First obtain the data from Kagel website:
Put the tran.csv and test.csv in the same folder. e.g. /home/user/data/nyTaxyData/
Complie and prepare the jar to be handed over to spark.
sbt compile
sbt assembly
Note the location where the assemblies are copied. e.g /home/user/scala-2.11/NyTaxiFare-assembly-1.0.jar
To run in local mode , use the following command. Note that you have to pass some parameters as runtime args.
Parmeters to pass:
- Data location : e.g. /home/user/data/nyTaxyData/
- Sample of the data to use : e.g 0.5
- number of partitions before the Lightgbm process starts : e.g. 16
I run into an issue with lightgbm when I have the sameple size set to 0.5 or larger.
$SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-submit \
--class \
--master local[6] \
--driver-memory 42g \
/home/user/scala-2.11/NyTaxiFare-assembly-1.0.jar \