Basically just a straight Find & Replace of Tequila; original readme is included for reference.
One extra feature was added I guess; the ability to view servers' associated webpages directly in the launcher. Aside from that, it's pretty much just cosmetic changes.
City of Heroes should be free for everyone, and not controlled by a single entity. The ability for someone - anyone - to gatekeep the community must be addressed. The creator of Tequila still controls the default manifest for it, so Cream Soda was created to give people an alternate launcher if they're not comfortable trusting Tequila.
I'll continue to update this as and when I get the chance with additional features, and any requests for servers to be added to the manifest can go to within reason, any request will be honored. Although please, if you can't handle like 3000 people accessing your server and haven't set up a queue system... don't blame me for the fire lmao.