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Additional models

twt_thunder edited this page Dec 26, 2016 · 6 revisions

NB! This list is not yet complete

Outside mapobjectsfolder:

foliagemodels added exploding chairs added

Folders | Models | Description

acannon | acannon, cnade | Adolf canon, one operating and one broken and | | grenade as prop

archeology | obelisk and jug |missing models from rtcw

barbwire |new barbwire model |from rtcw?

blitz_sd |all models |added snow models too, to save remap

book |book2 |added new book

cab_sd |cab and trailer new models |added missing models

chandelier | etl_wood and etl_wood_lt |new chandeliers

cmarker | flagpole |added flagpole on flag

dinghy_etl | dinghy2 |New dinghy for ETL

electronics |bphone, loudspeaker, |New bunkerphone and rtcw artifact

etl_obj |arc of the covenant, docs |more objectives to maps

furniture |bbed,desk, |more stuff for better look

light |desklamps |added desklamps

props_etl |ammoall,ammoax,an_lock,axis_crate,fcab,lay_barrel,lightswitch,locker 1-2-3, mtable-2-3, switchbox, table, wbarrel +additional textures for barrel

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