannercore.MockSignedTable(), plannercore.MockUnsignedTable()})
se, err := session.CreateSession4Test(
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
_, err = se.Execute(context.Background(), "use test")
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
// To enable the shuffleExec operator.
_, err = se.Execute(context.Background(), "set @@tidb_merge_join_concurrency=4")
c.Assert(err, IsNil)

var opsNeedsCovered = []plannercore.PhysicalPlan{
executorBuilder := executor.NewMockExecutorBuilderForTest(se, is, nil, math.MaxUint64, false, "global")

var opsNeedsCoveredMask uint64 = 1<<len(opsNeedsCovered) - 1
opsAlreadyCoveredMask := uint64(0)
for i, tc := range []string{
"select /*+ hash_join(t1)*/ * from t t1 join t t2 on t1.a = t2.a",
"select /*+ merge_join(t1)*/ * from t t1 join t t2 on t1.f = t2.f",
"select t.f from t use index(f)",
"select /*+ inl_join(t1) */ * from t t1 join t t2 on t1.f=t2.f",
"select /*+ inl_hash_join(t1) */ * from t t1 join t t2 on t1.f=t2.f",
"SELECT count(1) FROM (SELECT (SELECT min(a) FROM t as t2 WHERE t2.a > t1.a) AS a from t as t1) t",
"select /*+ hash_agg() */ count(f) from t group by a",
"select /*+ stream_agg() */ count(f) from t group by a",
"select * from t order by a, f",
"select * from t order by a, f limit 1",
"select * from t limit 1",
"select (select t1.a from t t1 where t1.a > t2.a) as a from t t2;",
"select a + 1 from t",
"select count(*) a from t having a > 1",
"select * from t where a = 1.1",
"with recursive cte1(c1) as (select 1 union select c1 + 1 from cte1 limit 5 offset 0) select * from cte1",
"select /*+use_index_merge(t, c_d_e, f)*/ * from t where c < 1 or f > 2",
"select sum(f) over (partition by f) from t",
"select /*+ merge_join(t1)*/ * from t t1 join t t2 on t1.d = t2.d",
"select a from t union all select a from t",
} {
comment := Commentf("case:%v sql:%s", i, tc)
c.Assert(err, IsNil, comment)
stmt, err := s.ParseOneStmt(tc, "", "")
c.Assert(err, IsNil, comment)

err = se.NewTxn(context.Background())
c.Assert(err, IsNil, comment)
p, _, err := planner.Optimize(context.TODO(), se, stmt, is)
c.Assert(err, IsNil, comment)
// This for loop level traverses the plan tree to get which operators are covered.
for child := []plannercore.PhysicalPlan{p.(plannercore.PhysicalPlan)}; len(child) != 0; {
newChild := make([]plannercore.PhysicalPlan, 0, len(child))
for _, ch := range child {
found := false
for k, t := range opsNeedsCovered {
if reflect.TypeOf(t) == reflect.TypeOf(ch) {
opsAlreadyCoveredMask |= 1 << k
found = true
c.Assert(found, IsTrue, Commentf("case: %v sql: %s operator %v is not registered in opsNeedsCoveredMask", i, tc, reflect.TypeOf(ch)))
switch x := ch.(type) {
case *plannercore.PhysicalCTE:
newChild = append(newChild, x.RecurPlan)
newChild = append(newChild, x.SeedPlan)
case *plannercore.PhysicalShuffle:
newChild = append(newChild, x.DataSources...)
newChild = append(newChild, x.Tails...)
newChild = append(newChild, ch.Children()...)
child = newChild

e := executorBuilder.Build(p)

func() {
defer func() {
r := recover()
buf := make([]byte, 4096)
stackSize := runtime.Stack(buf, false)
buf = buf[:stackSize]
c.Assert(r, IsNil, Commentf("case: %v\n sql: %s\n error stack: %v", i, tc, string(buf)))
c.Assert(e.Close(), IsNil, comment)
// The following code is used to make sure all the operators registered
// in opsNeedsCoveredMask are covered.
commentBuf := strings.Builder{}
if opsAlreadyCoveredMask != opsNeedsCoveredMask {
for i := range opsNeedsCovered {
if opsAlreadyCoveredMask&(1<<i) != 1<<i {
commentBuf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" %v", reflect.TypeOf(opsNeedsCovered[i])))
c.Assert(opsAlreadyCoveredMask, Equals, opsNeedsCoveredMask, Commentf("these operators are not covered %s", commentBuf.String()))

func (s *testSerialSuite) TestIssue30971(c *C) {
tk := testkit.NewTestKit(c,
tk.MustExec("use test")
tk.MustExec("drop table if exists t1, t2")
tk.MustExec("create table t1 (id int);")
tk.MustExec("create table t2 (id int, c int);")

testCases := []struct {
sql string
fields int
// Fix a bug that the column length field returned to client is incorrect using MySQL prepare protocol.
{"select * from t1 union select 1 from t1", 1},
{"select c from t2 union select * from t1", 1},
{"select * from t1", 1},
{"select * from t2 where c in (select * from t1)", 2},
{"insert into t1 values (?)", 0},
{"update t1 set id = ?", 0},
for _, test := range testCases {
_, _, fields, err := tk.Se.PrepareStmt(test.sql)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(fields, HasLen, test.fields)
>>>>>>> 404895c04... executor: fix the returned field count of the prepare statement (#30981)
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion executor/prepared.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ func (e *PrepareExec) Next(ctx context.Context, req *chunk.Chunk) error {
if err != nil {
return err
if _, ok := stmt.(*ast.SelectStmt); ok {
if p.Schema().Len() > 0 {
e.Fields = colNames2ResultFields(p.Schema(), p.OutputNames(), vars.CurrentDB)
if e.ID == 0 {
Expand Down

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