diff --git a/circle.yml b/.circleci/config.yml
similarity index 63%
rename from circle.yml
rename to .circleci/config.yml
index 162d60df9952..be5a17c27f17 100644
--- a/circle.yml
+++ b/.circleci/config.yml
@@ -1,11 +1,16 @@
-version: 2.0
+version: 2.1
- build-deploy: # build for the master branch
- machine: true
- working_directory: ~/addons-server
+ build_and_push_container_image:
+ description: "Builds and pushes a Docker image"
+ parameters:
+ dockerfile:
+ type: string
+ default: "Dockerfile.python2.deploy"
+ image_tag:
+ type: string
+ default: "latest"
- - checkout
- run: >
printf '{"commit":"%s","version":"%s","source":"https://github.com/%s/%s","build":"%s"}\n'
@@ -18,31 +23,47 @@ jobs:
name: Build docker image and push to repo
command: |
docker version
- docker build -t app:build -f Dockerfile.deploy .
- docker tag app:build ${DOCKERHUB_REPO}:latest
- docker login -u $DOCKERHUB_USER -p $DOCKERHUB_PASS
- docker push ${DOCKERHUB_REPO}:latest
- build-release: # build for releases (tags)
+ docker build -t app:build -f << parameters.dockerfile >> .
+ docker tag app:build "${DOCKERHUB_REPO}":<< parameters.image_tag >>
+ docker login -u "${DOCKERHUB_USER}" -p "${DOCKERHUB_PASS}"
+ docker push "${DOCKERHUB_REPO}":<< parameters.image_tag >>
+ build-py2:
machine: true
working_directory: ~/addons-server
- checkout
- - run: >
- printf '{"commit":"%s","version":"%s","source":"https://github.com/%s/%s","build":"%s"}\n'
- > version.json
- - run:
- name: Build docker image and push to repo
- command: |
- docker version
- docker build -t app:build -f Dockerfile.deploy .
- docker tag app:build ${DOCKERHUB_REPO}:${CIRCLE_TAG}
- docker login -u $DOCKERHUB_USER -p $DOCKERHUB_PASS
- docker push ${DOCKERHUB_REPO}:${CIRCLE_TAG}
+ - build_and_push_container_image:
+ image_tag: latest
+ dockerfile: "Dockerfile.python2.deploy"
+ build-py3:
+ machine: true
+ working_directory: ~/addons-server
+ steps:
+ - checkout
+ - build_and_push_container_image:
+ image_tag: latest-py3
+ dockerfile: "Dockerfile.python3.deploy"
+ build-py2-tag:
+ machine: true
+ working_directory: ~/addons-server
+ steps:
+ - checkout
+ - build_and_push_container_image:
+ image_tag: "${CIRCLE_TAG}"
+ dockerfile: "Dockerfile.python2.deploy"
+ build-py3-tag:
+ machine: true
+ working_directory: ~/addons-server
+ steps:
+ - checkout
+ - build_and_push_container_image:
+ image_tag: "${CIRCLE_TAG}-py3"
+ dockerfile: "Dockerfile.python3.deploy"
working_directory: ~/addons-server
machine: true
@@ -77,6 +98,7 @@ jobs:
- uitest-cache-{{ checksum "requirements/prod_py2.txt" }}
- uitest-cache-{{ checksum "requirements/tests.txt" }}
- uitest-cache-{{ checksum "requirements/dev.txt" }}
+ - uitest-cache-{{ checksum "requirements/dev_without_hash.txt" }}
- uitest-cache-{{ checksum "requirements/uitests.txt" }}
- uitest-cache-
- run:
@@ -93,23 +115,24 @@ jobs:
command: |
set -x
sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
- docker-compose pull --quiet
- docker-compose up -d
+ docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f tests/ui/docker-compose.selenium.yml pull --quiet
+ docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f tests/ui/docker-compose.selenium.yml up -d
sleep 20
docker-compose ps
# Make sure dependencies get updated in worker and web container
- docker-compose exec worker make -f Makefile-docker update_deps
+ docker-compose exec worker make -f Makefile-docker update_deps update_assets
docker-compose restart worker
- docker-compose exec web make -f Makefile-docker update_deps
+ docker-compose exec web make -f Makefile-docker update_deps update_assets
docker-compose restart web
- # chown to change permissions of olympia.egg* and all folders/file
- # This is done because cirlceci has permissions do not allow the user `circleci` to remove or add files create by the root, even if it is part of the root group.
- sudo chown -R circleci:circleci .
# Delete any existing uitest users within restmail. TEMP FIX: https://github.com/mozilla/addons-server/issues/8980
wget --method=DELETE http://restmail.net/mail/uitest
+ # mod user in firefox container
+ docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f tests/ui/docker-compose.selenium.yml exec selenium-firefox sudo usermod -u 1001 seluser
+ # proper chown
+ sudo chown -R $USER .
# Start Test in Firefox docker container
- docker-compose exec --user circleci selenium-firefox tox -e ui-tests
+ docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f tests/ui/docker-compose.selenium.yml exec selenium-firefox tox -e ui-tests
- store_artifacts:
path: ui-test.html
- save_cache:
@@ -128,6 +151,10 @@ jobs:
key: uitest-cache-{{ checksum "requirements/dev.txt" }}
- .tox
+ - save_cache:
+ key: uitest-cache-{{ checksum "requirements/dev_without_hash.txt" }}
+ paths:
+ - .tox
- save_cache:
key: uitest-cache-{{ checksum "requirements/uitests.txt" }}
@@ -141,11 +168,21 @@ workflows:
version: 2
- - build-deploy:
+ - build-py2:
+ filters:
+ branches:
+ only: master
+ - build-py3:
only: master
- - build-release:
+ - build-py2-tag:
+ filters:
+ tags:
+ only: /.*/
+ branches:
+ ignore: /.*/
+ - build-py3-tag:
only: /.*/
diff --git a/.github/workflows/ci-tests.yml b/.github/workflows/ci-tests.yml
index df4b10947782..a05f9b0cebee 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/ci-tests.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/ci-tests.yml
@@ -18,32 +18,29 @@ jobs:
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- - uses: actions/checkout@v4
- - name: Start DB
- run: |
- docker run --add-host host.docker.internal:host-gateway --name mysql -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=verysecurepw -e MYSQL_DATABASE=test_olympia -d mysql:8.0 --default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password
- sleep 15
- docker exec mysql mysql -P 3306 -u root -p"verysecurepw" -e "CREATE USER 'root'@'' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'verysecurepw';"
- docker exec mysql mysql -P 3306 -u root -p"verysecurepw" -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'root'@'';"
- - name: Start ES
- run: docker run --add-host host.docker.internal:host-gateway --name es -p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 -e ES_NETWORK_HOST= -e discovery.type=single-node -d elasticsearch:5.6.12-alpine
- - name: Run docker container
- run: docker run --add-host host.docker.internal:host-gateway -it -d --name atn -e DATABASES_DEFAULT_URL=mysql://root:verysecurepw@host.docker.internal:3306/test_olympia -e ES_HOSTS=host.docker.internal:9200 -e ELASTICSEARCH_LOCATION=host.docker.internal:9200 -v $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/src:/data/olympia/src:rw thunderbirdops/addons-server bash
- - name: Install deps
- run: docker exec atn bash -c "make -f Makefile-docker update_deps"
- - name: Patch Django
- run: docker exec atn bash -c "sed -i 's/TX_ISOLATION = /transaction_isolation = /' /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/db/backends/mysql/base.py"
- - name: Run tests
- run: docker exec atn bash -c 'python -m pytest --junitxml=src/test_report.xml -m "not es_tests" src/olympia/'
- - name: Publish test results
- uses: EnricoMi/publish-unit-test-result-action@v2
- if: always()
- with:
- files: src/test_report.xml
\ No newline at end of file
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ - name: Build Docker Compose
+ run: docker compose build
+ - name: Run Docker Compose
+ run: docker compose up -d
+ - name: Wait a bit for MySQL to boot
+ run: sleep 10
+ - name: Install deps
+ run: docker compose exec web bash -c "make -f Makefile-docker update_deps"
+ - name: Patch Django
+ run: docker compose exec web bash -c "sed -i 's/TX_ISOLATION = /transaction_isolation = /' /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/backends/mysql/base.py"
+ - name: Run tests
+ run: docker compose exec web bash -c 'python -m pytest --junitxml=src/test_report36.xml -m "not es_tests" src/olympia/'
+ - name: Publish test results
+ uses: EnricoMi/publish-unit-test-result-action@v2
+ if: always()
+ with:
+ check_name: "Python 3.6 Test Results"
+ files: src/test_report36.xml
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 6622d00073bf..56b4bc597499 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,45 +1,49 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index 1881ad52073b..f38d218a0a77 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -1,34 +1,33 @@
language: python
-sudo: false
+dist: xenial
- 2.7
fast_finish: true
- allow_failures:
- - python: 3.6
- - { stage: python2, env: TOXENV=codestyle }
- - { stage: python2, env: TOXENV=docs }
- - { stage: python2, env: TOXENV=assets }
- - { stage: python2, env: TOXENV=es }
- - { stage: python2, env: TOXENV=addons }
- - { stage: python2, env: TOXENV=devhub }
- - { stage: python2, env: TOXENV=reviewers-and-zadmin }
- - { stage: python2, env: TOXENV=amo-locales-and-signing }
- - { stage: python2, env: TOXENV=users-accounts-and-ratings }
- - { stage: python2, env: TOXENV=main }
- - { stage: python3, python: 3.6, env: TOXENV=codestyle}
- - { stage: python3, python: 3.6, env: TOXENV=docs }
- - { stage: python3, python: 3.6, env: TOXENV=assets }
- - { stage: python3, python: 3.6, env: TOXENV=es }
- - { stage: python3, python: 3.6, env: TOXENV=addons }
- - { stage: python3, python: 3.6, env: TOXENV=devhub }
- - { stage: python3, python: 3.6, env: TOXENV=reviewers-and-zadmin }
- - { stage: python3, python: 3.6, env: TOXENV=amo-locales-and-signing }
- - { stage: python3, python: 3.6, env: TOXENV=users-accounts-and-ratings }
- - { stage: python3, python: 3.6, env: TOXENV=main }
+ - { env: TOXENV=codestyle }
+ - { env: TOXENV=docs }
+ - { env: TOXENV=assets }
+ - { env: TOXENV=es }
+ - { env: TOXENV=addons-versions-and-files }
+ - { env: TOXENV=devhub }
+ - { env: TOXENV=reviewers-and-zadmin }
+ - { env: TOXENV=accounts-users-and-ratings }
+ - { env: TOXENV=amo-lib-locales-and-signing }
+ - { env: TOXENV=main }
+ - { python: 3.6, env: TOXENV=codestyle}
+ - { python: 3.6, env: TOXENV=docs }
+ - { python: 3.6, env: TOXENV=assets }
+ - { python: 3.6, env: TOXENV=es }
+ - { python: 3.6, env: TOXENV=addons-versions-and-files }
+ - { python: 3.6, env: TOXENV=devhub }
+ - { python: 3.6, env: TOXENV=reviewers-and-zadmin }
+ - { python: 3.6, env: TOXENV=accounts-users-and-ratings }
+ - { python: 3.6, env: TOXENV=main }
+ - { python: 3.6, env: TOXENV=amo-lib-locales-and-signing }
+ - { python: 3.6, env: TOXENV=assets DJANGO=django22 }
@@ -70,9 +69,9 @@ before_install:
- nvm current
- nvm deactivate
- - nvm install 10
- - nvm use 10
- - pip install --upgrade pip wheel setuptools tox==3.2.1 tox-travis==0.10
+ - nvm install 8
+ - nvm use 8
+ - pip install --no-deps -r requirements/travis_base.txt
- ./scripts/travis-install-libgit2.sh
@@ -80,12 +79,13 @@ before_script:
- node --version
- java -version
- curl -v http://localhost:9200/
+ - sudo touch /addons-server-docker-container
- |
if [[ $TRAVIS_EVENT_TYPE != "cron" ]]; then
- if [[ $TOXENV == "amo-locales-and-signing" ]]; then
- docker run --name autograph -d -p 5500:5500 -v $(pwd)/scripts/:/scripts/ mozilla/autograph:2.3.2 /go/bin/autograph -c /scripts/autograph_travis_test_config.yaml
+ if [[ $TOXENV == "amo-lib-locales-and-signing" ]]; then
+ docker run --name autograph -d -p 5500:5500 -v $(pwd)/scripts/:/scripts/ mozilla/autograph:2.7.0 /go/bin/autograph -c /scripts/autograph_travis_test_config.yaml
diff --git a/Dockerfile b/Dockerfile
index bceb5f15bee7..635e3ba7ad2a 100644
--- a/Dockerfile
+++ b/Dockerfile
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-FROM python:2.7.18-slim-stretch
+FROM python:2.7.15-slim-stretch
@@ -28,8 +28,11 @@ RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
zlib1g-dev \
libffi-dev \
libssl-dev \
+ libmagic-dev \
python-dev \
+ python3-dev \
python-pip \
+ python3-pip \
nodejs \
# Git, because we're using git-checkout dependencies
git \
@@ -44,6 +47,9 @@ RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
pngcrush \
# our makefile and ui-tests require uuid to be installed
uuid \
+ # Use libmaxmind for speedy geoip lookups
+ libmaxminddb0 \
+ libmaxminddb-dev \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
RUN apt-get update && apt-get -t stretch-backports install -y \
@@ -51,6 +57,12 @@ RUN apt-get update && apt-get -t stretch-backports install -y \
libgit2-dev \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
+ADD http://geolite.maxmind.com/download/geoip/database/GeoLite2-Country.mmdb.gz /tmp
+RUN mkdir -p /usr/local/share/GeoIP \
+ && gunzip -c /tmp/GeoLite2-Country.mmdb.gz > /usr/local/share/GeoIP/GeoLite2-Country.mmdb \
+ && rm -f /tmp/GeoLite2-Country.mmdb.gz
# Compile required locale
RUN localedef -i en_US -f UTF-8 en_US.UTF-8
diff --git a/Dockerfile.deploy b/Dockerfile.python2.deploy
similarity index 90%
rename from Dockerfile.deploy
rename to Dockerfile.python2.deploy
index 4e95eb821551..00147437ccbf 100644
--- a/Dockerfile.deploy
+++ b/Dockerfile.python2.deploy
@@ -36,12 +36,11 @@ RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
zlib1g-dev \
libffi-dev \
libssl-dev \
+ libmagic-dev \
python-dev \
python-pip \
nodejs \
uuid-dev \
- uwsgi \
- uwsgi-plugin-python \
# Git, because we're using git-checkout dependencies
git \
# Dependencies for mysql-python
@@ -53,6 +52,9 @@ RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
librsvg2-bin \
# Use pngcrush to optimize the PNGs uploaded by developers
pngcrush \
+ # Use libmaxmind for speedy geoip lookups
+ libmaxminddb0 \
+ libmaxminddb-dev \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
RUN apt-get update && apt-get -t stretch-backports install -y \
@@ -65,11 +67,6 @@ RUN localedef -i en_US -f UTF-8 en_US.UTF-8
-# Install uwsgi statsd exporter to collect metrics from uwsgi when deployed
-WORKDIR /usr/lib/uwsgi/plugins
-RUN uwsgi --build-plugin https://github.com/Datadog/uwsgi-dogstatsd && \
- rm -rf uwsgi-dogstatsd
# version.json is overwritten by CircleCI (see circle.yml).
# The pipeline v2 standard requires the existence of /app/version.json
# inside the docker image, thus it's copied there.
@@ -82,12 +79,22 @@ RUN pip install --no-cache-dir --exists-action=w --no-deps -r requirements/syste
&& pip install --no-cache-dir --exists-action=w --no-deps -r requirements/prod_py2.txt \
&& pip install --no-cache-dir --exists-action=w --no-deps -e .
+# Link /usr/bin/uwsgi to /usr/local/bin/uwsgi, as that was the
+# previous location of the binary when installed by apt-get.
+RUN ln -s /usr/local/bin/uwsgi /usr/bin/uwsgi
+# Install uwsgi statsd exporter to collect metrics from uwsgi when deployed
+WORKDIR /usr/lib/uwsgi/plugins
+RUN uwsgi --build-plugin https://github.com/Datadog/uwsgi-dogstatsd && \
+ rm -rf uwsgi-dogstatsd
# Link /usr/sbin/uwsgi and /usr/bin/uwsgi to deal with migration from Centos -> Debian
RUN ln -s /usr/bin/uwsgi /usr/sbin/uwsgi
# Fix for https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=783738
RUN ln -s /usr/lib/python2.7/plat-*/_sysconfigdata_nd.py /usr/lib/python2.7/
+WORKDIR /data/olympia
RUN echo "from olympia.lib.settings_base import *\n\
LESS_BIN = 'node_modules/less/bin/lessc'\n\
CLEANCSS_BIN = 'node_modules/clean-css-cli/bin/cleancss'\n\
@@ -101,6 +108,7 @@ RUN DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE='settings_local' locale/compile-mo.sh locale
RUN npm install \
&& make -f Makefile-docker copy_node_js \
&& DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE='settings_local' python manage.py compress_assets \
+ && DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE='settings_local' python manage.py generate_jsi18n_files \
&& DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE='settings_local' python manage.py collectstatic --noinput
RUN npm cache clean -f && npm install -g n && n 16
RUN rm -f settings_local.py settings_local.pyc
diff --git a/Dockerfile.python3 b/Dockerfile.python3
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..fb68b614063a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Dockerfile.python3
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+FROM python:3.6-slim-stretch
+# Allow scripts to detect we're running in our own container
+RUN touch /addons-server-docker-container
+# Update the main repositories to the archived repository
+RUN echo "deb http://archive.debian.org/debian stretch main contrib non-free" > /etc/apt/sources.list
+# Add nodesource repository and requirements
+ADD docker/nodesource.gpg.key /etc/pki/gpg/GPG-KEY-nodesource
+RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
+ apt-transport-https \
+ gnupg2 \
+ && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
+RUN cat /etc/pki/gpg/GPG-KEY-nodesource | apt-key add -
+ADD docker/debian-stretch-nodesource-repo /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nodesource.list
+ADD docker/debian-stretch-backports-repo /etc/apt/sources.list.d/backports.list
+RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --allow-downgrades \
+ # Downgrades
+ libssl1.1=1.1.0l-1~deb9u1 \
+ # General (dev-) dependencies
+ bash-completion \
+ build-essential \
+ curl \
+ libjpeg-dev \
+ libsasl2-dev \
+ libxml2-dev \
+ libxslt-dev \
+ locales \
+ zlib1g-dev \
+ libffi-dev \
+ libssl-dev \
+ libmagic-dev \
+ nodejs \
+ # Git, because we're using git-checkout dependencies
+ git \
+ # Dependencies for mysql-python
+ mysql-client \
+ default-libmysqlclient-dev \
+ swig \
+ gettext \
+ # Use rsvg-convert to render our static theme previews
+ librsvg2-bin \
+ # Use pngcrush to optimize the PNGs uploaded by developers
+ pngcrush \
+ # our makefile and ui-tests require uuid to be installed
+ uuid \
+ # Use libmaxmind for speedy geoip lookups
+ libmaxminddb0 \
+ libmaxminddb-dev \
+ && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
+#RUN apt-get update && apt-get -t stretch-backports install -y \
+# # For git-based files storage backend
+# libgit2-dev \
+# && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
+#ADD http://geolite.maxmind.com/download/geoip/database/GeoLite2-Country.mmdb.gz /tmp
+#RUN mkdir -p /usr/local/share/GeoIP \
+# && gunzip -c /tmp/GeoLite2-Country.mmdb.gz > /usr/local/share/GeoIP/GeoLite2-Country.mmdb \
+# && rm -f /tmp/GeoLite2-Country.mmdb.gz
+# Compile required locale
+RUN localedef -i en_US -f UTF-8 en_US.UTF-8
+# Set the locale. This is mainly so that tests can write non-ascii files to
+# disk.
+COPY . /code
+WORKDIR /code
+ENV PIP_BUILD=/deps/build/
+ENV PIP_CACHE_DIR=/deps/cache/
+ENV PIP_SRC=/deps/src/
+ENV SWIG_FEATURES="-D__x86_64__"
+# Install all python requires
+RUN mkdir -p /deps/{build,cache,src}/ && \
+ ln -s /code/package.json /deps/package.json && \
+ make update_deps && \
+ rm -rf /deps/build/ /deps/cache/
+# Preserve bash history across image updates.
+# This works best when you link your local source code
+# as a volume.
+ENV HISTFILE /code/docker/artifacts/bash_history
+# Configure bash history.
+ENV HISTIGNORE ls:exit:"cd .."
+# This prevents dupes but only in memory for the current session.
+ENV CLEANCSS_BIN /deps/node_modules/.bin/cleancss
+ENV LESS_BIN /deps/node_modules/.bin/lessc
+ENV UGLIFY_BIN /deps/node_modules/.bin/uglifyjs
+ENV ADDONS_LINTER_BIN /deps/node_modules/.bin/addons-linter
+RUN npm cache clean -f && npm install -g n && /deps/bin/n 16
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Dockerfile.python3.deploy b/Dockerfile.python3.deploy
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..33b628b077c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Dockerfile.python3.deploy
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+FROM python:3.6-slim-stretch
+# need to compile swig
+ENV SWIG_FEATURES="-D__x86_64__"
+# Should change it to use ARG instead of ENV for OLYMPIA_UID
+# once the jenkins server is upgraded to support docker >= v1.9.0
+RUN useradd -u ${OLYMPIA_UID} -s /sbin/nologin olympia
+# Add nodesource repository and requirements
+ADD docker/nodesource.gpg.key /etc/pki/gpg/GPG-KEY-nodesource
+RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
+ apt-transport-https \
+ gnupg2 \
+ && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
+RUN cat /etc/pki/gpg/GPG-KEY-nodesource | apt-key add -
+ADD docker/debian-stretch-nodesource-repo /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nodesource.list
+ADD docker/debian-stretch-backports-repo /etc/apt/sources.list.d/backports.list
+RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
+ # General (dev-) dependencies
+ bash-completion \
+ build-essential \
+ curl \
+ libcap-dev \
+ libjpeg-dev \
+ libpcre3-dev \
+ libsasl2-dev \
+ libxml2-dev \
+ libxslt-dev \
+ locales \
+ zlib1g-dev \
+ libffi-dev \
+ libmagic-dev \
+ libssl-dev \
+ nodejs \
+ uuid-dev \
+ # Git, because we're using git-checkout dependencies
+ git \
+ # Dependencies for mysql-python
+ mysql-client \
+ default-libmysqlclient-dev \
+ swig \
+ gettext \
+ # Use rsvg-convert to render our static theme previews
+ librsvg2-bin \
+ # Use pngcrush to optimize the PNGs uploaded by developers
+ pngcrush \
+ # Use libmaxmind for speedy geoip lookups
+ libmaxminddb0 \
+ libmaxminddb-dev \
+ && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
+RUN apt-get update && apt-get -t stretch-backports install -y \
+ # For git-based files storage backend
+ libgit2-dev \
+ && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
+# Compile required locale
+RUN localedef -i en_US -f UTF-8 en_US.UTF-8
+# version.json is overwritten by CircleCI (see circle.yml).
+# The pipeline v2 standard requires the existence of /app/version.json
+# inside the docker image, thus it's copied there.
+COPY version.json /app/version.json
+COPY . /data/olympia
+WORKDIR /data/olympia
+# Install all python requires
+RUN pip3 install --no-cache-dir --exists-action=w --no-deps -r requirements/system.txt \
+ && pip3 install --no-cache-dir --exists-action=w --no-deps -r requirements/prod_py3.txt \
+ && pip3 install --no-cache-dir --exists-action=w --no-deps -e .
+# Link /usr/bin/uwsgi to /usr/local/bin/uwsgi, as that was the
+# previous location of the binary when installed by apt-get.
+RUN ln -s /usr/local/bin/uwsgi /usr/bin/uwsgi
+# Install uwsgi statsd exporter to collect metrics from uwsgi when deployed
+WORKDIR /usr/lib/uwsgi/plugins
+RUN uwsgi --build-plugin https://github.com/Datadog/uwsgi-dogstatsd && \
+ rm -rf uwsgi-dogstatsd
+# Link /usr/sbin/uwsgi and /usr/bin/uwsgi to deal with migration from Centos -> Debian
+RUN ln -s /usr/bin/uwsgi /usr/sbin/uwsgi
+WORKDIR /data/olympia
+RUN echo "from olympia.lib.settings_base import *\n\
+LESS_BIN = 'node_modules/less/bin/lessc'\n\
+CLEANCSS_BIN = 'node_modules/clean-css-cli/bin/cleancss'\n\
+UGLIFY_BIN = 'node_modules/uglify-js/bin/uglifyjs'\n\
+FXA_CONFIG = {'default': {}, 'internal': {}}\n"\
+> settings_local.py
+RUN DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE='settings_local' locale/compile-mo.sh locale
+# compile asssets
+RUN npm install \
+ && make -f Makefile-docker copy_node_js \
+ && DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE='settings_local' python manage.py compress_assets \
+ && DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE='settings_local' python manage.py generate_jsi18n_files \
+ && DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE='settings_local' python manage.py collectstatic --noinput
+RUN rm -f settings_local.py settings_local.pyc
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 9dc83f45f9f4..921d942aee23 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-.PHONY: help docs test test_es test_no_es test_force_db tdd test_failed initialize_db populate_data update_deps update_db update_assets initialize update reindex flake8 shell debug
IN_DOCKER = $(wildcard /addons-server-docker-container)
ifneq ($(IN_DOCKER),)
@@ -10,17 +8,9 @@ endif
include $(SUB_MAKEFILE)
@echo "Please use 'make The page or file you requested wasn't found on our site. It's possible that you clicked a link that's out of date, or typed in "
-"the address incorrectly. Or you can just jump over to some of the "
-"popular pages on our website.We're sorry, but we can't find what you're looking for.
+"the address incorrectly.
Or you can just jump over to some of the popular pages on our website." +"
Die aangevraagde bladsy of lêer is nie op ons werf nie. Dalk is die geklikte skakel oud, of die adres verkeerd getik.
Reports submitted to us through the Add-on Compatibility Reporter are collected here for developers to view. These reports help us determine which add-ons will need " -"help supporting an upcoming Firefox version.
" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Reports for your Add-ons" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Enter the GUID of an add-on below to view any reports we've received." -msgstr "" - -msgid "{addon} Compatibility Reports" -msgstr "" - -msgid "{0} success report" -msgid_plural "{0} success reports" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -msgid "{0} problem report" -msgid_plural "{0} problem reports" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -msgid "View all" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Filter by Application" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Report Type" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Version" -msgstr "Weergawe" - -#, fuzzy -msgid "Application Version" -msgstr "Toepassingweergawes" - -msgid "Application Build" -msgstr "" - -# 88% -# 100% -msgid "Platform" -msgstr "Platform" - -#, fuzzy -msgid "e10s Enabled" -msgstr "Gedeaktiveer" - -#, fuzzy -msgid "e10s Compatible" -msgstr "Onvolledig" - -msgid "Submitted" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Success" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Problem" -msgstr "" - -msgid "No reports found." -msgstr "" - msgid "{addon} was created." msgstr "{addon} is gebou." @@ -2056,65 +1942,142 @@ msgstr "Inproppe" msgid "Themes (Static)" msgstr "" -#. Review points sources other than add-ons and themes. -msgid "Other" -msgstr "Ander" - -msgid "Exception" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Release" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Change" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Compatible" -msgstr "" - -#, fuzzy -msgid "Incompatible" -msgstr "Onvolledig" - msgid "Alerts & Updates" msgstr "Kennisgewings" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that help you stay up-to-date, track tasks, improve efficiency. Find extensions that reload tabs, manage productivity, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Appearance" msgstr "Voorkoms" +msgid "Download extensions that modify the appearance of websites and the browser Firefox. This category includes extensions for dark themes, tab management, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Bookmarks" msgstr "Boekmerke" +msgid "Download extensions that enhance bookmarks by password-protecting them, searching for duplicates, finding broken bookmarks, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Download Management" msgstr "Aflaaibestuur" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that can help download web, music and video content. You can also find extensions to manage downloads, share files, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Feeds, News & Blogging" msgstr "Nuusvoere en joernale" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that remove clutter so you can stay up-to-date on social media, catch up on blogs, RSS feeds, reduce eye strain, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Games & Entertainment" msgstr "Speletjies en vermaak" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to boost your entertainment experience. This category includes extensions that can enhance gaming, control video playback, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Language Support" msgstr "Taalsteun" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that offer language support like grammar check, look-up words, translate text, provide text-to-speech, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Photos, Music & Videos" msgstr "Foto's, musiek en video's" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that enhance photo, music and video experiences. Extensions in this category modify audio and video, reverse image search, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Privacy & Security" msgstr "Privaatheid en sekuriteit" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to browse privately and securely. This category includes extensions to block annoying ads, prevent tracking, manage redirects, and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Download Firefox extensions for search and look-up. This category includes extensions that highlight and search text, lookup IP addresses/domains, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Shopping" msgstr "Inkopies" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that can enhance your online shopping experience with coupon finders, deal finders, review analyzers, more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Social & Communication" msgstr "Sosiaal en kommunikasie" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to enhance social media and instant messaging. This category includes improved tab notifications, video downloaders, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Tabs" msgstr "Oortjies" +msgid "Download Firefox extension to customize tabs and the new tab page. Discover extensions that can control tabs, change the way you interact with them, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Web Development" msgstr "Webontwikkeling" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that feature web development tools. This category includes extensions for GitHub, user agent switching, cookie management, and more." +msgstr "" + +#. Review points sources other than add-ons and themes. +msgid "Other" +msgstr "Ander" + +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that can be unpredictable and creative, yet useful for those odd tasks." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Device Features & Location" +msgstr "Toestelfunksies en ligging" + +msgid "Download extensions to enhance Firefox for Android. Perform quick searches, free up system resources, take notes, and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Experimental" +msgstr "Eksperimenteel" + +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that are regularly updated and ready for public testing. Your feedback informs developers on changes to make in upcoming versions." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Performance" +msgstr "Werkverrigting" + +msgid "Download extensions that give Firefox a performance boost. Find extensions that help you be more productive and efficient by blocking annoying ads and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Photos & Media" +msgstr "Foto's en media" + +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to enhance photos and media. This category includes extensions to reverse search images, capture full page screenshots, and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Security & Privacy" +msgstr "Sekuriteit en privaatheid" + +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to surf safely and privately. Discover extensions that can stop sneaky ad trackers in their tracks, easily clear browsing history, and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Social Networking" +msgstr "Sosiale netwerke" + +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to enhance your experience on popular social networking websites such as YouTube, GitHub, Reddit, and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sports & Games" +msgstr "Sport en speletjies" + +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to give your entertainment experience a boost with live stream enhancers, sports updates, and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "User Interface" +msgstr "Gebruikerkoppelvlak" + +msgid "Download user interface Firefox extensions to alter web pages for easier reading, searching, browsing, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Animals" msgstr "Diere" @@ -2145,36 +2108,81 @@ msgstr "Sport" msgid "Abstract" msgstr "Abstrak" +msgid "Download Firefox artistic and conceptual themes. This category includes colorful palettes and shapes, fantasy landscapes, playful cats, psychedelic flowers." +msgstr "" + msgid "Causes" msgstr "Oortuigings" +msgid "Download Firefox themes for niche interests and topics. This category includes sports themes, holidays, philanthropic causes, nationalities, and much more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Fashion" msgstr "Modes" +msgid "Download Firefox themes that celebrate style of all forms—patterns, florals, textures, models, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Film and TV" msgstr "Film en TV" +msgid "Download Firefox themes with movies and television. This category includes anime like Uchiha Madara, movies like The Matrix, shows (Game of Thrones), and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Download Firefox themes with the Firefox browser theme. This category includes colorful, diverse depictions of the Firefox logo, including more general fox themes." +msgstr "" + msgid "Foxkeh" msgstr "Foxkeh" +msgid "Download Firefox themes with the Japanese Firefox. This category includes themes that depict the cute Foxkeh mascot in various poses on diverse landscapes." +msgstr "" + msgid "Holiday" msgstr "Vakansie" +msgid "Download Firefox themes with holidays. This category includes Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, Fourth of July, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Music" msgstr "Musiek" +msgid "Download Firefox themes for musical interests and artists. This category includes popular bands like Nirvana and BTS, instruments, music videos, and much more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Download Firefox themes with animals and natural landscapes. This category includes flowers, sunsets, foxes, seasons, planets, kittens, birds, and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Download Firefox themes that are interesting, creative, and unique." +msgstr "" + msgid "Scenery" msgstr "Landskap" +msgid "Download Firefox themes that feature the environment and the natural world. This category includes sunsets, beaches, illustrations, city skylines, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Seasonal" msgstr "Seisoene" +msgid "Download Firefox themes for all four seasons—fall, winter, spring, and summer. Autumn leaves, snowy mountain peaks, sunny summer days, and spring flowers." +msgstr "" + msgid "Solid" msgstr "Effe kleur" +msgid "Download Firefox themes with solid and gradient colors to personalize your browser. This category includes bold reds, pastels, soft greys, and much more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Download Firefox themes that feature a variety of sports. This category includes country flags, sports teams, soccer, hockey, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Websites" msgstr "Webwerwe" +msgid "Download Firefox themes that capture the essence of the web—captivating, unusual, and distinctive." +msgstr "" + msgid "General" msgstr "Algemeen" @@ -2208,101 +2216,26 @@ msgstr "Reis" msgid "Video" msgstr "Video" -msgid "Device Features & Location" -msgstr "Toestelfunksies en ligging" +msgid "All Rights Reserved" +msgstr "Alle regte voorbehou" -msgid "Experimental" -msgstr "Eksperimenteel" +msgid "Creative Commons Attribution 3.0" +msgstr "" -msgid "Feeds, News, & Blogging" -msgstr "Voere, nuus en joernale" +msgid "Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0" +msgstr "" -msgid "Performance" -msgstr "Werkverrigting" +msgid "Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0" +msgstr "" -msgid "Photos & Media" -msgstr "Foto's en media" +msgid "Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 3.0" +msgstr "" -msgid "Security & Privacy" -msgstr "Sekuriteit en privaatheid" +msgid "Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0" +msgstr "" -msgid "Social Networking" -msgstr "Sosiale netwerke" - -msgid "Sports & Games" -msgstr "Sport en speletjies" - -msgid "User Interface" -msgstr "Gebruikerkoppelvlak" - -msgid "Appearance and Customization" -msgstr "Voorkoms en aanpassing" - -msgid "Calendar and Date/Time" -msgstr "Kalender en datum/tyd" - -msgid "Chat and IM" -msgstr "Gesels" - -msgid "Message Composition" -msgstr "Boodskapskryf" - -msgid "Contacts" -msgstr "Kompak" - -msgid "Folders and Filters" -msgstr "Gidse en filters" - -msgid "Import/Export" -msgstr "Invoer/Uitvoer" - -msgid "Message and News Reading" -msgstr "Boodskapfunksies" - -msgid "Privacy and Security" -msgstr "Privaatheid en sekuriteit" - -msgid "Downloading and File Management" -msgstr "Aflaai en lêerbestuur" - -msgid "Interface Customizations" -msgstr "Koppelvlakaanpassings" - -msgid "Language Support and Translation" -msgstr "Taalsteun en vertaling" - -msgid "Photos and Media" -msgstr "Foto's en media" - -msgid "RSS, News and Blogging" -msgstr "RSS, nuus en joernale" - -msgid "Site-specific" -msgstr "Werfspesifiek" - -msgid "Web and Developer Tools" -msgstr "Web en ontwikkelaars" - -msgid "All Rights Reserved" -msgstr "Alle regte voorbehou" - -msgid "Creative Commons Attribution 3.0" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 3.0" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0" -msgstr "" +msgid "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0" +msgstr "" msgid "Any" msgstr "" @@ -2516,6 +2449,18 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Recent Changes for My Add-ons" msgstr "" +msgid "Legacy extensions are no longer supported in Firefox." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Add-ons for Thunderbird and SeaMonkey are now listed and maintained on addons.thunderbird.net. You can use the same account to update your add-ons on the new site." +msgstr "" + +msgid "We allow and encourage an upgrade but you cannot reverse this process. Once your users have the WebExtension installed, they will not be able to install a legacy add-on." +msgstr "" + +msgid "[{field}] The text in the \"{field}\" field has been flagged as spam." +msgstr "" + msgid "Must have at least one owner." msgstr "" @@ -2555,6 +2500,9 @@ msgstr "Spesifiseer die byvoeging se privaatheidbeleid:" msgid "Unsupported file type, please upload an archive file {extensions}." msgstr "" +msgid "Invalid or broken archive." +msgstr "" + msgid "View current" msgstr "" @@ -2588,13 +2536,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Source file uploaded but you indicated no source was needed." msgstr "" -msgid "Application" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Select an application first" -msgstr "" - -msgid "There cannot be more than 3 required add-ons." +msgid "Ensure name and summary combined are at most {limit_value} characters (they have {show_value})." msgstr "" msgid "" @@ -2609,45 +2551,12 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Categories cannot be changed while your add-on is featured." msgstr "" -msgid "Add-ons for Thunderbird and SeaMonkey are now listed and maintained on addons.thunderbird.net. You can use the same account to update your add-ons on the new site." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Legacy extensions are no longer supported in Firefox." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Starting with Firefox 53, new add-ons on this site can only be WebExtensions." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Legacy add-ons are not compatible with Firefox 57 or higher. Use a maxVersion of 56.* or lower." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Legacy language packs for Firefox are no longer supported. A WebExtensions install manifest is required. See {mdn_link} for more details." -msgstr "" - -msgid "We allow and encourage an upgrade but you cannot reverse this process. Once your users have the WebExtension installed, they will not be able to install a legacy add-on." -msgstr "" - -msgid "You cannot update a WebExtensions add-on with a legacy add-on. Your users would not be able to use your new version because Firefox does not support this type of update." -msgstr "" - msgid "Your developer API key was found in the submitted file. To protect your account, the key will be revoked." msgstr "" msgid "The developer API key of a coauthor was found in the submitted file. To protect your add-on, the key will be revoked." msgstr "" -#, python-format -msgid "%s responded with %s (%s)." -msgstr "" - -#, python-format -msgid "Connection to \"%s\" timed out." -msgstr "" - -#, python-format -msgid "Could not contact host at \"%s\"." -msgstr "" - msgid "Mozilla Security Notice: Your AMO API credentials have been revoked" msgstr "" @@ -2675,12 +2584,6 @@ msgstr "" msgid "User Reviews" msgstr "Gebruikerresensies" -msgid "Changes successfully saved." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Please check the form for errors." -msgstr "" - msgid "Add-on cannot be deleted. Disable this add-on instead." msgstr "" @@ -2705,10 +2608,16 @@ msgstr "" msgid "An author has been removed from your add-on" msgstr "" +msgid "Changes successfully saved." +msgstr "" + msgid "Validate Add-on" msgstr "" -msgid "Check Add-on Compatibility" +msgid "Icons must be either PNG or JPG." +msgstr "Ikone moet óf PNG óf JPG wees." + +msgid "Icons cannot be animated." msgstr "" #, python-format @@ -2719,6 +2628,19 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Image must be exactly {0} pixels wide and {1} pixels tall." msgstr "" +msgid "Image must be at least {0} pixels wide and {1} pixels tall." +msgstr "" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Image dimensions must be in the ratio 4:3." +msgstr "Prentjies moet óf PNG óf JPG wees." + +msgid "Icon must be at least {0} pixels wide and tall." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Icon must be square (same width and height)." +msgstr "" + msgid "There was an error uploading your preview." msgstr "" @@ -2737,6 +2659,45 @@ msgstr "" msgid "This upload has failed validation, and may lack complete validation results. Please take due care when reviewing it." msgstr "" +msgid "Header area background" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The color of the header area background, displayed in the part of the header not covered or visible through the header image. Manifest field: accentcolor." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Header area text and icons" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The color of the text and icons in the header area, except the active tab. Manifest field: textcolor." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Toolbar area background" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The background color for the navigation bar, the bookmarks bar, and the selected tab. Manifest field: toolbar." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Toolbar area text and icons" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The color of the text and icons in the toolbar and the active tab. Manifest field: toolbar_text." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Toolbar field area background" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The background color for fields in the toolbar, such as the URL bar. Manifest field: toolbar_field." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Toolbar field area text" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The color of text in fields in the toolbar, such as the URL bar. Manifest field: toolbar_field_text." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please check the form for errors." +msgstr "" + #, fuzzy msgid "Review requested." msgstr "Resensie" @@ -2803,15 +2764,14 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Lightweight Themes" msgstr "" -msgid "Add-on Policies" -msgstr "" +# 100% +#, fuzzy +msgid "Developer Policies" +msgstr "Opmerkings van die ontwikkelaar" msgid "Add-on Validator" msgstr "" -msgid "Add-on Compatibility Checker" -msgstr "" - msgid "Development Add-ons" msgstr "" @@ -2836,13 +2796,6 @@ msgstr "Soek" msgid "Use the field below to upload your add-on package." msgstr "" -#, python-format -msgid "Note that this tool only works with legacy add-ons. WebExtension APIs are thoroughly documented here." -msgstr "" - -msgid "After upload, a series of automated validation tests will run to check compatibility with the following application version:" -msgstr "" - msgid "After upload, a series of automated validation tests will be run on your file." msgstr "" @@ -2859,9 +2812,6 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Validated at:" msgstr "" -msgid "Tested for compatibility against:" -msgstr "" - msgid "Recent Activity for My Add-ons" msgstr "" @@ -2897,7 +2847,7 @@ msgid "" "\"close\">Ignore" msgstr "" -msgid "View and update application compatibility ranges." +msgid "View and update application compatibility ranges" msgstr "" msgid "Compatibility" @@ -2909,6 +2859,9 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Adjusting application information here will allow users to install your add-on even if the install manifest in the package indicates that the add-on is incompatible." msgstr "" +msgid "Application" +msgstr "" + msgid "Supported Versions" msgstr "" @@ -2934,9 +2887,8 @@ msgid_plural "{0} themes" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" -#, fuzzy -msgid "Edit Information" -msgstr "Weergawe-inligting" +msgid "Edit Product Page" +msgstr "" msgid "None" msgstr "" @@ -2965,11 +2917,71 @@ msgid "" "لقد حاولت أن تفعل شيئًا غير مسموح به لك.
" +msgstr "لقد حاولت أن تفعل شيئًا أنت غير مخول بفعله." msgid "" "You are seeing this message because this HTTPS site requires a 'Referer header' to be sent by your Web browser, but none was sent. This header is required for security reasons, to ensure that your " @@ -821,13 +800,11 @@ msgid "" "parties." msgstr "" -#, fuzzy msgid "Page Not Found" -msgstr "لم يُعثر على شيء" +msgstr "لم يُعثر على الصفحة" -#, fuzzy msgid "Firefox Add-ons" -msgstr "مزيد من الإضافات" +msgstr "إضافات فيرفكس" msgid "Sorry, but we can't find anything at the address you entered. If you followed a link to an add-on, it's possible that add-on has been removed by its author." msgstr "" @@ -839,16 +816,14 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Browse all extensions" msgstr "تصفح كل الإضافات" -#, fuzzy msgid "Browse all themes" -msgstr "تصفح كل الإضافات" +msgstr "تصفح كل السِمات" -#, fuzzy msgid "Add-ons Home Page" -msgstr "الصفحة الرئيسية للإضافة" +msgstr "الصفحة الرئيسية للإضافات" #, python-format -msgid "If you followed a link from somewhere, please %(open_bug_link)sfile an issue%(close_bug_link)s. Tell us where you came from and what you were looking for, and we'll do our best to fix it." +msgid "If you followed a link from somewhere, please %(open_bug_link)sfile an issue %(close_bug_link)s. Tell us where you came from and what you were looking for, and we'll do our best to fix it." msgstr "" msgid "Not Found" @@ -857,10 +832,10 @@ msgstr "لم يُعثر على شيء" #, python-format msgid "" "The page or file you requested wasn't found on our site. It's possible that you clicked a link that's out of date, or typed in " -"the address incorrectly.
Or you can just jump over to some of the " -"popular pages on our website.
Or you can just jump over to some of the popular pages on our website." +"
Reports submitted to us through the Add-on Compatibility Reporter are collected here for developers to view. These reports help us determine which add-ons will need " -"help supporting an upcoming Firefox version.
" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Reports for your Add-ons" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Enter the GUID of an add-on below to view any reports we've received." -msgstr "" - -msgid "{addon} Compatibility Reports" -msgstr "" - -msgid "{0} success report" -msgid_plural "{0} success reports" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" -msgstr[2] "" -msgstr[3] "" -msgstr[4] "" -msgstr[5] "" - -msgid "{0} problem report" -msgid_plural "{0} problem reports" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" -msgstr[2] "" -msgstr[3] "" -msgstr[4] "" -msgstr[5] "" - -msgid "View all" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Filter by Application" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Report Type" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Version" -msgstr "الإصدارة" - -#, fuzzy -msgid "Application Version" -msgstr "إصدارات التطبيقات" - -msgid "Application Build" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Platform" -msgstr "" - -#, fuzzy -msgid "e10s Enabled" -msgstr "معطّلة" - -#, fuzzy -msgid "e10s Compatible" -msgstr "التوافقية:" - -msgid "Submitted" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Success" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Problem" -msgstr "" - -msgid "No reports found." -msgstr "" - msgid "{addon} was created." msgstr "" @@ -1779,9 +1640,8 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Comment on {addon} {version}." msgstr "" -#, fuzzy msgid "Commented" -msgstr "التعليق" +msgstr "علّق" msgid "{tag} added to {addon}." msgstr "" @@ -1917,16 +1777,14 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Reply by developer on {addon} {version}." msgstr "" -#, fuzzy msgid "Developer Reply" -msgstr "أخبار المطور" +msgstr "ردّ المطوّر" msgid "Reply by reviewer on {addon} {version}." msgstr "" -#, fuzzy msgid "Reviewer Reply" -msgstr "أخبار المطور" +msgstr "رد المُراجِع" msgid "Approval notes changed for {addon} {version}." msgstr "" @@ -2104,65 +1962,147 @@ msgstr "مُلحقات" msgid "Themes (Static)" msgstr "تفاصيل السِمة" -#. Review points sources other than add-ons and themes. -msgid "Other" -msgstr "أخرى" - -msgid "Exception" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Release" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Change" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Compatible" -msgstr "" - -#, fuzzy -msgid "Incompatible" -msgstr "التوافقية:" - msgid "Alerts & Updates" msgstr "التنبيهات والتحديثات" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that help you stay up-to-date, track tasks, improve efficiency. Find extensions that reload tabs, manage productivity, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Appearance" msgstr "المظهر" +msgid "Download extensions that modify the appearance of websites and the browser Firefox. This category includes extensions for dark themes, tab management, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Bookmarks" msgstr "العلامات المرجعية" +msgid "Download extensions that enhance bookmarks by password-protecting them, searching for duplicates, finding broken bookmarks, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Download Management" msgstr "إدارة التنزيلات" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that can help download web, music and video content. You can also find extensions to manage downloads, share files, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Feeds, News & Blogging" msgstr "التلقيمات والأخبار والمدوّنات" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that remove clutter so you can stay up-to-date on social media, catch up on blogs, RSS feeds, reduce eye strain, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Games & Entertainment" msgstr "ألعاب وتسلية" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to boost your entertainment experience. This category includes extensions that can enhance gaming, control video playback, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Language Support" msgstr "دعم اللغات" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that offer language support like grammar check, look-up words, translate text, provide text-to-speech, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Photos, Music & Videos" msgstr "الصور والموسيقى والفيديو" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that enhance photo, music and video experiences. Extensions in this category modify audio and video, reverse image search, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Privacy & Security" msgstr "الخصوصية والسريّة" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to browse privately and securely. This category includes extensions to block annoying ads, prevent tracking, manage redirects, and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Download Firefox extensions for search and look-up. This category includes extensions that highlight and search text, lookup IP addresses/domains, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Shopping" msgstr "تسوّق" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that can enhance your online shopping experience with coupon finders, deal finders, review analyzers, more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Social & Communication" msgstr "اجتماعيات وتواصل" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to enhance social media and instant messaging. This category includes improved tab notifications, video downloaders, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Tabs" msgstr "الألسنة" +msgid "Download Firefox extension to customize tabs and the new tab page. Discover extensions that can control tabs, change the way you interact with them, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Web Development" msgstr "تطوير الوب" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that feature web development tools. This category includes extensions for GitHub, user agent switching, cookie management, and more." +msgstr "" + +#. Review points sources other than add-ons and themes. +msgid "Other" +msgstr "أخرى" + +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that can be unpredictable and creative, yet useful for those odd tasks." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Device Features & Location" +msgstr "مزايا وموقع الجهاز" + +msgid "Download extensions to enhance Firefox for Android. Perform quick searches, free up system resources, take notes, and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Experimental" +msgstr "تجريبية" + +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that are regularly updated and ready for public testing. Your feedback informs developers on changes to make in upcoming versions." +msgstr "" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Performance" +msgstr "" +"#-#-#-#-# django.po (messages) #-#-#-#-#\n" +"الأداء\n" +"#-#-#-#-# django.po (messages) #-#-#-#-#\n" +"أداء" + +msgid "Download extensions that give Firefox a performance boost. Find extensions that help you be more productive and efficient by blocking annoying ads and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Photos & Media" +msgstr "صور ووسائط" + +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to enhance photos and media. This category includes extensions to reverse search images, capture full page screenshots, and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Security & Privacy" +msgstr "أمان وخصوصية" + +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to surf safely and privately. Discover extensions that can stop sneaky ad trackers in their tracks, easily clear browsing history, and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Social Networking" +msgstr "شبكات اجتماعية" + +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to enhance your experience on popular social networking websites such as YouTube, GitHub, Reddit, and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sports & Games" +msgstr "ألعاب ورياضة" + +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to give your entertainment experience a boost with live stream enhancers, sports updates, and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "User Interface" +msgstr "واجهة المستخدم" + +msgid "Download user interface Firefox extensions to alter web pages for easier reading, searching, browsing, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Animals" msgstr "حيوانات" @@ -2198,36 +2138,81 @@ msgstr "رياضة" msgid "Abstract" msgstr "مجرّدة" +msgid "Download Firefox artistic and conceptual themes. This category includes colorful palettes and shapes, fantasy landscapes, playful cats, psychedelic flowers." +msgstr "" + msgid "Causes" msgstr "مناسبات" +msgid "Download Firefox themes for niche interests and topics. This category includes sports themes, holidays, philanthropic causes, nationalities, and much more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Fashion" msgstr "موضة" +msgid "Download Firefox themes that celebrate style of all forms—patterns, florals, textures, models, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Film and TV" msgstr "أفلام وتلفاز" -msgid "Foxkeh" -msgstr "فُكسْكِه" +msgid "Download Firefox themes with movies and television. This category includes anime like Uchiha Madara, movies like The Matrix, shows (Game of Thrones), and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Download Firefox themes with the Firefox browser theme. This category includes colorful, diverse depictions of the Firefox logo, including more general fox themes." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Foxkeh" +msgstr "فُكسْكِه" + +msgid "Download Firefox themes with the Japanese Firefox. This category includes themes that depict the cute Foxkeh mascot in various poses on diverse landscapes." +msgstr "" msgid "Holiday" msgstr "أعياد" +msgid "Download Firefox themes with holidays. This category includes Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, Fourth of July, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Music" msgstr "موسيقى" +msgid "Download Firefox themes for musical interests and artists. This category includes popular bands like Nirvana and BTS, instruments, music videos, and much more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Download Firefox themes with animals and natural landscapes. This category includes flowers, sunsets, foxes, seasons, planets, kittens, birds, and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Download Firefox themes that are interesting, creative, and unique." +msgstr "" + msgid "Scenery" msgstr "مشاهد طبيعية" +msgid "Download Firefox themes that feature the environment and the natural world. This category includes sunsets, beaches, illustrations, city skylines, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Seasonal" msgstr "مواسم" +msgid "Download Firefox themes for all four seasons—fall, winter, spring, and summer. Autumn leaves, snowy mountain peaks, sunny summer days, and spring flowers." +msgstr "" + msgid "Solid" msgstr "جامد" +msgid "Download Firefox themes with solid and gradient colors to personalize your browser. This category includes bold reds, pastels, soft greys, and much more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Download Firefox themes that feature a variety of sports. This category includes country flags, sports teams, soccer, hockey, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Websites" msgstr "مواقع" +msgid "Download Firefox themes that capture the essence of the web—captivating, unusual, and distinctive." +msgstr "" + msgid "General" msgstr "عامة" @@ -2261,86 +2246,6 @@ msgstr "سفر" msgid "Video" msgstr "فيديو" -msgid "Device Features & Location" -msgstr "مزايا وموقع الجهاز" - -msgid "Experimental" -msgstr "تجريبية" - -msgid "Feeds, News, & Blogging" -msgstr "تغذية وأخبار ومدونات" - -#, fuzzy -msgid "Performance" -msgstr "" -"#-#-#-#-# django.po (messages) #-#-#-#-#\n" -"الأداء\n" -"#-#-#-#-# django.po (messages) #-#-#-#-#\n" -"أداء" - -msgid "Photos & Media" -msgstr "صور ووسائط" - -msgid "Security & Privacy" -msgstr "أمان وخصوصية" - -msgid "Social Networking" -msgstr "شبكات اجتماعية" - -msgid "Sports & Games" -msgstr "ألعاب ورياضة" - -msgid "User Interface" -msgstr "واجهة المستخدم" - -msgid "Appearance and Customization" -msgstr "مظهر وتخصيص" - -msgid "Calendar and Date/Time" -msgstr "تقويم" - -msgid "Chat and IM" -msgstr "دردشة" - -msgid "Message Composition" -msgstr "إنشاء الرسائل" - -msgid "Contacts" -msgstr "المتواصلون" - -msgid "Folders and Filters" -msgstr "المجلدات والمرشحات" - -msgid "Import/Export" -msgstr "استيراد/تصدير" - -msgid "Message and News Reading" -msgstr "قراءة الرسائل" - -msgid "Privacy and Security" -msgstr "الخصوصية والسريّة" - -msgid "Downloading and File Management" -msgstr "إدارة التنزيلات والملفات" - -msgid "Interface Customizations" -msgstr "تخصيصات الواجهة" - -msgid "Language Support and Translation" -msgstr "دعم اللغات والترجمة" - -msgid "Photos and Media" -msgstr "الصور والوسائط المتعددة" - -msgid "RSS, News and Blogging" -msgstr "RSS والأخبار والمدوّنات" - -msgid "Site-specific" -msgstr "خاصة بمواقع محددة" - -msgid "Web and Developer Tools" -msgstr "أدوات الوب والمطورين" - msgid "All Rights Reserved" msgstr "" @@ -2575,6 +2480,18 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Recent Changes for My Add-ons" msgstr "" +msgid "Legacy extensions are no longer supported in Firefox." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Add-ons for Thunderbird and SeaMonkey are now listed and maintained on addons.thunderbird.net. You can use the same account to update your add-ons on the new site." +msgstr "" + +msgid "We allow and encourage an upgrade but you cannot reverse this process. Once your users have the WebExtension installed, they will not be able to install a legacy add-on." +msgstr "" + +msgid "[{field}] The text in the \"{field}\" field has been flagged as spam." +msgstr "" + msgid "Must have at least one owner." msgstr "" @@ -2614,6 +2531,9 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Unsupported file type, please upload an archive file {extensions}." msgstr "" +msgid "Invalid or broken archive." +msgstr "" + msgid "View current" msgstr "" @@ -2647,13 +2567,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Source file uploaded but you indicated no source was needed." msgstr "" -msgid "Application" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Select an application first" -msgstr "" - -msgid "There cannot be more than 3 required add-ons." +msgid "Ensure name and summary combined are at most {limit_value} characters (they have {show_value})." msgstr "" msgid "" @@ -2669,45 +2583,12 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Categories cannot be changed while your add-on is featured." msgstr "التصنيفات لا يمكن تغييرها بينما إضافتك ضمن الإضافات المتميزة لهذا التطبيق." -msgid "Add-ons for Thunderbird and SeaMonkey are now listed and maintained on addons.thunderbird.net. You can use the same account to update your add-ons on the new site." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Legacy extensions are no longer supported in Firefox." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Starting with Firefox 53, new add-ons on this site can only be WebExtensions." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Legacy add-ons are not compatible with Firefox 57 or higher. Use a maxVersion of 56.* or lower." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Legacy language packs for Firefox are no longer supported. A WebExtensions install manifest is required. See {mdn_link} for more details." -msgstr "" - -msgid "We allow and encourage an upgrade but you cannot reverse this process. Once your users have the WebExtension installed, they will not be able to install a legacy add-on." -msgstr "" - -msgid "You cannot update a WebExtensions add-on with a legacy add-on. Your users would not be able to use your new version because Firefox does not support this type of update." -msgstr "" - msgid "Your developer API key was found in the submitted file. To protect your account, the key will be revoked." msgstr "" msgid "The developer API key of a coauthor was found in the submitted file. To protect your add-on, the key will be revoked." msgstr "" -#, python-format -msgid "%s responded with %s (%s)." -msgstr "" - -#, python-format -msgid "Connection to \"%s\" timed out." -msgstr "" - -#, python-format -msgid "Could not contact host at \"%s\"." -msgstr "" - msgid "Mozilla Security Notice: Your AMO API credentials have been revoked" msgstr "" @@ -2733,12 +2614,6 @@ msgstr "" msgid "User Reviews" msgstr "تعليقات المستخدمين" -msgid "Changes successfully saved." -msgstr "حُفظت التغييرات بنجاح." - -msgid "Please check the form for errors." -msgstr "" - msgid "Add-on cannot be deleted. Disable this add-on instead." msgstr "لا يمكن حذف الإضافة. يمكنك تعطيل الإضافة بدلا من ذلك." @@ -2763,11 +2638,17 @@ msgstr "" msgid "An author has been removed from your add-on" msgstr "" +msgid "Changes successfully saved." +msgstr "حُفظت التغييرات بنجاح." + msgid "Validate Add-on" msgstr "" -msgid "Check Add-on Compatibility" -msgstr "فحص توافقية الإضافة" +msgid "Icons must be either PNG or JPG." +msgstr "صيغة الأيقونات يجب أن تكون إما PNG أو JPG." + +msgid "Icons cannot be animated." +msgstr "الأيقونات لا يمكن أن تكون متحركة." #, python-format msgid "Images cannot be larger than %dKB." @@ -2777,6 +2658,21 @@ msgstr "الصور لا يمكن أن تكون أكبر من %d ك.بايت." msgid "Image must be exactly {0} pixels wide and {1} pixels tall." msgstr "الصورة يجب أن تطابق {0} بكسل للعرض، و {1} بكسل للارتفاع." +#, fuzzy +msgid "Image must be at least {0} pixels wide and {1} pixels tall." +msgstr "الصورة يجب أن تطابق {0} بكسل للعرض، و {1} بكسل للارتفاع." + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Image dimensions must be in the ratio 4:3." +msgstr "يجب أن تكون الصور إما PNG أو JPG." + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Icon must be at least {0} pixels wide and tall." +msgstr "الصورة يجب أن تطابق {0} بكسل للعرض، و {1} بكسل للارتفاع." + +msgid "Icon must be square (same width and height)." +msgstr "" + msgid "There was an error uploading your preview." msgstr "هناك خطأ في رفع المعاينة." @@ -2795,6 +2691,45 @@ msgstr "" msgid "This upload has failed validation, and may lack complete validation results. Please take due care when reviewing it." msgstr "" +msgid "Header area background" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The color of the header area background, displayed in the part of the header not covered or visible through the header image. Manifest field: accentcolor." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Header area text and icons" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The color of the text and icons in the header area, except the active tab. Manifest field: textcolor." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Toolbar area background" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The background color for the navigation bar, the bookmarks bar, and the selected tab. Manifest field: toolbar." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Toolbar area text and icons" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The color of the text and icons in the toolbar and the active tab. Manifest field: toolbar_text." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Toolbar field area background" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The background color for fields in the toolbar, such as the URL bar. Manifest field: toolbar_field." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Toolbar field area text" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The color of text in fields in the toolbar, such as the URL bar. Manifest field: toolbar_field_text." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please check the form for errors." +msgstr "" + #, fuzzy msgid "Review requested." msgstr "التعليق" @@ -2861,15 +2796,13 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Lightweight Themes" msgstr "" -msgid "Add-on Policies" -msgstr "" +#, fuzzy +msgid "Developer Policies" +msgstr "أخبار المطور" msgid "Add-on Validator" msgstr "" -msgid "Add-on Compatibility Checker" -msgstr "" - msgid "Development Add-ons" msgstr "" @@ -2894,13 +2827,6 @@ msgstr "بحث" msgid "Use the field below to upload your add-on package." msgstr "" -#, python-format -msgid "Note that this tool only works with legacy add-ons. WebExtension APIs are thoroughly documented here." -msgstr "" - -msgid "After upload, a series of automated validation tests will run to check compatibility with the following application version:" -msgstr "" - msgid "After upload, a series of automated validation tests will be run on your file." msgstr "" @@ -2917,9 +2843,6 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Validated at:" msgstr "" -msgid "Tested for compatibility against:" -msgstr "" - msgid "Recent Activity for My Add-ons" msgstr "" @@ -2955,7 +2878,7 @@ msgid "" "\"close\">Ignore" msgstr "" -msgid "View and update application compatibility ranges." +msgid "View and update application compatibility ranges" msgstr "" msgid "Compatibility" @@ -2967,6 +2890,9 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Adjusting application information here will allow users to install your add-on even if the install manifest in the package indicates that the add-on is incompatible." msgstr "" +msgid "Application" +msgstr "" + msgid "Supported Versions" msgstr "" @@ -2997,9 +2923,8 @@ msgstr[3] "" msgstr[4] "" msgstr[5] "" -#, fuzzy -msgid "Edit Information" -msgstr "معلومات أساسية" +msgid "Edit Product Page" +msgstr "" msgid "None" msgstr "" @@ -3029,132 +2954,134 @@ msgid "" "The page or file you requested wasn't found on our site. It's possible that you clicked a link that's out of date, or typed in " -"the address incorrectly.
Or you can just jump over to some of the " -"popular pages on our website.
Or you can just jump over to some of the popular pages on our website." +"
Reports submitted to us through the Add-on Compatibility Reporter are collected here for developers to view. These reports help us determine which add-ons will need " -"help supporting an upcoming Firefox version.
" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Reports for your Add-ons" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Enter the GUID of an add-on below to view any reports we've received." -msgstr "" - -msgid "{addon} Compatibility Reports" -msgstr "" - -msgid "{0} success report" -msgid_plural "{0} success reports" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -msgid "{0} problem report" -msgid_plural "{0} problem reports" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -msgid "View all" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Filter by Application" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Report Type" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Version" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Application Version" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Application Build" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Platform" -msgstr "" - -msgid "e10s Enabled" -msgstr "" - -msgid "e10s Compatible" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Submitted" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Success" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Problem" -msgstr "" - -msgid "No reports found." -msgstr "" - msgid "{addon} was created." msgstr "" @@ -1935,230 +1826,278 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Themes (Static)" msgstr "" -#. Review points sources other than add-ons and themes. -msgid "Other" +msgid "Alerts & Updates" msgstr "" -msgid "Exception" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that help you stay up-to-date, track tasks, improve efficiency. Find extensions that reload tabs, manage productivity, and more." msgstr "" -msgid "Release" +msgid "Appearance" msgstr "" -msgid "Change" +msgid "Download extensions that modify the appearance of websites and the browser Firefox. This category includes extensions for dark themes, tab management, and more." msgstr "" -msgid "Compatible" +msgid "Bookmarks" msgstr "" -msgid "Incompatible" +msgid "Download extensions that enhance bookmarks by password-protecting them, searching for duplicates, finding broken bookmarks, and more." msgstr "" -msgid "Alerts & Updates" +msgid "Download Management" msgstr "" -msgid "Appearance" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that can help download web, music and video content. You can also find extensions to manage downloads, share files, and more." msgstr "" -msgid "Bookmarks" +msgid "Feeds, News & Blogging" msgstr "" -msgid "Download Management" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that remove clutter so you can stay up-to-date on social media, catch up on blogs, RSS feeds, reduce eye strain, and more." msgstr "" -msgid "Feeds, News & Blogging" +msgid "Games & Entertainment" msgstr "" -msgid "Games & Entertainment" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to boost your entertainment experience. This category includes extensions that can enhance gaming, control video playback, and more." msgstr "" msgid "Language Support" msgstr "" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that offer language support like grammar check, look-up words, translate text, provide text-to-speech, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Photos, Music & Videos" msgstr "" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that enhance photo, music and video experiences. Extensions in this category modify audio and video, reverse image search, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Privacy & Security" msgstr "" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to browse privately and securely. This category includes extensions to block annoying ads, prevent tracking, manage redirects, and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Download Firefox extensions for search and look-up. This category includes extensions that highlight and search text, lookup IP addresses/domains, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Shopping" msgstr "" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that can enhance your online shopping experience with coupon finders, deal finders, review analyzers, more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Social & Communication" msgstr "" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to enhance social media and instant messaging. This category includes improved tab notifications, video downloaders, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Tabs" msgstr "" +msgid "Download Firefox extension to customize tabs and the new tab page. Discover extensions that can control tabs, change the way you interact with them, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Web Development" msgstr "" -msgid "Animals" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that feature web development tools. This category includes extensions for GitHub, user agent switching, cookie management, and more." msgstr "" -msgid "Compact" +#. Review points sources other than add-ons and themes. +msgid "Other" msgstr "" -msgid "Large" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that can be unpredictable and creative, yet useful for those odd tasks." msgstr "" -msgid "Miscellaneous" +msgid "Device Features & Location" msgstr "" -msgid "Modern" +msgid "Download extensions to enhance Firefox for Android. Perform quick searches, free up system resources, take notes, and more." msgstr "" -msgid "Nature" +msgid "Experimental" msgstr "" -msgid "OS Integration" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that are regularly updated and ready for public testing. Your feedback informs developers on changes to make in upcoming versions." msgstr "" -msgid "Retro" +msgid "Performance" msgstr "" -msgid "Sports" +msgid "Download extensions that give Firefox a performance boost. Find extensions that help you be more productive and efficient by blocking annoying ads and more." msgstr "" -msgid "Abstract" +msgid "Photos & Media" msgstr "" -msgid "Causes" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to enhance photos and media. This category includes extensions to reverse search images, capture full page screenshots, and more." msgstr "" -msgid "Fashion" +msgid "Security & Privacy" msgstr "" -msgid "Film and TV" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to surf safely and privately. Discover extensions that can stop sneaky ad trackers in their tracks, easily clear browsing history, and more." msgstr "" -msgid "Foxkeh" +msgid "Social Networking" msgstr "" -msgid "Holiday" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to enhance your experience on popular social networking websites such as YouTube, GitHub, Reddit, and more." msgstr "" -msgid "Music" +msgid "Sports & Games" msgstr "" -msgid "Scenery" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to give your entertainment experience a boost with live stream enhancers, sports updates, and more." msgstr "" -msgid "Seasonal" +msgid "User Interface" msgstr "" -msgid "Solid" +msgid "Download user interface Firefox extensions to alter web pages for easier reading, searching, browsing, and more." msgstr "" -msgid "Websites" +msgid "Animals" msgstr "" -msgid "General" +msgid "Compact" msgstr "" -msgid "Business" +msgid "Large" msgstr "" -msgid "Dictionaries & Encyclopedias" +msgid "Miscellaneous" msgstr "" -msgid "Kids" +msgid "Modern" msgstr "" -msgid "Multiple Search" +msgid "Nature" msgstr "" -msgid "News & Blogs" +msgid "OS Integration" msgstr "" -msgid "Photos & Images" +msgid "Retro" msgstr "" -msgid "Shopping & E-Commerce" +msgid "Sports" msgstr "" -msgid "Social & People" +msgid "Abstract" msgstr "" -msgid "Travel" +msgid "Download Firefox artistic and conceptual themes. This category includes colorful palettes and shapes, fantasy landscapes, playful cats, psychedelic flowers." msgstr "" -msgid "Video" +msgid "Causes" msgstr "" -msgid "Device Features & Location" +msgid "Download Firefox themes for niche interests and topics. This category includes sports themes, holidays, philanthropic causes, nationalities, and much more." msgstr "" -msgid "Experimental" +msgid "Fashion" msgstr "" -msgid "Feeds, News, & Blogging" +msgid "Download Firefox themes that celebrate style of all forms—patterns, florals, textures, models, and more." msgstr "" -msgid "Performance" +msgid "Film and TV" msgstr "" -msgid "Photos & Media" +msgid "Download Firefox themes with movies and television. This category includes anime like Uchiha Madara, movies like The Matrix, shows (Game of Thrones), and more." msgstr "" -msgid "Security & Privacy" +msgid "Download Firefox themes with the Firefox browser theme. This category includes colorful, diverse depictions of the Firefox logo, including more general fox themes." msgstr "" -msgid "Social Networking" +msgid "Foxkeh" msgstr "" -msgid "Sports & Games" +msgid "Download Firefox themes with the Japanese Firefox. This category includes themes that depict the cute Foxkeh mascot in various poses on diverse landscapes." msgstr "" -msgid "User Interface" +msgid "Holiday" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Download Firefox themes with holidays. This category includes Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, Fourth of July, and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Music" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Download Firefox themes for musical interests and artists. This category includes popular bands like Nirvana and BTS, instruments, music videos, and much more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Download Firefox themes with animals and natural landscapes. This category includes flowers, sunsets, foxes, seasons, planets, kittens, birds, and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Download Firefox themes that are interesting, creative, and unique." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Scenery" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Download Firefox themes that feature the environment and the natural world. This category includes sunsets, beaches, illustrations, city skylines, and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Seasonal" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Download Firefox themes for all four seasons—fall, winter, spring, and summer. Autumn leaves, snowy mountain peaks, sunny summer days, and spring flowers." msgstr "" -msgid "Appearance and Customization" +msgid "Solid" msgstr "" -msgid "Calendar and Date/Time" +msgid "Download Firefox themes with solid and gradient colors to personalize your browser. This category includes bold reds, pastels, soft greys, and much more." msgstr "" -msgid "Chat and IM" +msgid "Download Firefox themes that feature a variety of sports. This category includes country flags, sports teams, soccer, hockey, and more." msgstr "" -msgid "Message Composition" +msgid "Websites" msgstr "" -msgid "Contacts" +msgid "Download Firefox themes that capture the essence of the web—captivating, unusual, and distinctive." msgstr "" -msgid "Folders and Filters" +msgid "General" msgstr "" -msgid "Import/Export" +msgid "Business" msgstr "" -msgid "Message and News Reading" +msgid "Dictionaries & Encyclopedias" msgstr "" -msgid "Privacy and Security" +msgid "Kids" msgstr "" -msgid "Downloading and File Management" +msgid "Multiple Search" msgstr "" -msgid "Interface Customizations" +msgid "News & Blogs" msgstr "" -msgid "Language Support and Translation" +msgid "Photos & Images" msgstr "" -msgid "Photos and Media" +msgid "Shopping & E-Commerce" msgstr "" -msgid "RSS, News and Blogging" +msgid "Social & People" msgstr "" -msgid "Site-specific" +msgid "Travel" msgstr "" -msgid "Web and Developer Tools" +msgid "Video" msgstr "" msgid "All Rights Reserved" @@ -2378,6 +2317,18 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Recent Changes for My Add-ons" msgstr "" +msgid "Legacy extensions are no longer supported in Firefox." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Add-ons for Thunderbird and SeaMonkey are now listed and maintained on addons.thunderbird.net. You can use the same account to update your add-ons on the new site." +msgstr "" + +msgid "We allow and encourage an upgrade but you cannot reverse this process. Once your users have the WebExtension installed, they will not be able to install a legacy add-on." +msgstr "" + +msgid "[{field}] The text in the \"{field}\" field has been flagged as spam." +msgstr "" + msgid "Must have at least one owner." msgstr "" @@ -2417,6 +2368,9 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Unsupported file type, please upload an archive file {extensions}." msgstr "" +msgid "Invalid or broken archive." +msgstr "" + msgid "View current" msgstr "" @@ -2450,13 +2404,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Source file uploaded but you indicated no source was needed." msgstr "" -msgid "Application" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Select an application first" -msgstr "" - -msgid "There cannot be more than 3 required add-ons." +msgid "Ensure name and summary combined are at most {limit_value} characters (they have {show_value})." msgstr "" msgid "" @@ -2471,45 +2419,12 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Categories cannot be changed while your add-on is featured." msgstr "" -msgid "Add-ons for Thunderbird and SeaMonkey are now listed and maintained on addons.thunderbird.net. You can use the same account to update your add-ons on the new site." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Legacy extensions are no longer supported in Firefox." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Starting with Firefox 53, new add-ons on this site can only be WebExtensions." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Legacy add-ons are not compatible with Firefox 57 or higher. Use a maxVersion of 56.* or lower." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Legacy language packs for Firefox are no longer supported. A WebExtensions install manifest is required. See {mdn_link} for more details." -msgstr "" - -msgid "We allow and encourage an upgrade but you cannot reverse this process. Once your users have the WebExtension installed, they will not be able to install a legacy add-on." -msgstr "" - -msgid "You cannot update a WebExtensions add-on with a legacy add-on. Your users would not be able to use your new version because Firefox does not support this type of update." -msgstr "" - msgid "Your developer API key was found in the submitted file. To protect your account, the key will be revoked." msgstr "" msgid "The developer API key of a coauthor was found in the submitted file. To protect your add-on, the key will be revoked." msgstr "" -#, python-format -msgid "%s responded with %s (%s)." -msgstr "" - -#, python-format -msgid "Connection to \"%s\" timed out." -msgstr "" - -#, python-format -msgid "Could not contact host at \"%s\"." -msgstr "" - msgid "Mozilla Security Notice: Your AMO API credentials have been revoked" msgstr "" @@ -2535,12 +2450,6 @@ msgstr "" msgid "User Reviews" msgstr "" -msgid "Changes successfully saved." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Please check the form for errors." -msgstr "" - msgid "Add-on cannot be deleted. Disable this add-on instead." msgstr "" @@ -2565,10 +2474,16 @@ msgstr "" msgid "An author has been removed from your add-on" msgstr "" +msgid "Changes successfully saved." +msgstr "" + msgid "Validate Add-on" msgstr "" -msgid "Check Add-on Compatibility" +msgid "Icons must be either PNG or JPG." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Icons cannot be animated." msgstr "" #, python-format @@ -2579,6 +2494,18 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Image must be exactly {0} pixels wide and {1} pixels tall." msgstr "" +msgid "Image must be at least {0} pixels wide and {1} pixels tall." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Image dimensions must be in the ratio 4:3." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Icon must be at least {0} pixels wide and tall." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Icon must be square (same width and height)." +msgstr "" + msgid "There was an error uploading your preview." msgstr "" @@ -2597,6 +2524,45 @@ msgstr "" msgid "This upload has failed validation, and may lack complete validation results. Please take due care when reviewing it." msgstr "" +msgid "Header area background" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The color of the header area background, displayed in the part of the header not covered or visible through the header image. Manifest field: accentcolor." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Header area text and icons" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The color of the text and icons in the header area, except the active tab. Manifest field: textcolor." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Toolbar area background" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The background color for the navigation bar, the bookmarks bar, and the selected tab. Manifest field: toolbar." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Toolbar area text and icons" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The color of the text and icons in the toolbar and the active tab. Manifest field: toolbar_text." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Toolbar field area background" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The background color for fields in the toolbar, such as the URL bar. Manifest field: toolbar_field." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Toolbar field area text" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The color of text in fields in the toolbar, such as the URL bar. Manifest field: toolbar_field_text." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please check the form for errors." +msgstr "" + msgid "Review requested." msgstr "" @@ -2661,15 +2627,12 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Lightweight Themes" msgstr "" -msgid "Add-on Policies" +msgid "Developer Policies" msgstr "" msgid "Add-on Validator" msgstr "" -msgid "Add-on Compatibility Checker" -msgstr "" - msgid "Development Add-ons" msgstr "" @@ -2694,13 +2657,6 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Use the field below to upload your add-on package." msgstr "" -#, python-format -msgid "Note that this tool only works with legacy add-ons. WebExtension APIs are thoroughly documented here." -msgstr "" - -msgid "After upload, a series of automated validation tests will run to check compatibility with the following application version:" -msgstr "" - msgid "After upload, a series of automated validation tests will be run on your file." msgstr "" @@ -2717,9 +2673,6 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Validated at:" msgstr "" -msgid "Tested for compatibility against:" -msgstr "" - msgid "Recent Activity for My Add-ons" msgstr "" @@ -2755,7 +2708,7 @@ msgid "" "\"close\">Ignore" msgstr "" -msgid "View and update application compatibility ranges." +msgid "View and update application compatibility ranges" msgstr "" msgid "Compatibility" @@ -2767,6 +2720,9 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Adjusting application information here will allow users to install your add-on even if the install manifest in the package indicates that the add-on is incompatible." msgstr "" +msgid "Application" +msgstr "" + msgid "Supported Versions" msgstr "" @@ -2792,7 +2748,7 @@ msgid_plural "{0} themes" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" -msgid "Edit Information" +msgid "Edit Product Page" msgstr "" msgid "None" @@ -2821,117 +2777,115 @@ msgid "" "The page or file you requested wasn't found on our site. It's possible that you clicked a link that's out of date, or typed in " -"the address incorrectly.
Or you can just jump over to some of the " -"popular pages on our website.
Or you can just jump over to some of the popular pages on our website." +"
Reports submitted to us through the Add-on Compatibility Reporter are collected here for developers to view. These reports help us determine which add-ons will need " -"help supporting an upcoming Firefox version.
" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Reports for your Add-ons" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Enter the GUID of an add-on below to view any reports we've received." -msgstr "" - -msgid "{addon} Compatibility Reports" -msgstr "" - -msgid "{0} success report" -msgid_plural "{0} success reports" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -msgid "{0} problem report" -msgid_plural "{0} problem reports" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -msgid "View all" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Filter by Application" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Report Type" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Version" -msgstr "Versión" - -msgid "Application Version" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Application Build" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Platform" -msgstr "Plataforma" - -msgid "e10s Enabled" -msgstr "" - -msgid "e10s Compatible" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Submitted" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Success" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Problem" -msgstr "Problema" - -msgid "No reports found." -msgstr "" - msgid "{addon} was created." msgstr "" @@ -1938,64 +1829,142 @@ msgstr "Plugins" msgid "Themes (Static)" msgstr "" -#. Review points sources other than add-ons and themes. -msgid "Other" -msgstr "" +msgid "Alerts & Updates" +msgstr "Alertes y anovamientos" -msgid "Exception" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that help you stay up-to-date, track tasks, improve efficiency. Find extensions that reload tabs, manage productivity, and more." msgstr "" -msgid "Release" -msgstr "" +msgid "Appearance" +msgstr "Aspeutu" -msgid "Change" +msgid "Download extensions that modify the appearance of websites and the browser Firefox. This category includes extensions for dark themes, tab management, and more." msgstr "" -msgid "Compatible" +msgid "Bookmarks" msgstr "" -msgid "Incompatible" -msgstr "Incompatible" - -msgid "Alerts & Updates" -msgstr "Alertes y anovamientos" - -msgid "Appearance" -msgstr "Aspeutu" - -msgid "Bookmarks" +msgid "Download extensions that enhance bookmarks by password-protecting them, searching for duplicates, finding broken bookmarks, and more." msgstr "" msgid "Download Management" msgstr "" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that can help download web, music and video content. You can also find extensions to manage downloads, share files, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Feeds, News & Blogging" msgstr "" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that remove clutter so you can stay up-to-date on social media, catch up on blogs, RSS feeds, reduce eye strain, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Games & Entertainment" msgstr "" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to boost your entertainment experience. This category includes extensions that can enhance gaming, control video playback, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Language Support" msgstr "" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that offer language support like grammar check, look-up words, translate text, provide text-to-speech, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Photos, Music & Videos" msgstr "Semeyes, música y vídeos" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that enhance photo, music and video experiences. Extensions in this category modify audio and video, reverse image search, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Privacy & Security" msgstr "" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to browse privately and securely. This category includes extensions to block annoying ads, prevent tracking, manage redirects, and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Download Firefox extensions for search and look-up. This category includes extensions that highlight and search text, lookup IP addresses/domains, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Shopping" msgstr "" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that can enhance your online shopping experience with coupon finders, deal finders, review analyzers, more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Social & Communication" msgstr "" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to enhance social media and instant messaging. This category includes improved tab notifications, video downloaders, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Tabs" msgstr "Llingüetes" +msgid "Download Firefox extension to customize tabs and the new tab page. Discover extensions that can control tabs, change the way you interact with them, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Web Development" msgstr "" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that feature web development tools. This category includes extensions for GitHub, user agent switching, cookie management, and more." +msgstr "" + +#. Review points sources other than add-ons and themes. +msgid "Other" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that can be unpredictable and creative, yet useful for those odd tasks." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Device Features & Location" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Download extensions to enhance Firefox for Android. Perform quick searches, free up system resources, take notes, and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Experimental" +msgstr "Esperimental" + +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that are regularly updated and ready for public testing. Your feedback informs developers on changes to make in upcoming versions." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Performance" +msgstr "Rindimientu" + +msgid "Download extensions that give Firefox a performance boost. Find extensions that help you be more productive and efficient by blocking annoying ads and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Photos & Media" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to enhance photos and media. This category includes extensions to reverse search images, capture full page screenshots, and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Security & Privacy" +msgstr "Seguranza y privacidá" + +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to surf safely and privately. Discover extensions that can stop sneaky ad trackers in their tracks, easily clear browsing history, and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Social Networking" +msgstr "Redes sociales" + +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to enhance your experience on popular social networking websites such as YouTube, GitHub, Reddit, and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sports & Games" +msgstr "Deportes y xuegos" + +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to give your entertainment experience a boost with live stream enhancers, sports updates, and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "User Interface" +msgstr "Interfaz d'usuariu" + +msgid "Download user interface Firefox extensions to alter web pages for easier reading, searching, browsing, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Animals" msgstr "Animales" @@ -2026,36 +1995,81 @@ msgstr "Deportes" msgid "Abstract" msgstr "" +msgid "Download Firefox artistic and conceptual themes. This category includes colorful palettes and shapes, fantasy landscapes, playful cats, psychedelic flowers." +msgstr "" + msgid "Causes" msgstr "" +msgid "Download Firefox themes for niche interests and topics. This category includes sports themes, holidays, philanthropic causes, nationalities, and much more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Fashion" msgstr "" +msgid "Download Firefox themes that celebrate style of all forms—patterns, florals, textures, models, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Film and TV" msgstr "Películes y TV" +msgid "Download Firefox themes with movies and television. This category includes anime like Uchiha Madara, movies like The Matrix, shows (Game of Thrones), and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Download Firefox themes with the Firefox browser theme. This category includes colorful, diverse depictions of the Firefox logo, including more general fox themes." +msgstr "" + msgid "Foxkeh" msgstr "" +msgid "Download Firefox themes with the Japanese Firefox. This category includes themes that depict the cute Foxkeh mascot in various poses on diverse landscapes." +msgstr "" + msgid "Holiday" msgstr "Vacaciones" +msgid "Download Firefox themes with holidays. This category includes Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, Fourth of July, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Music" msgstr "Música" +msgid "Download Firefox themes for musical interests and artists. This category includes popular bands like Nirvana and BTS, instruments, music videos, and much more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Download Firefox themes with animals and natural landscapes. This category includes flowers, sunsets, foxes, seasons, planets, kittens, birds, and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Download Firefox themes that are interesting, creative, and unique." +msgstr "" + msgid "Scenery" msgstr "" +msgid "Download Firefox themes that feature the environment and the natural world. This category includes sunsets, beaches, illustrations, city skylines, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Seasonal" msgstr "" +msgid "Download Firefox themes for all four seasons—fall, winter, spring, and summer. Autumn leaves, snowy mountain peaks, sunny summer days, and spring flowers." +msgstr "" + msgid "Solid" msgstr "" +msgid "Download Firefox themes with solid and gradient colors to personalize your browser. This category includes bold reds, pastels, soft greys, and much more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Download Firefox themes that feature a variety of sports. This category includes country flags, sports teams, soccer, hockey, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Websites" msgstr "Sitios web" +msgid "Download Firefox themes that capture the essence of the web—captivating, unusual, and distinctive." +msgstr "" + msgid "General" msgstr "Xeneral" @@ -2089,110 +2103,35 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Video" msgstr "Videu" -msgid "Device Features & Location" -msgstr "" +msgid "All Rights Reserved" +msgstr "Tolos drechos reservaos" -msgid "Experimental" -msgstr "Esperimental" +msgid "Creative Commons Attribution 3.0" +msgstr "Creative Commons Reconocencia 3.0" -msgid "Feeds, News, & Blogging" -msgstr "" +msgid "Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0" +msgstr "Creative Commons Reconocencia-NonComercial 3.0" -msgid "Performance" -msgstr "Rindimientu" +msgid "Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0" +msgstr "Creative Commons Reconocencia-NonComercial-EnsinObresDerivaes 3.0" -msgid "Photos & Media" -msgstr "" +msgid "Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 3.0" +msgstr "Creative Commons Reconocencia-NonComercial-CompartirIgual 3.0" -msgid "Security & Privacy" -msgstr "Seguranza y privacidá" +msgid "Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0" +msgstr "Creative Commons Reconocencia-EnsinObresDerivaes 3.0" -msgid "Social Networking" -msgstr "Redes sociales" +msgid "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0" +msgstr "Creative Commons Reconocencia-CompartirIgual 3.0" -msgid "Sports & Games" -msgstr "Deportes y xuegos" +msgid "Any" +msgstr "" -msgid "User Interface" -msgstr "Interfaz d'usuariu" +msgid "All Platforms" +msgstr "Toles plataformes" -msgid "Appearance and Customization" -msgstr "Aspeutu y personalización" - -msgid "Calendar and Date/Time" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Chat and IM" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Message Composition" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Contacts" -msgstr "Contautos" - -msgid "Folders and Filters" -msgstr "Carpetes y peñeres" - -msgid "Import/Export" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Message and News Reading" -msgstr "Llectura de mensaxes y noticies" - -msgid "Privacy and Security" -msgstr "Privacidá y seguranza" - -msgid "Downloading and File Management" -msgstr "Descarga y xestión de ficheros" - -msgid "Interface Customizations" -msgstr "Personalizaciones de la interfaz" - -msgid "Language Support and Translation" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Photos and Media" -msgstr "" - -msgid "RSS, News and Blogging" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Site-specific" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Web and Developer Tools" -msgstr "" - -msgid "All Rights Reserved" -msgstr "Tolos drechos reservaos" - -msgid "Creative Commons Attribution 3.0" -msgstr "Creative Commons Reconocencia 3.0" - -msgid "Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0" -msgstr "Creative Commons Reconocencia-NonComercial 3.0" - -msgid "Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0" -msgstr "Creative Commons Reconocencia-NonComercial-EnsinObresDerivaes 3.0" - -msgid "Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 3.0" -msgstr "Creative Commons Reconocencia-NonComercial-CompartirIgual 3.0" - -msgid "Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0" -msgstr "Creative Commons Reconocencia-EnsinObresDerivaes 3.0" - -msgid "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0" -msgstr "Creative Commons Reconocencia-CompartirIgual 3.0" - -msgid "Any" -msgstr "" - -msgid "All Platforms" -msgstr "Toles plataformes" - -msgid "Linux" -msgstr "Linux" +msgid "Linux" +msgstr "Linux" msgid "Mac OS X" msgstr "Mac OS X" @@ -2381,6 +2320,18 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Recent Changes for My Add-ons" msgstr "" +msgid "Legacy extensions are no longer supported in Firefox." +msgstr "Les estensiones heredaes yá nun se sofiten en Firefox." + +msgid "Add-ons for Thunderbird and SeaMonkey are now listed and maintained on addons.thunderbird.net. You can use the same account to update your add-ons on the new site." +msgstr "Agora los complementos pa Thunderbird y SeaMonkey llístense y caltiénense en addons.thunderbird.net. Pues usar la mesma cuenta p'anovar los tos complementos nel sitiu nuevu." + +msgid "We allow and encourage an upgrade but you cannot reverse this process. Once your users have the WebExtension installed, they will not be able to install a legacy add-on." +msgstr "" + +msgid "[{field}] The text in the \"{field}\" field has been flagged as spam." +msgstr "" + msgid "Must have at least one owner." msgstr "" @@ -2420,6 +2371,9 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Unsupported file type, please upload an archive file {extensions}." msgstr "" +msgid "Invalid or broken archive." +msgstr "" + msgid "View current" msgstr "" @@ -2453,13 +2407,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Source file uploaded but you indicated no source was needed." msgstr "" -msgid "Application" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Select an application first" -msgstr "" - -msgid "There cannot be more than 3 required add-ons." +msgid "Ensure name and summary combined are at most {limit_value} characters (they have {show_value})." msgstr "" msgid "" @@ -2474,45 +2422,12 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Categories cannot be changed while your add-on is featured." msgstr "" -msgid "Add-ons for Thunderbird and SeaMonkey are now listed and maintained on addons.thunderbird.net. You can use the same account to update your add-ons on the new site." -msgstr "Agora los complementos pa Thunderbird y SeaMonkey llístense y caltiénense en addons.thunderbird.net. Pues usar la mesma cuenta p'anovar los tos complementos nel sitiu nuevu." - -msgid "Legacy extensions are no longer supported in Firefox." -msgstr "Les estensiones heredaes yá nun se sofiten en Firefox." - -msgid "Starting with Firefox 53, new add-ons on this site can only be WebExtensions." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Legacy add-ons are not compatible with Firefox 57 or higher. Use a maxVersion of 56.* or lower." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Legacy language packs for Firefox are no longer supported. A WebExtensions install manifest is required. See {mdn_link} for more details." -msgstr "" - -msgid "We allow and encourage an upgrade but you cannot reverse this process. Once your users have the WebExtension installed, they will not be able to install a legacy add-on." -msgstr "" - -msgid "You cannot update a WebExtensions add-on with a legacy add-on. Your users would not be able to use your new version because Firefox does not support this type of update." -msgstr "" - msgid "Your developer API key was found in the submitted file. To protect your account, the key will be revoked." msgstr "" msgid "The developer API key of a coauthor was found in the submitted file. To protect your add-on, the key will be revoked." msgstr "" -#, python-format -msgid "%s responded with %s (%s)." -msgstr "" - -#, python-format -msgid "Connection to \"%s\" timed out." -msgstr "" - -#, python-format -msgid "Could not contact host at \"%s\"." -msgstr "" - msgid "Mozilla Security Notice: Your AMO API credentials have been revoked" msgstr "" @@ -2538,12 +2453,6 @@ msgstr "" msgid "User Reviews" msgstr "" -msgid "Changes successfully saved." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Please check the form for errors." -msgstr "" - msgid "Add-on cannot be deleted. Disable this add-on instead." msgstr "" @@ -2568,12 +2477,18 @@ msgstr "" msgid "An author has been removed from your add-on" msgstr "" -msgid "Validate Add-on" +msgid "Changes successfully saved." msgstr "" -msgid "Check Add-on Compatibility" +msgid "Validate Add-on" msgstr "" +msgid "Icons must be either PNG or JPG." +msgstr "Les imáxenes han ser PNG o JPG." + +msgid "Icons cannot be animated." +msgstr "Los iconos nun puen ser animaos." + #, python-format msgid "Images cannot be larger than %dKB." msgstr "Les imáxenes nun puen ser de más de %dKB." @@ -2582,6 +2497,19 @@ msgstr "Les imáxenes nun puen ser de más de %dKB." msgid "Image must be exactly {0} pixels wide and {1} pixels tall." msgstr "" +msgid "Image must be at least {0} pixels wide and {1} pixels tall." +msgstr "" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Image dimensions must be in the ratio 4:3." +msgstr "Les imáxenes han ser PNG o JPG." + +msgid "Icon must be at least {0} pixels wide and tall." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Icon must be square (same width and height)." +msgstr "" + msgid "There was an error uploading your preview." msgstr "" @@ -2600,6 +2528,45 @@ msgstr "" msgid "This upload has failed validation, and may lack complete validation results. Please take due care when reviewing it." msgstr "" +msgid "Header area background" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The color of the header area background, displayed in the part of the header not covered or visible through the header image. Manifest field: accentcolor." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Header area text and icons" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The color of the text and icons in the header area, except the active tab. Manifest field: textcolor." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Toolbar area background" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The background color for the navigation bar, the bookmarks bar, and the selected tab. Manifest field: toolbar." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Toolbar area text and icons" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The color of the text and icons in the toolbar and the active tab. Manifest field: toolbar_text." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Toolbar field area background" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The background color for fields in the toolbar, such as the URL bar. Manifest field: toolbar_field." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Toolbar field area text" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The color of text in fields in the toolbar, such as the URL bar. Manifest field: toolbar_field_text." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please check the form for errors." +msgstr "" + msgid "Review requested." msgstr "" @@ -2664,15 +2631,13 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Lightweight Themes" msgstr "Temes llixeros" -msgid "Add-on Policies" -msgstr "" +#, fuzzy +msgid "Developer Policies" +msgstr "Developer Hub" msgid "Add-on Validator" msgstr "" -msgid "Add-on Compatibility Checker" -msgstr "" - msgid "Development Add-ons" msgstr "" @@ -2697,13 +2662,6 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Use the field below to upload your add-on package." msgstr "" -#, python-format -msgid "Note that this tool only works with legacy add-ons. WebExtension APIs are thoroughly documented here." -msgstr "" - -msgid "After upload, a series of automated validation tests will run to check compatibility with the following application version:" -msgstr "" - msgid "After upload, a series of automated validation tests will be run on your file." msgstr "" @@ -2720,9 +2678,6 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Validated at:" msgstr "" -msgid "Tested for compatibility against:" -msgstr "" - msgid "Recent Activity for My Add-ons" msgstr "" @@ -2758,7 +2713,7 @@ msgid "" "\"close\">Ignore" msgstr "" -msgid "View and update application compatibility ranges." +msgid "View and update application compatibility ranges" msgstr "" msgid "Compatibility" @@ -2770,6 +2725,9 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Adjusting application information here will allow users to install your add-on even if the install manifest in the package indicates that the add-on is incompatible." msgstr "" +msgid "Application" +msgstr "" + msgid "Supported Versions" msgstr "Versiones sofitaes" @@ -2795,7 +2753,7 @@ msgid_plural "{0} themes" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" -msgid "Edit Information" +msgid "Edit Product Page" msgstr "" msgid "None" @@ -2824,13 +2782,70 @@ msgid "" "The page or file you requested wasn't found on our site. It's possible that you clicked a link that's out of date, or typed in " -"the address incorrectly.
Or you can just jump over to some of the " -"popular pages on our website.
Or you can just jump over to some of the popular pages on our website." +"
Reports submitted to us through the Add-on Compatibility Reporter are collected here for developers to view. These reports help us determine which add-ons will need " -"help supporting an upcoming Firefox version.
" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Reports for your Add-ons" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Enter the GUID of an add-on below to view any reports we've received." -msgstr "" - -msgid "{addon} Compatibility Reports" -msgstr "" - -msgid "{0} success report" -msgid_plural "{0} success reports" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -msgid "{0} problem report" -msgid_plural "{0} problem reports" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -msgid "View all" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Filter by Application" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Report Type" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Version" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Application Version" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Application Build" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Platform" -msgstr "" - -msgid "e10s Enabled" -msgstr "" - -msgid "e10s Compatible" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Submitted" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Success" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Problem" -msgstr "" - -msgid "No reports found." -msgstr "" - msgid "{addon} was created." msgstr "" @@ -1935,230 +1826,278 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Themes (Static)" msgstr "" -#. Review points sources other than add-ons and themes. -msgid "Other" +msgid "Alerts & Updates" msgstr "" -msgid "Exception" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that help you stay up-to-date, track tasks, improve efficiency. Find extensions that reload tabs, manage productivity, and more." msgstr "" -msgid "Release" +msgid "Appearance" msgstr "" -msgid "Change" +msgid "Download extensions that modify the appearance of websites and the browser Firefox. This category includes extensions for dark themes, tab management, and more." msgstr "" -msgid "Compatible" +msgid "Bookmarks" msgstr "" -msgid "Incompatible" +msgid "Download extensions that enhance bookmarks by password-protecting them, searching for duplicates, finding broken bookmarks, and more." msgstr "" -msgid "Alerts & Updates" +msgid "Download Management" msgstr "" -msgid "Appearance" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that can help download web, music and video content. You can also find extensions to manage downloads, share files, and more." msgstr "" -msgid "Bookmarks" +msgid "Feeds, News & Blogging" msgstr "" -msgid "Download Management" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that remove clutter so you can stay up-to-date on social media, catch up on blogs, RSS feeds, reduce eye strain, and more." msgstr "" -msgid "Feeds, News & Blogging" +msgid "Games & Entertainment" msgstr "" -msgid "Games & Entertainment" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to boost your entertainment experience. This category includes extensions that can enhance gaming, control video playback, and more." msgstr "" msgid "Language Support" msgstr "" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that offer language support like grammar check, look-up words, translate text, provide text-to-speech, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Photos, Music & Videos" msgstr "" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that enhance photo, music and video experiences. Extensions in this category modify audio and video, reverse image search, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Privacy & Security" msgstr "" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to browse privately and securely. This category includes extensions to block annoying ads, prevent tracking, manage redirects, and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Download Firefox extensions for search and look-up. This category includes extensions that highlight and search text, lookup IP addresses/domains, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Shopping" msgstr "" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that can enhance your online shopping experience with coupon finders, deal finders, review analyzers, more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Social & Communication" msgstr "" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to enhance social media and instant messaging. This category includes improved tab notifications, video downloaders, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Tabs" msgstr "" +msgid "Download Firefox extension to customize tabs and the new tab page. Discover extensions that can control tabs, change the way you interact with them, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Web Development" msgstr "" -msgid "Animals" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that feature web development tools. This category includes extensions for GitHub, user agent switching, cookie management, and more." msgstr "" -msgid "Compact" +#. Review points sources other than add-ons and themes. +msgid "Other" msgstr "" -msgid "Large" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that can be unpredictable and creative, yet useful for those odd tasks." msgstr "" -msgid "Miscellaneous" +msgid "Device Features & Location" msgstr "" -msgid "Modern" +msgid "Download extensions to enhance Firefox for Android. Perform quick searches, free up system resources, take notes, and more." msgstr "" -msgid "Nature" +msgid "Experimental" msgstr "" -msgid "OS Integration" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that are regularly updated and ready for public testing. Your feedback informs developers on changes to make in upcoming versions." msgstr "" -msgid "Retro" +msgid "Performance" msgstr "" -msgid "Sports" +msgid "Download extensions that give Firefox a performance boost. Find extensions that help you be more productive and efficient by blocking annoying ads and more." msgstr "" -msgid "Abstract" +msgid "Photos & Media" msgstr "" -msgid "Causes" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to enhance photos and media. This category includes extensions to reverse search images, capture full page screenshots, and more." msgstr "" -msgid "Fashion" +msgid "Security & Privacy" msgstr "" -msgid "Film and TV" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to surf safely and privately. Discover extensions that can stop sneaky ad trackers in their tracks, easily clear browsing history, and more." msgstr "" -msgid "Foxkeh" +msgid "Social Networking" msgstr "" -msgid "Holiday" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to enhance your experience on popular social networking websites such as YouTube, GitHub, Reddit, and more." msgstr "" -msgid "Music" +msgid "Sports & Games" msgstr "" -msgid "Scenery" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to give your entertainment experience a boost with live stream enhancers, sports updates, and more." msgstr "" -msgid "Seasonal" +msgid "User Interface" msgstr "" -msgid "Solid" +msgid "Download user interface Firefox extensions to alter web pages for easier reading, searching, browsing, and more." msgstr "" -msgid "Websites" +msgid "Animals" msgstr "" -msgid "General" +msgid "Compact" msgstr "" -msgid "Business" +msgid "Large" msgstr "" -msgid "Dictionaries & Encyclopedias" +msgid "Miscellaneous" msgstr "" -msgid "Kids" +msgid "Modern" msgstr "" -msgid "Multiple Search" +msgid "Nature" msgstr "" -msgid "News & Blogs" +msgid "OS Integration" msgstr "" -msgid "Photos & Images" +msgid "Retro" msgstr "" -msgid "Shopping & E-Commerce" +msgid "Sports" msgstr "" -msgid "Social & People" +msgid "Abstract" msgstr "" -msgid "Travel" +msgid "Download Firefox artistic and conceptual themes. This category includes colorful palettes and shapes, fantasy landscapes, playful cats, psychedelic flowers." msgstr "" -msgid "Video" +msgid "Causes" msgstr "" -msgid "Device Features & Location" +msgid "Download Firefox themes for niche interests and topics. This category includes sports themes, holidays, philanthropic causes, nationalities, and much more." msgstr "" -msgid "Experimental" +msgid "Fashion" msgstr "" -msgid "Feeds, News, & Blogging" +msgid "Download Firefox themes that celebrate style of all forms—patterns, florals, textures, models, and more." msgstr "" -msgid "Performance" +msgid "Film and TV" msgstr "" -msgid "Photos & Media" +msgid "Download Firefox themes with movies and television. This category includes anime like Uchiha Madara, movies like The Matrix, shows (Game of Thrones), and more." msgstr "" -msgid "Security & Privacy" +msgid "Download Firefox themes with the Firefox browser theme. This category includes colorful, diverse depictions of the Firefox logo, including more general fox themes." msgstr "" -msgid "Social Networking" +msgid "Foxkeh" msgstr "" -msgid "Sports & Games" +msgid "Download Firefox themes with the Japanese Firefox. This category includes themes that depict the cute Foxkeh mascot in various poses on diverse landscapes." msgstr "" -msgid "User Interface" +msgid "Holiday" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Download Firefox themes with holidays. This category includes Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, Fourth of July, and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Music" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Download Firefox themes for musical interests and artists. This category includes popular bands like Nirvana and BTS, instruments, music videos, and much more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Download Firefox themes with animals and natural landscapes. This category includes flowers, sunsets, foxes, seasons, planets, kittens, birds, and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Download Firefox themes that are interesting, creative, and unique." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Scenery" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Download Firefox themes that feature the environment and the natural world. This category includes sunsets, beaches, illustrations, city skylines, and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Seasonal" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Download Firefox themes for all four seasons—fall, winter, spring, and summer. Autumn leaves, snowy mountain peaks, sunny summer days, and spring flowers." msgstr "" -msgid "Appearance and Customization" +msgid "Solid" msgstr "" -msgid "Calendar and Date/Time" +msgid "Download Firefox themes with solid and gradient colors to personalize your browser. This category includes bold reds, pastels, soft greys, and much more." msgstr "" -msgid "Chat and IM" +msgid "Download Firefox themes that feature a variety of sports. This category includes country flags, sports teams, soccer, hockey, and more." msgstr "" -msgid "Message Composition" +msgid "Websites" msgstr "" -msgid "Contacts" +msgid "Download Firefox themes that capture the essence of the web—captivating, unusual, and distinctive." msgstr "" -msgid "Folders and Filters" +msgid "General" msgstr "" -msgid "Import/Export" +msgid "Business" msgstr "" -msgid "Message and News Reading" +msgid "Dictionaries & Encyclopedias" msgstr "" -msgid "Privacy and Security" +msgid "Kids" msgstr "" -msgid "Downloading and File Management" +msgid "Multiple Search" msgstr "" -msgid "Interface Customizations" +msgid "News & Blogs" msgstr "" -msgid "Language Support and Translation" +msgid "Photos & Images" msgstr "" -msgid "Photos and Media" +msgid "Shopping & E-Commerce" msgstr "" -msgid "RSS, News and Blogging" +msgid "Social & People" msgstr "" -msgid "Site-specific" +msgid "Travel" msgstr "" -msgid "Web and Developer Tools" +msgid "Video" msgstr "" msgid "All Rights Reserved" @@ -2378,6 +2317,18 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Recent Changes for My Add-ons" msgstr "" +msgid "Legacy extensions are no longer supported in Firefox." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Add-ons for Thunderbird and SeaMonkey are now listed and maintained on addons.thunderbird.net. You can use the same account to update your add-ons on the new site." +msgstr "" + +msgid "We allow and encourage an upgrade but you cannot reverse this process. Once your users have the WebExtension installed, they will not be able to install a legacy add-on." +msgstr "" + +msgid "[{field}] The text in the \"{field}\" field has been flagged as spam." +msgstr "" + msgid "Must have at least one owner." msgstr "" @@ -2417,6 +2368,9 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Unsupported file type, please upload an archive file {extensions}." msgstr "" +msgid "Invalid or broken archive." +msgstr "" + msgid "View current" msgstr "" @@ -2450,13 +2404,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Source file uploaded but you indicated no source was needed." msgstr "" -msgid "Application" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Select an application first" -msgstr "" - -msgid "There cannot be more than 3 required add-ons." +msgid "Ensure name and summary combined are at most {limit_value} characters (they have {show_value})." msgstr "" msgid "" @@ -2471,45 +2419,12 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Categories cannot be changed while your add-on is featured." msgstr "" -msgid "Add-ons for Thunderbird and SeaMonkey are now listed and maintained on addons.thunderbird.net. You can use the same account to update your add-ons on the new site." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Legacy extensions are no longer supported in Firefox." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Starting with Firefox 53, new add-ons on this site can only be WebExtensions." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Legacy add-ons are not compatible with Firefox 57 or higher. Use a maxVersion of 56.* or lower." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Legacy language packs for Firefox are no longer supported. A WebExtensions install manifest is required. See {mdn_link} for more details." -msgstr "" - -msgid "We allow and encourage an upgrade but you cannot reverse this process. Once your users have the WebExtension installed, they will not be able to install a legacy add-on." -msgstr "" - -msgid "You cannot update a WebExtensions add-on with a legacy add-on. Your users would not be able to use your new version because Firefox does not support this type of update." -msgstr "" - msgid "Your developer API key was found in the submitted file. To protect your account, the key will be revoked." msgstr "" msgid "The developer API key of a coauthor was found in the submitted file. To protect your add-on, the key will be revoked." msgstr "" -#, python-format -msgid "%s responded with %s (%s)." -msgstr "" - -#, python-format -msgid "Connection to \"%s\" timed out." -msgstr "" - -#, python-format -msgid "Could not contact host at \"%s\"." -msgstr "" - msgid "Mozilla Security Notice: Your AMO API credentials have been revoked" msgstr "" @@ -2535,12 +2450,6 @@ msgstr "" msgid "User Reviews" msgstr "" -msgid "Changes successfully saved." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Please check the form for errors." -msgstr "" - msgid "Add-on cannot be deleted. Disable this add-on instead." msgstr "" @@ -2565,10 +2474,16 @@ msgstr "" msgid "An author has been removed from your add-on" msgstr "" +msgid "Changes successfully saved." +msgstr "" + msgid "Validate Add-on" msgstr "" -msgid "Check Add-on Compatibility" +msgid "Icons must be either PNG or JPG." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Icons cannot be animated." msgstr "" #, python-format @@ -2579,6 +2494,18 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Image must be exactly {0} pixels wide and {1} pixels tall." msgstr "" +msgid "Image must be at least {0} pixels wide and {1} pixels tall." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Image dimensions must be in the ratio 4:3." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Icon must be at least {0} pixels wide and tall." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Icon must be square (same width and height)." +msgstr "" + msgid "There was an error uploading your preview." msgstr "" @@ -2597,6 +2524,45 @@ msgstr "" msgid "This upload has failed validation, and may lack complete validation results. Please take due care when reviewing it." msgstr "" +msgid "Header area background" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The color of the header area background, displayed in the part of the header not covered or visible through the header image. Manifest field: accentcolor." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Header area text and icons" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The color of the text and icons in the header area, except the active tab. Manifest field: textcolor." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Toolbar area background" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The background color for the navigation bar, the bookmarks bar, and the selected tab. Manifest field: toolbar." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Toolbar area text and icons" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The color of the text and icons in the toolbar and the active tab. Manifest field: toolbar_text." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Toolbar field area background" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The background color for fields in the toolbar, such as the URL bar. Manifest field: toolbar_field." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Toolbar field area text" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The color of text in fields in the toolbar, such as the URL bar. Manifest field: toolbar_field_text." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please check the form for errors." +msgstr "" + msgid "Review requested." msgstr "" @@ -2661,15 +2627,12 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Lightweight Themes" msgstr "" -msgid "Add-on Policies" +msgid "Developer Policies" msgstr "" msgid "Add-on Validator" msgstr "" -msgid "Add-on Compatibility Checker" -msgstr "" - msgid "Development Add-ons" msgstr "" @@ -2694,13 +2657,6 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Use the field below to upload your add-on package." msgstr "" -#, python-format -msgid "Note that this tool only works with legacy add-ons. WebExtension APIs are thoroughly documented here." -msgstr "" - -msgid "After upload, a series of automated validation tests will run to check compatibility with the following application version:" -msgstr "" - msgid "After upload, a series of automated validation tests will be run on your file." msgstr "" @@ -2717,9 +2673,6 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Validated at:" msgstr "" -msgid "Tested for compatibility against:" -msgstr "" - msgid "Recent Activity for My Add-ons" msgstr "" @@ -2755,7 +2708,7 @@ msgid "" "\"close\">Ignore" msgstr "" -msgid "View and update application compatibility ranges." +msgid "View and update application compatibility ranges" msgstr "" msgid "Compatibility" @@ -2767,6 +2720,9 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Adjusting application information here will allow users to install your add-on even if the install manifest in the package indicates that the add-on is incompatible." msgstr "" +msgid "Application" +msgstr "" + msgid "Supported Versions" msgstr "" @@ -2792,7 +2748,7 @@ msgid_plural "{0} themes" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" -msgid "Edit Information" +msgid "Edit Product Page" msgstr "" msgid "None" @@ -2821,117 +2777,115 @@ msgid "" "The page or file you requested wasn't found on our site. It's possible that you clicked a link that's out of date, or typed in " -"the address incorrectly.
Or you can just jump over to some of the " -"popular pages on our website.
Or you can just jump over to some of the popular pages on our website." +"
Reports submitted to us through the Add-on Compatibility Reporter are collected here for developers to view. These reports help us determine which add-ons will need " -"help supporting an upcoming Firefox version.
" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Reports for your Add-ons" -msgstr "Доклади за добавките ви" - -msgid "Enter the GUID of an add-on below to view any reports we've received." -msgstr "Въведете GUID на добавка отдолу, за да видите докладите, които сме получили." - -msgid "{addon} Compatibility Reports" -msgstr "Доклади за съвместимост на {addon}" - -msgid "{0} success report" -msgid_plural "{0} success reports" -msgstr[0] "{0} доклад за успех" -msgstr[1] "{0} доклади за успех" - -msgid "{0} problem report" -msgid_plural "{0} problem reports" -msgstr[0] "{0} доклад за проблем" -msgstr[1] "{0} доклади за проблеми" - -msgid "View all" -msgstr "Вижте всички" - -msgid "Filter by Application" -msgstr "Филтър по приложение" - -msgid "Report Type" -msgstr "Тип на доклада" - -msgid "Version" -msgstr "Издание" - -msgid "Application Version" -msgstr "Издание на приложението" - -msgid "Application Build" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Platform" -msgstr "Платформа" - -msgid "e10s Enabled" -msgstr "e10s включен" - -msgid "e10s Compatible" -msgstr "e10s съвместима" - -msgid "Submitted" -msgstr "Изпратено" - -msgid "Success" -msgstr "Успех" - -msgid "Problem" -msgstr "Проблем" - -msgid "No reports found." -msgstr "Няма намерени доклади." - msgid "{addon} was created." msgstr "{addon} бе създадена." @@ -1990,64 +1883,142 @@ msgstr "Приставки" msgid "Themes (Static)" msgstr "" -#. Review points sources other than add-ons and themes. -msgid "Other" -msgstr "Друго" - -msgid "Exception" -msgstr "Изключение" - -msgid "Release" -msgstr "Издание" - -msgid "Change" -msgstr "Променяне" - -msgid "Compatible" -msgstr "Съвместима" - -msgid "Incompatible" -msgstr "Несъвместима" - msgid "Alerts & Updates" msgstr "Известия и обновяване" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that help you stay up-to-date, track tasks, improve efficiency. Find extensions that reload tabs, manage productivity, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Appearance" msgstr "Външен вид" +msgid "Download extensions that modify the appearance of websites and the browser Firefox. This category includes extensions for dark themes, tab management, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Bookmarks" msgstr "Отметки" +msgid "Download extensions that enhance bookmarks by password-protecting them, searching for duplicates, finding broken bookmarks, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Download Management" msgstr "Управление на изтегляния" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that can help download web, music and video content. You can also find extensions to manage downloads, share files, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Feeds, News & Blogging" msgstr "Емисии, новини и блогове" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that remove clutter so you can stay up-to-date on social media, catch up on blogs, RSS feeds, reduce eye strain, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Games & Entertainment" msgstr "Игри и развлечения" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to boost your entertainment experience. This category includes extensions that can enhance gaming, control video playback, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Language Support" msgstr "Езикова поддръжка" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that offer language support like grammar check, look-up words, translate text, provide text-to-speech, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Photos, Music & Videos" msgstr "Снимки, музика и видео" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that enhance photo, music and video experiences. Extensions in this category modify audio and video, reverse image search, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Privacy & Security" msgstr "Поверителност и сигурност" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to browse privately and securely. This category includes extensions to block annoying ads, prevent tracking, manage redirects, and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Download Firefox extensions for search and look-up. This category includes extensions that highlight and search text, lookup IP addresses/domains, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Shopping" msgstr "Пазаруване" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that can enhance your online shopping experience with coupon finders, deal finders, review analyzers, more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Social & Communication" msgstr "Социални и общуване" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to enhance social media and instant messaging. This category includes improved tab notifications, video downloaders, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Tabs" msgstr "Раздели" +msgid "Download Firefox extension to customize tabs and the new tab page. Discover extensions that can control tabs, change the way you interact with them, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Web Development" msgstr "Разработване за уеб" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that feature web development tools. This category includes extensions for GitHub, user agent switching, cookie management, and more." +msgstr "" + +#. Review points sources other than add-ons and themes. +msgid "Other" +msgstr "Друго" + +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that can be unpredictable and creative, yet useful for those odd tasks." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Device Features & Location" +msgstr "Системни и местоположение" + +msgid "Download extensions to enhance Firefox for Android. Perform quick searches, free up system resources, take notes, and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Experimental" +msgstr "Изпитателни" + +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that are regularly updated and ready for public testing. Your feedback informs developers on changes to make in upcoming versions." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Performance" +msgstr "Производителност" + +msgid "Download extensions that give Firefox a performance boost. Find extensions that help you be more productive and efficient by blocking annoying ads and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Photos & Media" +msgstr "Снимки и медия" + +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to enhance photos and media. This category includes extensions to reverse search images, capture full page screenshots, and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Security & Privacy" +msgstr "Поверителност и сигурност" + +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to surf safely and privately. Discover extensions that can stop sneaky ad trackers in their tracks, easily clear browsing history, and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Social Networking" +msgstr "Социални мрежи" + +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to enhance your experience on popular social networking websites such as YouTube, GitHub, Reddit, and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sports & Games" +msgstr "Спорт и игри" + +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to give your entertainment experience a boost with live stream enhancers, sports updates, and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "User Interface" +msgstr "Потребителски интерфейс" + +msgid "Download user interface Firefox extensions to alter web pages for easier reading, searching, browsing, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Animals" msgstr "Животни" @@ -2078,36 +2049,81 @@ msgstr "Спорт" msgid "Abstract" msgstr "Абстрактни" +msgid "Download Firefox artistic and conceptual themes. This category includes colorful palettes and shapes, fantasy landscapes, playful cats, psychedelic flowers." +msgstr "" + msgid "Causes" msgstr "Каузи" +msgid "Download Firefox themes for niche interests and topics. This category includes sports themes, holidays, philanthropic causes, nationalities, and much more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Fashion" msgstr "Мода" +msgid "Download Firefox themes that celebrate style of all forms—patterns, florals, textures, models, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Film and TV" msgstr "Филми и телевизия" +msgid "Download Firefox themes with movies and television. This category includes anime like Uchiha Madara, movies like The Matrix, shows (Game of Thrones), and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Download Firefox themes with the Firefox browser theme. This category includes colorful, diverse depictions of the Firefox logo, including more general fox themes." +msgstr "" + msgid "Foxkeh" msgstr "Foxkeh" +msgid "Download Firefox themes with the Japanese Firefox. This category includes themes that depict the cute Foxkeh mascot in various poses on diverse landscapes." +msgstr "" + msgid "Holiday" msgstr "Празнични" +msgid "Download Firefox themes with holidays. This category includes Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, Fourth of July, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Music" msgstr "Музика" +msgid "Download Firefox themes for musical interests and artists. This category includes popular bands like Nirvana and BTS, instruments, music videos, and much more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Download Firefox themes with animals and natural landscapes. This category includes flowers, sunsets, foxes, seasons, planets, kittens, birds, and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Download Firefox themes that are interesting, creative, and unique." +msgstr "" + msgid "Scenery" msgstr "Природа" +msgid "Download Firefox themes that feature the environment and the natural world. This category includes sunsets, beaches, illustrations, city skylines, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Seasonal" msgstr "Сезонни" +msgid "Download Firefox themes for all four seasons—fall, winter, spring, and summer. Autumn leaves, snowy mountain peaks, sunny summer days, and spring flowers." +msgstr "" + msgid "Solid" msgstr "Солидни" +msgid "Download Firefox themes with solid and gradient colors to personalize your browser. This category includes bold reds, pastels, soft greys, and much more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Download Firefox themes that feature a variety of sports. This category includes country flags, sports teams, soccer, hockey, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Websites" msgstr "Сайтове" +msgid "Download Firefox themes that capture the essence of the web—captivating, unusual, and distinctive." +msgstr "" + msgid "General" msgstr "Общи" @@ -2141,81 +2157,6 @@ msgstr "Пътуване" msgid "Video" msgstr "Видео" -msgid "Device Features & Location" -msgstr "Системни и местоположение" - -msgid "Experimental" -msgstr "Изпитателни" - -msgid "Feeds, News, & Blogging" -msgstr "Емисии, новини и блогове" - -msgid "Performance" -msgstr "Производителност" - -msgid "Photos & Media" -msgstr "Снимки и медия" - -msgid "Security & Privacy" -msgstr "Поверителност и сигурност" - -msgid "Social Networking" -msgstr "Социални мрежи" - -msgid "Sports & Games" -msgstr "Спорт и игри" - -msgid "User Interface" -msgstr "Потребителски интерфейс" - -msgid "Appearance and Customization" -msgstr "Външен вид и персонализиране" - -msgid "Calendar and Date/Time" -msgstr "Календар" - -msgid "Chat and IM" -msgstr "Чат и IM" - -msgid "Message Composition" -msgstr "Създаване на съобщения" - -msgid "Contacts" -msgstr "Контакти" - -msgid "Folders and Filters" -msgstr "Папки и филтри" - -msgid "Import/Export" -msgstr "Внасяне/Изнасяне" - -msgid "Message and News Reading" -msgstr "Съобщения и новини" - -msgid "Privacy and Security" -msgstr "Поверителност и сигурност" - -msgid "Downloading and File Management" -msgstr "Изтегляне и управление на файлове" - -msgid "Interface Customizations" -msgstr "Персонализиране на интерфейса" - -msgid "Language Support and Translation" -msgstr "Езикова поддръжка и преводи" - -msgid "Photos and Media" -msgstr "Снимки и медия" - -msgid "RSS, News and Blogging" -msgstr "RSS, новини и блогове" - -msgid "Site-specific" -msgstr "Специфични за сайтове" - -msgid "Web and Developer Tools" -msgstr "Инструменти за разработчици и web" - msgid "All Rights Reserved" msgstr "Всички права запазени" @@ -2447,14 +2388,27 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Recent Changes for My Add-ons" msgstr "" -msgid "Must have at least one owner." -msgstr "Трябва да има поне един собственик." - -msgid "At least one author must be listed." -msgstr "Поне един автор трябва да бъде показан." +msgid "Legacy extensions are no longer supported in Firefox." +msgstr "" -msgid "An author can only be listed once." -msgstr "Авторът може да бъде показван само веднъж." +msgid "Add-ons for Thunderbird and SeaMonkey are now listed and maintained on addons.thunderbird.net. You can use the same account to update your add-ons on the new site." +msgstr "" + +msgid "We allow and encourage an upgrade but you cannot reverse this process. Once your users have the WebExtension installed, they will not be able to install a legacy add-on." +msgstr "" +"Разрешаваме и насърчаваме надстройката, но този процес е еднопосочен. След като веднъж потребителите ви имат инсталирано изданието като WebExtension, те няма да могат да инсталират старата добавка." + +msgid "[{field}] The text in the \"{field}\" field has been flagged as spam." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Must have at least one owner." +msgstr "Трябва да има поне един собственик." + +msgid "At least one author must be listed." +msgstr "Поне един автор трябва да бъде показан." + +msgid "An author can only be listed once." +msgstr "Авторът може да бъде показван само веднъж." msgid "Slug incorrect." msgstr "Невалидно име." @@ -2486,6 +2440,10 @@ msgstr "Моля посочете Декларацията за поверите msgid "Unsupported file type, please upload an archive file {extensions}." msgstr "" +#, fuzzy +msgid "Invalid or broken archive." +msgstr "Невалиден обхват на версиите." + msgid "View current" msgstr "" @@ -2521,14 +2479,8 @@ msgstr "Няма файлове в качения файл." msgid "Source file uploaded but you indicated no source was needed." msgstr "" -msgid "Application" -msgstr "Приложение" - -msgid "Select an application first" -msgstr "Първо изберете приложение" - -msgid "There cannot be more than 3 required add-ons." -msgstr "Не може да има повече от 3 задължителни добавки." +msgid "Ensure name and summary combined are at most {limit_value} characters (they have {show_value})." +msgstr "" msgid "" "On this site. Your submission will be listed on this site and the Firefox Add-ons Manager for millions of users, after it passes code review. Automatic updates are handled " @@ -2547,46 +2499,12 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Categories cannot be changed while your add-on is featured." msgstr "Категориите не могат да се променят, докато добавката ви е препоръчана за това приложение." -msgid "Add-ons for Thunderbird and SeaMonkey are now listed and maintained on addons.thunderbird.net. You can use the same account to update your add-ons on the new site." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Legacy extensions are no longer supported in Firefox." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Starting with Firefox 53, new add-ons on this site can only be WebExtensions." -msgstr "Започвайки с Firefox 53 новите добавки на страницата може да са само WebExtensions." - -msgid "Legacy add-ons are not compatible with Firefox 57 or higher. Use a maxVersion of 56.* or lower." -msgstr "Остарелите добавки са несъвместими с Firefox 57 и по-нов. Използвайте maxVersion 56.* или по-малка." - -msgid "Legacy language packs for Firefox are no longer supported. A WebExtensions install manifest is required. See {mdn_link} for more details." -msgstr "" - -msgid "We allow and encourage an upgrade but you cannot reverse this process. Once your users have the WebExtension installed, they will not be able to install a legacy add-on." -msgstr "" -"Разрешаваме и насърчаваме надстройката, но този процес е еднопосочен. След като веднъж потребителите ви имат инсталирано изданието като WebExtension, те няма да могат да инсталират старата добавка." - -msgid "You cannot update a WebExtensions add-on with a legacy add-on. Your users would not be able to use your new version because Firefox does not support this type of update." -msgstr "" - msgid "Your developer API key was found in the submitted file. To protect your account, the key will be revoked." msgstr "" msgid "The developer API key of a coauthor was found in the submitted file. To protect your add-on, the key will be revoked." msgstr "" -#, python-format -msgid "%s responded with %s (%s)." -msgstr "%s отговори с %s (%s)." - -#, python-format -msgid "Connection to \"%s\" timed out." -msgstr "Връзката към \"%s\" бе прекъсната." - -#, python-format -msgid "Could not contact host at \"%s\"." -msgstr "Не можах да се свържа с хоста на \"%s\"." - msgid "Mozilla Security Notice: Your AMO API credentials have been revoked" msgstr "" @@ -2612,12 +2530,6 @@ msgstr "Потребителски списъци" msgid "User Reviews" msgstr "Потребителски отзиви" -msgid "Changes successfully saved." -msgstr "Промените са запазени успешно." - -msgid "Please check the form for errors." -msgstr "Проверете формуляра за грешки." - msgid "Add-on cannot be deleted. Disable this add-on instead." msgstr "" @@ -2642,11 +2554,17 @@ msgstr "Променена е роля на автор на ваша добав msgid "An author has been removed from your add-on" msgstr "Автор е премахнат от ваша добавка" +msgid "Changes successfully saved." +msgstr "Промените са запазени успешно." + msgid "Validate Add-on" msgstr "Проверяване на добавката" -msgid "Check Add-on Compatibility" -msgstr "Проверка на съвместимостта на добавка" +msgid "Icons must be either PNG or JPG." +msgstr "Иконките трябва да са PNG или JPG." + +msgid "Icons cannot be animated." +msgstr "Иконките не могат да са анимирани." #, python-format msgid "Images cannot be larger than %dKB." @@ -2656,6 +2574,21 @@ msgstr "Изображенията не трябва да са по-големи msgid "Image must be exactly {0} pixels wide and {1} pixels tall." msgstr "Изображенията трябва да са точно {0} пиксела широки и {1} пиксела високи." +#, fuzzy +msgid "Image must be at least {0} pixels wide and {1} pixels tall." +msgstr "Изображенията трябва да са точно {0} пиксела широки и {1} пиксела високи." + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Image dimensions must be in the ratio 4:3." +msgstr "Картинките трябва да са PNG или JPG." + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Icon must be at least {0} pixels wide and tall." +msgstr "Изображенията трябва да са точно {0} пиксела широки и {1} пиксела високи." + +msgid "Icon must be square (same width and height)." +msgstr "" + msgid "There was an error uploading your preview." msgstr "Стана грешка при качването на рецензията ви." @@ -2674,6 +2607,46 @@ msgstr "Версия %s е включена." msgid "This upload has failed validation, and may lack complete validation results. Please take due care when reviewing it." msgstr "" +msgid "Header area background" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The color of the header area background, displayed in the part of the header not covered or visible through the header image. Manifest field: accentcolor." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Header area text and icons" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The color of the text and icons in the header area, except the active tab. Manifest field: textcolor." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Toolbar area background" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The background color for the navigation bar, the bookmarks bar, and the selected tab. Manifest field: toolbar." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Toolbar area text and icons" +msgstr "" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "The color of the text and icons in the toolbar and the active tab. Manifest field: toolbar_text." +msgstr "Това е цветът на текста в раздела." + +msgid "Toolbar field area background" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The background color for fields in the toolbar, such as the URL bar. Manifest field: toolbar_field." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Toolbar field area text" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The color of text in fields in the toolbar, such as the URL bar. Manifest field: toolbar_field_text." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please check the form for errors." +msgstr "Проверете формуляра за грешки." + msgid "Review requested." msgstr "" @@ -2739,15 +2712,13 @@ msgstr "Разработка на разширения" msgid "Lightweight Themes" msgstr "Леки теми" -msgid "Add-on Policies" -msgstr "Политика на добавките" +#, fuzzy +msgid "Developer Policies" +msgstr "Новини за разработчици" msgid "Add-on Validator" msgstr "Валидатор на добавки" -msgid "Add-on Compatibility Checker" -msgstr "Съвместимост на добавки" - msgid "Development Add-ons" msgstr "Добавки за разработка" @@ -2772,13 +2743,6 @@ msgstr "Търсене" msgid "Use the field below to upload your add-on package." msgstr "" -#, python-format -msgid "Note that this tool only works with legacy add-ons. WebExtension APIs are thoroughly documented here." -msgstr "" - -msgid "After upload, a series of automated validation tests will run to check compatibility with the following application version:" -msgstr "" - msgid "After upload, a series of automated validation tests will be run on your file." msgstr "" @@ -2795,9 +2759,6 @@ msgstr "Резултати от валидацията" msgid "Validated at:" msgstr "Проверена на:" -msgid "Tested for compatibility against:" -msgstr "Проверено за съвместимост със:" - msgid "Recent Activity for My Add-ons" msgstr "Последни дейности по моите добавки" @@ -2837,7 +2798,8 @@ msgstr "" "Обнови съвместимостта, Качи нова версия или Игнорирай" -msgid "View and update application compatibility ranges." +#, fuzzy +msgid "View and update application compatibility ranges" msgstr "Покажи и обнови диапазона на съвместимост на приложеинето." msgid "Compatibility" @@ -2849,6 +2811,9 @@ msgstr "Обновяване на съвместимостта" msgid "Adjusting application information here will allow users to install your add-on even if the install manifest in the package indicates that the add-on is incompatible." msgstr "Нагласяването на информацията на приложението тук ще даде възможност на потребителите да инсталират добавката ви, дори ако инсталационния манифест показва, че тя не е съвместима." +msgid "Application" +msgstr "Приложение" + msgid "Supported Versions" msgstr "Поддържани версии" @@ -2874,8 +2839,8 @@ msgid_plural "{0} themes" msgstr[0] "{0} тема" msgstr[1] "{0} теми" -msgid "Edit Information" -msgstr "Редактиране" +msgid "Edit Product Page" +msgstr "" msgid "None" msgstr "Никакъв" @@ -2912,12 +2877,69 @@ msgstr "" "The page or file you requested wasn't found on our site. It's possible that you clicked a link that's out of date, or typed in " -"the address incorrectly.
Or you can just jump over to some of the " -"popular pages on our website.
Or you can just jump over to some of the popular pages on our website." +"
Reports submitted to us through the Add-on Compatibility Reporter are collected here for developers to view. These reports help us determine which add-ons will need " -"help supporting an upcoming Firefox version.
" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Reports for your Add-ons" -msgstr "আপনার অ্যাড-অনের রিপোর্ট" - -msgid "Enter the GUID of an add-on below to view any reports we've received." -msgstr "" - -msgid "{addon} Compatibility Reports" -msgstr "" - -msgid "{0} success report" -msgid_plural "{0} success reports" -msgstr[0] "{0} খোঁজার রিপোর্ট" -msgstr[1] "" - -msgid "{0} problem report" -msgid_plural "{0} problem reports" -msgstr[0] "{0} সমস্যা বিষয়ক প্রতিবেদন" -msgstr[1] "{0} সমস্যা বিষয়ক প্রতিবেদন" - -msgid "View all" -msgstr "সব দেখুন" - -msgid "Filter by Application" -msgstr "অ্যাপ্লিকেশন অনুযায়ী বাছুন " - -msgid "Report Type" -msgstr "রিপোর্টের ধরন" - -msgid "Version" -msgstr "সংস্করণ" - -msgid "Application Version" -msgstr "অ্যাপ্লিকেশনের সংস্করণ" - -msgid "Application Build" -msgstr "অ্যাপ্লিকেশন তৈরি" - -msgid "Platform" -msgstr "প্ল্যাটফর্ম" - -msgid "e10s Enabled" -msgstr "e10s সষ্ক্রিয়" - -msgid "e10s Compatible" -msgstr "e10s উপযুক্ত" - -msgid "Submitted" -msgstr "জমা হয়েছে" - -msgid "Success" -msgstr "সফল হয়েছে" - -msgid "Problem" -msgstr "সমস্যা" - -msgid "No reports found." -msgstr "কোন ফলাফল পাওয়া যায়নি।" - msgid "{addon} was created." msgstr "{addon} তৈরি করা হয়েছিল।" @@ -1948,7 +1841,7 @@ msgid "Complete Theme" msgstr "সম্পূর্ণ থিম" msgid "Search Engine" -msgstr "সার্চ ইঞ্জিন" +msgstr "অনুসন্ধান ইঞ্জিন" msgid "Language Pack (Application)" msgstr "ল্যাংগুয়েজ প্যাক (Application)" @@ -1985,64 +1878,142 @@ msgstr "প্লাগইন" msgid "Themes (Static)" msgstr "থিম এর বিস্তারিত" -#. Review points sources other than add-ons and themes. -msgid "Other" -msgstr "অন্যান্য" - -msgid "Exception" -msgstr "ব্যতিক্রম" - -msgid "Release" -msgstr "রিলিজ" - -msgid "Change" -msgstr "পরিবর্তন" - -msgid "Compatible" -msgstr "উপযুক্ত" - -msgid "Incompatible" -msgstr "অনুপযুক্ত" - msgid "Alerts & Updates" msgstr "এলার্ট এবং হালনাগাদগুলো" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that help you stay up-to-date, track tasks, improve efficiency. Find extensions that reload tabs, manage productivity, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Appearance" msgstr "রুপ" +msgid "Download extensions that modify the appearance of websites and the browser Firefox. This category includes extensions for dark themes, tab management, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Bookmarks" msgstr "বুকমার্কস" +msgid "Download extensions that enhance bookmarks by password-protecting them, searching for duplicates, finding broken bookmarks, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Download Management" msgstr "ব্যবস্থাপনা ডাউনলোড করুন" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that can help download web, music and video content. You can also find extensions to manage downloads, share files, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Feeds, News & Blogging" msgstr "ফিড, নিউজ ও ব্লগিং" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that remove clutter so you can stay up-to-date on social media, catch up on blogs, RSS feeds, reduce eye strain, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Games & Entertainment" msgstr "খেলাধুলা এবং ইন্টারটেইনমেন্ট" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to boost your entertainment experience. This category includes extensions that can enhance gaming, control video playback, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Language Support" msgstr "ভাষা সমর্থন" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that offer language support like grammar check, look-up words, translate text, provide text-to-speech, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Photos, Music & Videos" msgstr "ছবি, গান এবং ভিডিও সমূহ" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that enhance photo, music and video experiences. Extensions in this category modify audio and video, reverse image search, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Privacy & Security" msgstr "গোপনীয়তা এবং নিরাপত্তা" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to browse privately and securely. This category includes extensions to block annoying ads, prevent tracking, manage redirects, and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Download Firefox extensions for search and look-up. This category includes extensions that highlight and search text, lookup IP addresses/domains, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Shopping" msgstr "কেনাকাটা" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that can enhance your online shopping experience with coupon finders, deal finders, review analyzers, more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Social & Communication" msgstr "সামাজিকতা এবং যোগাযোগ" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to enhance social media and instant messaging. This category includes improved tab notifications, video downloaders, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Tabs" msgstr "ট্যাব" +msgid "Download Firefox extension to customize tabs and the new tab page. Discover extensions that can control tabs, change the way you interact with them, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Web Development" msgstr "ওয়েব ডেভেলপমেন্ট" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that feature web development tools. This category includes extensions for GitHub, user agent switching, cookie management, and more." +msgstr "" + +#. Review points sources other than add-ons and themes. +msgid "Other" +msgstr "অন্যান্য" + +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that can be unpredictable and creative, yet useful for those odd tasks." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Device Features & Location" +msgstr "ডিভাইস ফিচার্স ও লোকেশন" + +msgid "Download extensions to enhance Firefox for Android. Perform quick searches, free up system resources, take notes, and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Experimental" +msgstr "পরীক্ষামূলক" + +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that are regularly updated and ready for public testing. Your feedback informs developers on changes to make in upcoming versions." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Performance" +msgstr "কর্মক্ষমতা" + +msgid "Download extensions that give Firefox a performance boost. Find extensions that help you be more productive and efficient by blocking annoying ads and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Photos & Media" +msgstr "ছবি ও মিডিয়া" + +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to enhance photos and media. This category includes extensions to reverse search images, capture full page screenshots, and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Security & Privacy" +msgstr "নিরাপত্তা ও ব্যক্তিস্বত্ত্ব" + +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to surf safely and privately. Discover extensions that can stop sneaky ad trackers in their tracks, easily clear browsing history, and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Social Networking" +msgstr "সামাজিক নেটওয়ার্কিং" + +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to enhance your experience on popular social networking websites such as YouTube, GitHub, Reddit, and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sports & Games" +msgstr "স্পোর্টস ও গেম" + +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to give your entertainment experience a boost with live stream enhancers, sports updates, and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "User Interface" +msgstr "ইউজার ইন্টারফেস" + +msgid "Download user interface Firefox extensions to alter web pages for easier reading, searching, browsing, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Animals" msgstr "প্রাণীসমূহ" @@ -2074,36 +2045,81 @@ msgstr "খেলাধুলা" msgid "Abstract" msgstr "সারসংক্ষেপ" +msgid "Download Firefox artistic and conceptual themes. This category includes colorful palettes and shapes, fantasy landscapes, playful cats, psychedelic flowers." +msgstr "" + msgid "Causes" msgstr "কারণসমূহ" +msgid "Download Firefox themes for niche interests and topics. This category includes sports themes, holidays, philanthropic causes, nationalities, and much more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Fashion" msgstr "ফ্যাশন" +msgid "Download Firefox themes that celebrate style of all forms—patterns, florals, textures, models, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Film and TV" msgstr "ফ্লিম এবং টিভি" +msgid "Download Firefox themes with movies and television. This category includes anime like Uchiha Madara, movies like The Matrix, shows (Game of Thrones), and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Download Firefox themes with the Firefox browser theme. This category includes colorful, diverse depictions of the Firefox logo, including more general fox themes." +msgstr "" + msgid "Foxkeh" msgstr "ফক্সকে" +msgid "Download Firefox themes with the Japanese Firefox. This category includes themes that depict the cute Foxkeh mascot in various poses on diverse landscapes." +msgstr "" + msgid "Holiday" msgstr "ছুটির দিন" +msgid "Download Firefox themes with holidays. This category includes Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, Fourth of July, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Music" msgstr "গান" +msgid "Download Firefox themes for musical interests and artists. This category includes popular bands like Nirvana and BTS, instruments, music videos, and much more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Download Firefox themes with animals and natural landscapes. This category includes flowers, sunsets, foxes, seasons, planets, kittens, birds, and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Download Firefox themes that are interesting, creative, and unique." +msgstr "" + msgid "Scenery" msgstr "দৃশ্য" +msgid "Download Firefox themes that feature the environment and the natural world. This category includes sunsets, beaches, illustrations, city skylines, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Seasonal" msgstr "মৌসুমি" +msgid "Download Firefox themes for all four seasons—fall, winter, spring, and summer. Autumn leaves, snowy mountain peaks, sunny summer days, and spring flowers." +msgstr "" + msgid "Solid" msgstr "কঠিন" +msgid "Download Firefox themes with solid and gradient colors to personalize your browser. This category includes bold reds, pastels, soft greys, and much more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Download Firefox themes that feature a variety of sports. This category includes country flags, sports teams, soccer, hockey, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Websites" msgstr "ওয়েবসাইট" +msgid "Download Firefox themes that capture the essence of the web—captivating, unusual, and distinctive." +msgstr "" + msgid "General" msgstr "সাধারন" @@ -2137,81 +2153,6 @@ msgstr "ভ্রমণ" msgid "Video" msgstr "ভিডিও" -msgid "Device Features & Location" -msgstr "ডিভাইস ফিচার্স ও লোকেশন" - -msgid "Experimental" -msgstr "পরীক্ষামূলক" - -msgid "Feeds, News, & Blogging" -msgstr "ফিড, নিউজ ও ব্লগিং" - -msgid "Performance" -msgstr "কর্মক্ষমতা" - -msgid "Photos & Media" -msgstr "ছবি ও মিডিয়া" - -msgid "Security & Privacy" -msgstr "নিরাপত্তা ও ব্যক্তিস্বত্ত্ব" - -msgid "Social Networking" -msgstr "সামাজিক নেটওয়ার্কিং" - -msgid "Sports & Games" -msgstr "স্পোর্টস ও গেম" - -msgid "User Interface" -msgstr "ইউজার ইন্টারফেস" - -msgid "Appearance and Customization" -msgstr "এপারয়েন্স এবং কাস্টমাইজেশন" - -msgid "Calendar and Date/Time" -msgstr "কেলেন্ডার এবং তারিখ/Time" - -msgid "Chat and IM" -msgstr "চ্যাট এবং আইএম" - -msgid "Message Composition" -msgstr "বার্তার অপশনগুলি" - -msgid "Contacts" -msgstr "ফোনবুক" - -msgid "Folders and Filters" -msgstr "ফোল্ডার এবং ফিল্টার" - -msgid "Import/Export" -msgstr "এক্সপোর্ট/Export" - -msgid "Message and News Reading" -msgstr "মেসেজ এবং নিউজ পড়া" - -msgid "Privacy and Security" -msgstr "ব্যক্তিস্বত্ত্ব ও নিরাপত্তা" - -msgid "Downloading and File Management" -msgstr "ডাউনলোডিং এবং ফাইল ম্যানেজমেন্ট" - -msgid "Interface Customizations" -msgstr "ইন্টারফেস কাস্টমাইজেশন" - -msgid "Language Support and Translation" -msgstr "ভাষার সাপোর্ট এবং অনুবাদ" - -msgid "Photos and Media" -msgstr "ছবিগুলো এবং মিডিয়া" - -msgid "RSS, News and Blogging" -msgstr "RSS, সংবাদ এবং ব্লগিং" - -msgid "Site-specific" -msgstr "সাইট-নির্দিষ্ট" - -msgid "Web and Developer Tools" -msgstr "ওয়েব এবং ডেভেলোপার টুলস" - msgid "All Rights Reserved" msgstr "সর্বস্বত্ব সংরক্ষিত" @@ -2440,13 +2381,25 @@ msgstr "%s এর জন্য সাম্প্রতিক পরিবর্ msgid "Recent Changes for My Add-ons" msgstr "আমার অ্যাড-অন এর জন্য সাম্প্রতি পরিবর্তন" -msgid "Must have at least one owner." -msgstr "অন্তত একজন মালিক থাকতে হবে।" +msgid "Legacy extensions are no longer supported in Firefox." +msgstr "" -msgid "At least one author must be listed." -msgstr "একজন লেখককে অবশ্যই তালিকা ভুক্ত হতে পারবেন।" +msgid "Add-ons for Thunderbird and SeaMonkey are now listed and maintained on addons.thunderbird.net. You can use the same account to update your add-ons on the new site." +msgstr "" -msgid "An author can only be listed once." +msgid "We allow and encourage an upgrade but you cannot reverse this process. Once your users have the WebExtension installed, they will not be able to install a legacy add-on." +msgstr "" + +msgid "[{field}] The text in the \"{field}\" field has been flagged as spam." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Must have at least one owner." +msgstr "অন্তত একজন মালিক থাকতে হবে।" + +msgid "At least one author must be listed." +msgstr "একজন লেখককে অবশ্যই তালিকা ভুক্ত হতে পারবেন।" + +msgid "An author can only be listed once." msgstr "একজন লেখক একবারই তালিকায় ঢুকতে পারবেন।" msgid "Slug incorrect." @@ -2479,6 +2432,10 @@ msgstr "অনুগ্রহ করে আপনার অ্যাড-অন msgid "Unsupported file type, please upload an archive file {extensions}." msgstr "" +#, fuzzy +msgid "Invalid or broken archive." +msgstr "অকার্যকর পদক্ষেপ।" + msgid "View current" msgstr "বর্তমানটি দেখুন" @@ -2515,13 +2472,7 @@ msgstr "আপনি এই সংস্করণের জন্য আর ক msgid "Source file uploaded but you indicated no source was needed." msgstr "" -msgid "Application" -msgstr "অ্যাপ্লিকেশন" - -msgid "Select an application first" -msgstr "" - -msgid "There cannot be more than 3 required add-ons." +msgid "Ensure name and summary combined are at most {limit_value} characters (they have {show_value})." msgstr "" msgid "" @@ -2537,45 +2488,12 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Categories cannot be changed while your add-on is featured." msgstr "যেহেতু আপনার অ্যাড-অন এই অ্যাপলিকেশনের জন্য নির্বাচিত হয়েছে তাই বিষয়শ্রেণী পরিবর্তন করা যাবে না।" -msgid "Add-ons for Thunderbird and SeaMonkey are now listed and maintained on addons.thunderbird.net. You can use the same account to update your add-ons on the new site." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Legacy extensions are no longer supported in Firefox." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Starting with Firefox 53, new add-ons on this site can only be WebExtensions." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Legacy add-ons are not compatible with Firefox 57 or higher. Use a maxVersion of 56.* or lower." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Legacy language packs for Firefox are no longer supported. A WebExtensions install manifest is required. See {mdn_link} for more details." -msgstr "" - -msgid "We allow and encourage an upgrade but you cannot reverse this process. Once your users have the WebExtension installed, they will not be able to install a legacy add-on." -msgstr "" - -msgid "You cannot update a WebExtensions add-on with a legacy add-on. Your users would not be able to use your new version because Firefox does not support this type of update." -msgstr "" - msgid "Your developer API key was found in the submitted file. To protect your account, the key will be revoked." msgstr "" msgid "The developer API key of a coauthor was found in the submitted file. To protect your add-on, the key will be revoked." msgstr "" -#, python-format -msgid "%s responded with %s (%s)." -msgstr "" - -#, python-format -msgid "Connection to \"%s\" timed out." -msgstr "" - -#, python-format -msgid "Could not contact host at \"%s\"." -msgstr "" - msgid "Mozilla Security Notice: Your AMO API credentials have been revoked" msgstr "" @@ -2601,12 +2519,6 @@ msgstr "ব্যবহারকারীরর সংগ্রহসমূহ" msgid "User Reviews" msgstr "ব্যবহারকারীর পর্যালোচনা" -msgid "Changes successfully saved." -msgstr "পরিবর্তনগুলো সফলতার সাথে সংরক্ষিত হয়েছে।" - -msgid "Please check the form for errors." -msgstr "" - msgid "Add-on cannot be deleted. Disable this add-on instead." msgstr "" @@ -2631,11 +2543,17 @@ msgstr "" msgid "An author has been removed from your add-on" msgstr "" +msgid "Changes successfully saved." +msgstr "পরিবর্তনগুলো সফলতার সাথে সংরক্ষিত হয়েছে।" + msgid "Validate Add-on" msgstr "বৈধ এড-অন" -msgid "Check Add-on Compatibility" -msgstr "" +msgid "Icons must be either PNG or JPG." +msgstr "আইকন অবশ্যই PNG অথবা JPG তে হতে হবে।" + +msgid "Icons cannot be animated." +msgstr "আইকন এনিমেটেড হতে পারবে না।" #, python-format msgid "Images cannot be larger than %dKB." @@ -2645,6 +2563,19 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Image must be exactly {0} pixels wide and {1} pixels tall." msgstr "" +msgid "Image must be at least {0} pixels wide and {1} pixels tall." +msgstr "" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Image dimensions must be in the ratio 4:3." +msgstr "ছবি অবশ্যই PNG অথবা JPG হতে হবে।" + +msgid "Icon must be at least {0} pixels wide and tall." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Icon must be square (same width and height)." +msgstr "" + msgid "There was an error uploading your preview." msgstr "" @@ -2663,6 +2594,46 @@ msgstr "" msgid "This upload has failed validation, and may lack complete validation results. Please take due care when reviewing it." msgstr "" +msgid "Header area background" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The color of the header area background, displayed in the part of the header not covered or visible through the header image. Manifest field: accentcolor." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Header area text and icons" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The color of the text and icons in the header area, except the active tab. Manifest field: textcolor." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Toolbar area background" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The background color for the navigation bar, the bookmarks bar, and the selected tab. Manifest field: toolbar." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Toolbar area text and icons" +msgstr "" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "The color of the text and icons in the toolbar and the active tab. Manifest field: toolbar_text." +msgstr "টুলবারের টেক্সটের রং।" + +msgid "Toolbar field area background" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The background color for fields in the toolbar, such as the URL bar. Manifest field: toolbar_field." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Toolbar field area text" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The color of text in fields in the toolbar, such as the URL bar. Manifest field: toolbar_field_text." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please check the form for errors." +msgstr "" + msgid "Review requested." msgstr "পর্যালোচনার জন্য অনুরোধ করা হয়েছে।" @@ -2727,15 +2698,13 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Lightweight Themes" msgstr "" -msgid "Add-on Policies" -msgstr "" +#, fuzzy +msgid "Developer Policies" +msgstr "ডেভেলপারদের খবর" msgid "Add-on Validator" msgstr "" -msgid "Add-on Compatibility Checker" -msgstr "" - msgid "Development Add-ons" msgstr "" @@ -2760,13 +2729,6 @@ msgstr "খোঁজা" msgid "Use the field below to upload your add-on package." msgstr "" -#, python-format -msgid "Note that this tool only works with legacy add-ons. WebExtension APIs are thoroughly documented here." -msgstr "" - -msgid "After upload, a series of automated validation tests will run to check compatibility with the following application version:" -msgstr "" - msgid "After upload, a series of automated validation tests will be run on your file." msgstr "" @@ -2783,9 +2745,6 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Validated at:" msgstr "" -msgid "Tested for compatibility against:" -msgstr "" - msgid "Recent Activity for My Add-ons" msgstr "" @@ -2821,7 +2780,7 @@ msgid "" "\"close\">Ignore" msgstr "" -msgid "View and update application compatibility ranges." +msgid "View and update application compatibility ranges" msgstr "" msgid "Compatibility" @@ -2833,6 +2792,9 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Adjusting application information here will allow users to install your add-on even if the install manifest in the package indicates that the add-on is incompatible." msgstr "" +msgid "Application" +msgstr "অ্যাপ্লিকেশন" + msgid "Supported Versions" msgstr "" @@ -2858,8 +2820,8 @@ msgid_plural "{0} themes" msgstr[0] " {0} থিম" msgstr[1] "" -msgid "Edit Information" -msgstr "তথ্য সম্পাদনা করুন" +msgid "Edit Product Page" +msgstr "" msgid "None" msgstr "কোনোটি নয়" @@ -2888,13 +2850,70 @@ msgid "" "The page or file you requested wasn't found on our site. It's possible that you clicked a link that's out of date, or typed in " -"the address incorrectly.
Or you can just jump over to some of the " -"popular pages on our website.
Or you can just jump over to some of the popular pages on our website." +"
Reports submitted to us through the Add-on Compatibility Reporter are collected here for developers to view. These reports help us determine which add-ons will need " -"help supporting an upcoming Firefox version.
" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Reports for your Add-ons" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Enter the GUID of an add-on below to view any reports we've received." -msgstr "" - -msgid "{addon} Compatibility Reports" -msgstr "" - -msgid "{0} success report" -msgid_plural "{0} success reports" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -msgid "{0} problem report" -msgid_plural "{0} problem reports" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -msgid "View all" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Filter by Application" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Report Type" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Version" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Application Version" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Application Build" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Platform" -msgstr "" - -msgid "e10s Enabled" -msgstr "" - -msgid "e10s Compatible" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Submitted" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Success" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Problem" -msgstr "" - -msgid "No reports found." -msgstr "" - msgid "{addon} was created." msgstr "" @@ -1950,230 +1840,278 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Themes (Static)" msgstr "" -#. Review points sources other than add-ons and themes. -msgid "Other" +msgid "Alerts & Updates" msgstr "" -msgid "Exception" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that help you stay up-to-date, track tasks, improve efficiency. Find extensions that reload tabs, manage productivity, and more." msgstr "" -msgid "Release" +msgid "Appearance" msgstr "" -msgid "Change" +msgid "Download extensions that modify the appearance of websites and the browser Firefox. This category includes extensions for dark themes, tab management, and more." msgstr "" -msgid "Compatible" +msgid "Bookmarks" msgstr "" -msgid "Incompatible" +msgid "Download extensions that enhance bookmarks by password-protecting them, searching for duplicates, finding broken bookmarks, and more." msgstr "" -msgid "Alerts & Updates" +msgid "Download Management" msgstr "" -msgid "Appearance" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that can help download web, music and video content. You can also find extensions to manage downloads, share files, and more." msgstr "" -msgid "Bookmarks" +msgid "Feeds, News & Blogging" msgstr "" -msgid "Download Management" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that remove clutter so you can stay up-to-date on social media, catch up on blogs, RSS feeds, reduce eye strain, and more." msgstr "" -msgid "Feeds, News & Blogging" +msgid "Games & Entertainment" msgstr "" -msgid "Games & Entertainment" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to boost your entertainment experience. This category includes extensions that can enhance gaming, control video playback, and more." msgstr "" msgid "Language Support" msgstr "" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that offer language support like grammar check, look-up words, translate text, provide text-to-speech, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Photos, Music & Videos" msgstr "" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that enhance photo, music and video experiences. Extensions in this category modify audio and video, reverse image search, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Privacy & Security" msgstr "" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to browse privately and securely. This category includes extensions to block annoying ads, prevent tracking, manage redirects, and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Download Firefox extensions for search and look-up. This category includes extensions that highlight and search text, lookup IP addresses/domains, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Shopping" msgstr "" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that can enhance your online shopping experience with coupon finders, deal finders, review analyzers, more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Social & Communication" msgstr "" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to enhance social media and instant messaging. This category includes improved tab notifications, video downloaders, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Tabs" msgstr "" +msgid "Download Firefox extension to customize tabs and the new tab page. Discover extensions that can control tabs, change the way you interact with them, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Web Development" msgstr "" -msgid "Animals" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that feature web development tools. This category includes extensions for GitHub, user agent switching, cookie management, and more." msgstr "" -msgid "Compact" +#. Review points sources other than add-ons and themes. +msgid "Other" msgstr "" -msgid "Large" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that can be unpredictable and creative, yet useful for those odd tasks." msgstr "" -msgid "Miscellaneous" +msgid "Device Features & Location" msgstr "" -msgid "Modern" +msgid "Download extensions to enhance Firefox for Android. Perform quick searches, free up system resources, take notes, and more." msgstr "" -msgid "Nature" +msgid "Experimental" msgstr "" -msgid "OS Integration" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that are regularly updated and ready for public testing. Your feedback informs developers on changes to make in upcoming versions." msgstr "" -msgid "Retro" +msgid "Performance" msgstr "" -msgid "Sports" +msgid "Download extensions that give Firefox a performance boost. Find extensions that help you be more productive and efficient by blocking annoying ads and more." msgstr "" -msgid "Abstract" +msgid "Photos & Media" msgstr "" -msgid "Causes" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to enhance photos and media. This category includes extensions to reverse search images, capture full page screenshots, and more." msgstr "" -msgid "Fashion" +msgid "Security & Privacy" msgstr "" -msgid "Film and TV" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to surf safely and privately. Discover extensions that can stop sneaky ad trackers in their tracks, easily clear browsing history, and more." msgstr "" -msgid "Foxkeh" +msgid "Social Networking" msgstr "" -msgid "Holiday" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to enhance your experience on popular social networking websites such as YouTube, GitHub, Reddit, and more." msgstr "" -msgid "Music" +msgid "Sports & Games" msgstr "" -msgid "Scenery" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to give your entertainment experience a boost with live stream enhancers, sports updates, and more." msgstr "" -msgid "Seasonal" +msgid "User Interface" msgstr "" -msgid "Solid" +msgid "Download user interface Firefox extensions to alter web pages for easier reading, searching, browsing, and more." msgstr "" -msgid "Websites" +msgid "Animals" msgstr "" -msgid "General" +msgid "Compact" msgstr "" -msgid "Business" +msgid "Large" msgstr "" -msgid "Dictionaries & Encyclopedias" +msgid "Miscellaneous" msgstr "" -msgid "Kids" +msgid "Modern" msgstr "" -msgid "Multiple Search" +msgid "Nature" msgstr "" -msgid "News & Blogs" +msgid "OS Integration" msgstr "" -msgid "Photos & Images" +msgid "Retro" msgstr "" -msgid "Shopping & E-Commerce" +msgid "Sports" msgstr "" -msgid "Social & People" +msgid "Abstract" msgstr "" -msgid "Travel" +msgid "Download Firefox artistic and conceptual themes. This category includes colorful palettes and shapes, fantasy landscapes, playful cats, psychedelic flowers." msgstr "" -msgid "Video" +msgid "Causes" msgstr "" -msgid "Device Features & Location" +msgid "Download Firefox themes for niche interests and topics. This category includes sports themes, holidays, philanthropic causes, nationalities, and much more." msgstr "" -msgid "Experimental" +msgid "Fashion" msgstr "" -msgid "Feeds, News, & Blogging" +msgid "Download Firefox themes that celebrate style of all forms—patterns, florals, textures, models, and more." msgstr "" -msgid "Performance" +msgid "Film and TV" msgstr "" -msgid "Photos & Media" +msgid "Download Firefox themes with movies and television. This category includes anime like Uchiha Madara, movies like The Matrix, shows (Game of Thrones), and more." msgstr "" -msgid "Security & Privacy" +msgid "Download Firefox themes with the Firefox browser theme. This category includes colorful, diverse depictions of the Firefox logo, including more general fox themes." msgstr "" -msgid "Social Networking" +msgid "Foxkeh" msgstr "" -msgid "Sports & Games" +msgid "Download Firefox themes with the Japanese Firefox. This category includes themes that depict the cute Foxkeh mascot in various poses on diverse landscapes." msgstr "" -msgid "User Interface" +msgid "Holiday" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Download Firefox themes with holidays. This category includes Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, Fourth of July, and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Music" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Download Firefox themes for musical interests and artists. This category includes popular bands like Nirvana and BTS, instruments, music videos, and much more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Download Firefox themes with animals and natural landscapes. This category includes flowers, sunsets, foxes, seasons, planets, kittens, birds, and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Download Firefox themes that are interesting, creative, and unique." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Scenery" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Download Firefox themes that feature the environment and the natural world. This category includes sunsets, beaches, illustrations, city skylines, and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Seasonal" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Download Firefox themes for all four seasons—fall, winter, spring, and summer. Autumn leaves, snowy mountain peaks, sunny summer days, and spring flowers." msgstr "" -msgid "Appearance and Customization" +msgid "Solid" msgstr "" -msgid "Calendar and Date/Time" +msgid "Download Firefox themes with solid and gradient colors to personalize your browser. This category includes bold reds, pastels, soft greys, and much more." msgstr "" -msgid "Chat and IM" +msgid "Download Firefox themes that feature a variety of sports. This category includes country flags, sports teams, soccer, hockey, and more." msgstr "" -msgid "Message Composition" +msgid "Websites" msgstr "" -msgid "Contacts" +msgid "Download Firefox themes that capture the essence of the web—captivating, unusual, and distinctive." msgstr "" -msgid "Folders and Filters" +msgid "General" msgstr "" -msgid "Import/Export" +msgid "Business" msgstr "" -msgid "Message and News Reading" +msgid "Dictionaries & Encyclopedias" msgstr "" -msgid "Privacy and Security" +msgid "Kids" msgstr "" -msgid "Downloading and File Management" +msgid "Multiple Search" msgstr "" -msgid "Interface Customizations" +msgid "News & Blogs" msgstr "" -msgid "Language Support and Translation" +msgid "Photos & Images" msgstr "" -msgid "Photos and Media" +msgid "Shopping & E-Commerce" msgstr "" -msgid "RSS, News and Blogging" +msgid "Social & People" msgstr "" -msgid "Site-specific" +msgid "Travel" msgstr "" -msgid "Web and Developer Tools" +msgid "Video" msgstr "" msgid "All Rights Reserved" @@ -2401,6 +2339,18 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Recent Changes for My Add-ons" msgstr "" +msgid "Legacy extensions are no longer supported in Firefox." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Add-ons for Thunderbird and SeaMonkey are now listed and maintained on addons.thunderbird.net. You can use the same account to update your add-ons on the new site." +msgstr "" + +msgid "We allow and encourage an upgrade but you cannot reverse this process. Once your users have the WebExtension installed, they will not be able to install a legacy add-on." +msgstr "" + +msgid "[{field}] The text in the \"{field}\" field has been flagged as spam." +msgstr "" + msgid "Must have at least one owner." msgstr "" @@ -2440,6 +2390,9 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Unsupported file type, please upload an archive file {extensions}." msgstr "" +msgid "Invalid or broken archive." +msgstr "" + msgid "View current" msgstr "" @@ -2473,18 +2426,12 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Source file uploaded but you indicated no source was needed." msgstr "" -msgid "Application" +msgid "Ensure name and summary combined are at most {limit_value} characters (they have {show_value})." msgstr "" -msgid "Select an application first" -msgstr "" - -msgid "There cannot be more than 3 required add-ons." -msgstr "" - -msgid "" -"On this site. Your submission will be listed on this site and the Firefox Add-ons Manager for millions of users, after it passes code review. Automatic updates are handled " -"by this site. This add-on will also be considered for Mozilla promotions and contests. Self-distribution of the reviewed files is also possible." +msgid "" +"On this site. Your submission will be listed on this site and the Firefox Add-ons Manager for millions of users, after it passes code review. Automatic updates are handled " +"by this site. This add-on will also be considered for Mozilla promotions and contests. Self-distribution of the reviewed files is also possible." msgstr "" msgid "" @@ -2494,45 +2441,12 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Categories cannot be changed while your add-on is featured." msgstr "" -msgid "Add-ons for Thunderbird and SeaMonkey are now listed and maintained on addons.thunderbird.net. You can use the same account to update your add-ons on the new site." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Legacy extensions are no longer supported in Firefox." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Starting with Firefox 53, new add-ons on this site can only be WebExtensions." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Legacy add-ons are not compatible with Firefox 57 or higher. Use a maxVersion of 56.* or lower." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Legacy language packs for Firefox are no longer supported. A WebExtensions install manifest is required. See {mdn_link} for more details." -msgstr "" - -msgid "We allow and encourage an upgrade but you cannot reverse this process. Once your users have the WebExtension installed, they will not be able to install a legacy add-on." -msgstr "" - -msgid "You cannot update a WebExtensions add-on with a legacy add-on. Your users would not be able to use your new version because Firefox does not support this type of update." -msgstr "" - msgid "Your developer API key was found in the submitted file. To protect your account, the key will be revoked." msgstr "" msgid "The developer API key of a coauthor was found in the submitted file. To protect your add-on, the key will be revoked." msgstr "" -#, python-format -msgid "%s responded with %s (%s)." -msgstr "" - -#, python-format -msgid "Connection to \"%s\" timed out." -msgstr "" - -#, python-format -msgid "Could not contact host at \"%s\"." -msgstr "" - msgid "Mozilla Security Notice: Your AMO API credentials have been revoked" msgstr "" @@ -2558,12 +2472,6 @@ msgstr "" msgid "User Reviews" msgstr "" -msgid "Changes successfully saved." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Please check the form for errors." -msgstr "" - msgid "Add-on cannot be deleted. Disable this add-on instead." msgstr "" @@ -2588,10 +2496,16 @@ msgstr "" msgid "An author has been removed from your add-on" msgstr "" +msgid "Changes successfully saved." +msgstr "" + msgid "Validate Add-on" msgstr "" -msgid "Check Add-on Compatibility" +msgid "Icons must be either PNG or JPG." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Icons cannot be animated." msgstr "" #, python-format @@ -2602,6 +2516,18 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Image must be exactly {0} pixels wide and {1} pixels tall." msgstr "" +msgid "Image must be at least {0} pixels wide and {1} pixels tall." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Image dimensions must be in the ratio 4:3." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Icon must be at least {0} pixels wide and tall." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Icon must be square (same width and height)." +msgstr "" + msgid "There was an error uploading your preview." msgstr "" @@ -2620,6 +2546,45 @@ msgstr "" msgid "This upload has failed validation, and may lack complete validation results. Please take due care when reviewing it." msgstr "" +msgid "Header area background" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The color of the header area background, displayed in the part of the header not covered or visible through the header image. Manifest field: accentcolor." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Header area text and icons" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The color of the text and icons in the header area, except the active tab. Manifest field: textcolor." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Toolbar area background" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The background color for the navigation bar, the bookmarks bar, and the selected tab. Manifest field: toolbar." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Toolbar area text and icons" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The color of the text and icons in the toolbar and the active tab. Manifest field: toolbar_text." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Toolbar field area background" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The background color for fields in the toolbar, such as the URL bar. Manifest field: toolbar_field." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Toolbar field area text" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The color of text in fields in the toolbar, such as the URL bar. Manifest field: toolbar_field_text." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please check the form for errors." +msgstr "" + #, fuzzy msgid "Review requested." msgstr "নোটটি যাচাই করুন" @@ -2686,15 +2651,13 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Lightweight Themes" msgstr "" -msgid "Add-on Policies" -msgstr "" +#, fuzzy +msgid "Developer Policies" +msgstr "নোটটি যাচাই করুন" msgid "Add-on Validator" msgstr "" -msgid "Add-on Compatibility Checker" -msgstr "" - msgid "Development Add-ons" msgstr "" @@ -2719,13 +2682,6 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Use the field below to upload your add-on package." msgstr "" -#, python-format -msgid "Note that this tool only works with legacy add-ons. WebExtension APIs are thoroughly documented here." -msgstr "" - -msgid "After upload, a series of automated validation tests will run to check compatibility with the following application version:" -msgstr "" - msgid "After upload, a series of automated validation tests will be run on your file." msgstr "" @@ -2742,9 +2698,6 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Validated at:" msgstr "" -msgid "Tested for compatibility against:" -msgstr "" - msgid "Recent Activity for My Add-ons" msgstr "" @@ -2780,7 +2733,7 @@ msgid "" "\"close\">Ignore" msgstr "" -msgid "View and update application compatibility ranges." +msgid "View and update application compatibility ranges" msgstr "" msgid "Compatibility" @@ -2792,6 +2745,9 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Adjusting application information here will allow users to install your add-on even if the install manifest in the package indicates that the add-on is incompatible." msgstr "" +msgid "Application" +msgstr "" + msgid "Supported Versions" msgstr "" @@ -2817,7 +2773,7 @@ msgid_plural "{0} themes" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" -msgid "Edit Information" +msgid "Edit Product Page" msgstr "" msgid "None" @@ -2846,117 +2802,115 @@ msgid "" "The page or file you requested wasn't found on our site. It's possible that you clicked a link that's out of date, or typed in " -"the address incorrectly.
Or you can just jump over to some of the " -"popular pages on our website.
Or you can just jump over to some of the popular pages on our website." +"
Reports submitted to us through the Add-on Compatibility Reporter are collected here for developers to view. These reports help us determine which add-ons will need " -"help supporting an upcoming Firefox version.
" -msgstr "" -"Izvještaji poslani nama putem Izvještaja o kompatibilnosti dodataka su prokupljani ovdje za pregled od strane programera. Ovi izvještaji pomažu nam odrediti koji dodaci " -"će trebati pomoć da podržavaju nadolazeću Firefox verziju.
" - -msgid "Reports for your Add-ons" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Enter the GUID of an add-on below to view any reports we've received." -msgstr "Unesite GUID dodatka ispod da pregledate izvještaj koji smo dobili." - -msgid "{addon} Compatibility Reports" -msgstr "" - -msgid "{0} success report" -msgid_plural "{0} success reports" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" -msgstr[2] "" - -msgid "{0} problem report" -msgid_plural "{0} problem reports" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" -msgstr[2] "" - -msgid "View all" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Filter by Application" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Report Type" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Version" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Application Version" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Application Build" -msgstr "Izgradnja aplikacije" - -msgid "Platform" -msgstr "" - -msgid "e10s Enabled" -msgstr "" - -msgid "e10s Compatible" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Submitted" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Success" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Problem" -msgstr "" - -msgid "No reports found." -msgstr "" - msgid "{addon} was created." msgstr "" @@ -1968,230 +1857,278 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Themes (Static)" msgstr "" -#. Review points sources other than add-ons and themes. -msgid "Other" -msgstr "Ostalo" - -msgid "Exception" -msgstr "Izuzetak" - -msgid "Release" -msgstr "Izdanje" - -msgid "Change" -msgstr "Izmjena" - -msgid "Compatible" -msgstr "Kompatibilno" - -msgid "Incompatible" -msgstr "Nekompatibilno" - msgid "Alerts & Updates" msgstr "Upozorenja i ažuriranja" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that help you stay up-to-date, track tasks, improve efficiency. Find extensions that reload tabs, manage productivity, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Appearance" msgstr "Izgled" +msgid "Download extensions that modify the appearance of websites and the browser Firefox. This category includes extensions for dark themes, tab management, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Bookmarks" msgstr "" +msgid "Download extensions that enhance bookmarks by password-protecting them, searching for duplicates, finding broken bookmarks, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Download Management" msgstr "Menadžment preuzimanja" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that can help download web, music and video content. You can also find extensions to manage downloads, share files, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Feeds, News & Blogging" msgstr "Kanali, vijesti i blogiranje" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that remove clutter so you can stay up-to-date on social media, catch up on blogs, RSS feeds, reduce eye strain, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Games & Entertainment" msgstr "Igre i zabava" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to boost your entertainment experience. This category includes extensions that can enhance gaming, control video playback, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Language Support" msgstr "Podrška za jezik" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that offer language support like grammar check, look-up words, translate text, provide text-to-speech, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Photos, Music & Videos" msgstr "Slike, muzika i video" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that enhance photo, music and video experiences. Extensions in this category modify audio and video, reverse image search, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Privacy & Security" msgstr "Privatnost i sigurnost" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to browse privately and securely. This category includes extensions to block annoying ads, prevent tracking, manage redirects, and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Download Firefox extensions for search and look-up. This category includes extensions that highlight and search text, lookup IP addresses/domains, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Shopping" msgstr "Kupovina" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that can enhance your online shopping experience with coupon finders, deal finders, review analyzers, more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Social & Communication" msgstr "Druženje i komunikacija" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to enhance social media and instant messaging. This category includes improved tab notifications, video downloaders, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Tabs" msgstr "" +msgid "Download Firefox extension to customize tabs and the new tab page. Discover extensions that can control tabs, change the way you interact with them, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Web Development" msgstr "" -msgid "Animals" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that feature web development tools. This category includes extensions for GitHub, user agent switching, cookie management, and more." msgstr "" -msgid "Compact" +#. Review points sources other than add-ons and themes. +msgid "Other" +msgstr "Ostalo" + +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that can be unpredictable and creative, yet useful for those odd tasks." msgstr "" -msgid "Large" +msgid "Device Features & Location" msgstr "" -msgid "Miscellaneous" +msgid "Download extensions to enhance Firefox for Android. Perform quick searches, free up system resources, take notes, and more." msgstr "" -msgid "Modern" +msgid "Experimental" msgstr "" -msgid "Nature" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that are regularly updated and ready for public testing. Your feedback informs developers on changes to make in upcoming versions." msgstr "" -msgid "OS Integration" +msgid "Performance" msgstr "" -msgid "Retro" +msgid "Download extensions that give Firefox a performance boost. Find extensions that help you be more productive and efficient by blocking annoying ads and more." msgstr "" -msgid "Sports" +msgid "Photos & Media" msgstr "" -msgid "Abstract" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to enhance photos and media. This category includes extensions to reverse search images, capture full page screenshots, and more." msgstr "" -msgid "Causes" +msgid "Security & Privacy" msgstr "" -msgid "Fashion" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to surf safely and privately. Discover extensions that can stop sneaky ad trackers in their tracks, easily clear browsing history, and more." msgstr "" -msgid "Film and TV" +msgid "Social Networking" msgstr "" -msgid "Foxkeh" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to enhance your experience on popular social networking websites such as YouTube, GitHub, Reddit, and more." msgstr "" -msgid "Holiday" +msgid "Sports & Games" msgstr "" -msgid "Music" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to give your entertainment experience a boost with live stream enhancers, sports updates, and more." msgstr "" -msgid "Scenery" +msgid "User Interface" msgstr "" -msgid "Seasonal" +msgid "Download user interface Firefox extensions to alter web pages for easier reading, searching, browsing, and more." msgstr "" -msgid "Solid" +msgid "Animals" msgstr "" -msgid "Websites" +msgid "Compact" msgstr "" -msgid "General" +msgid "Large" msgstr "" -msgid "Business" +msgid "Miscellaneous" msgstr "" -msgid "Dictionaries & Encyclopedias" +msgid "Modern" msgstr "" -msgid "Kids" +msgid "Nature" msgstr "" -msgid "Multiple Search" +msgid "OS Integration" msgstr "" -msgid "News & Blogs" +msgid "Retro" msgstr "" -msgid "Photos & Images" +msgid "Sports" msgstr "" -msgid "Shopping & E-Commerce" +msgid "Abstract" msgstr "" -msgid "Social & People" +msgid "Download Firefox artistic and conceptual themes. This category includes colorful palettes and shapes, fantasy landscapes, playful cats, psychedelic flowers." msgstr "" -msgid "Travel" +msgid "Causes" msgstr "" -msgid "Video" +msgid "Download Firefox themes for niche interests and topics. This category includes sports themes, holidays, philanthropic causes, nationalities, and much more." msgstr "" -msgid "Device Features & Location" +msgid "Fashion" msgstr "" -msgid "Experimental" +msgid "Download Firefox themes that celebrate style of all forms—patterns, florals, textures, models, and more." msgstr "" -msgid "Feeds, News, & Blogging" +msgid "Film and TV" msgstr "" -msgid "Performance" +msgid "Download Firefox themes with movies and television. This category includes anime like Uchiha Madara, movies like The Matrix, shows (Game of Thrones), and more." msgstr "" -msgid "Photos & Media" +msgid "Download Firefox themes with the Firefox browser theme. This category includes colorful, diverse depictions of the Firefox logo, including more general fox themes." msgstr "" -msgid "Security & Privacy" +msgid "Foxkeh" msgstr "" -msgid "Social Networking" +msgid "Download Firefox themes with the Japanese Firefox. This category includes themes that depict the cute Foxkeh mascot in various poses on diverse landscapes." msgstr "" -msgid "Sports & Games" +msgid "Holiday" msgstr "" -msgid "User Interface" +msgid "Download Firefox themes with holidays. This category includes Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, Fourth of July, and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Music" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Download Firefox themes for musical interests and artists. This category includes popular bands like Nirvana and BTS, instruments, music videos, and much more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Download Firefox themes with animals and natural landscapes. This category includes flowers, sunsets, foxes, seasons, planets, kittens, birds, and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Download Firefox themes that are interesting, creative, and unique." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Scenery" msgstr "" -msgid "Appearance and Customization" +msgid "Download Firefox themes that feature the environment and the natural world. This category includes sunsets, beaches, illustrations, city skylines, and more." msgstr "" -msgid "Calendar and Date/Time" +msgid "Seasonal" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Download Firefox themes for all four seasons—fall, winter, spring, and summer. Autumn leaves, snowy mountain peaks, sunny summer days, and spring flowers." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Solid" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Download Firefox themes with solid and gradient colors to personalize your browser. This category includes bold reds, pastels, soft greys, and much more." msgstr "" -msgid "Chat and IM" +msgid "Download Firefox themes that feature a variety of sports. This category includes country flags, sports teams, soccer, hockey, and more." msgstr "" -msgid "Message Composition" +msgid "Websites" msgstr "" -msgid "Contacts" +msgid "Download Firefox themes that capture the essence of the web—captivating, unusual, and distinctive." msgstr "" -msgid "Folders and Filters" +msgid "General" msgstr "" -msgid "Import/Export" +msgid "Business" msgstr "" -msgid "Message and News Reading" +msgid "Dictionaries & Encyclopedias" msgstr "" -msgid "Privacy and Security" +msgid "Kids" msgstr "" -msgid "Downloading and File Management" +msgid "Multiple Search" msgstr "" -msgid "Interface Customizations" +msgid "News & Blogs" msgstr "" -msgid "Language Support and Translation" +msgid "Photos & Images" msgstr "" -msgid "Photos and Media" +msgid "Shopping & E-Commerce" msgstr "" -msgid "RSS, News and Blogging" +msgid "Social & People" msgstr "" -msgid "Site-specific" -msgstr "Specifično za web" +msgid "Travel" +msgstr "" -msgid "Web and Developer Tools" +msgid "Video" msgstr "" msgid "All Rights Reserved" @@ -2417,6 +2354,18 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Recent Changes for My Add-ons" msgstr "Nedavne promjene za moje dodatke" +msgid "Legacy extensions are no longer supported in Firefox." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Add-ons for Thunderbird and SeaMonkey are now listed and maintained on addons.thunderbird.net. You can use the same account to update your add-ons on the new site." +msgstr "" + +msgid "We allow and encourage an upgrade but you cannot reverse this process. Once your users have the WebExtension installed, they will not be able to install a legacy add-on." +msgstr "Dozvoljavamo i potičemo nadogradnju, ali ne možete pokrenuti ovaj proces. Jednom kada vaši korisnici budu imali instaliran WebExtension, neće biti u mogućnosti instalirati dodatak naslijeđa." + +msgid "[{field}] The text in the \"{field}\" field has been flagged as spam." +msgstr "" + msgid "Must have at least one owner." msgstr "Mora imati barem jednog vlasnika." @@ -2456,6 +2405,10 @@ msgstr "Molimo vas, odredite policu privatnosti za vaš dodatak:" msgid "Unsupported file type, please upload an archive file {extensions}." msgstr "Nepodržana vrsta datoteke, molimo učitajte arhivsku datoteku {extensions}." +#, fuzzy +msgid "Invalid or broken archive." +msgstr "Neispravna verzija raspona." + msgid "View current" msgstr "" @@ -2491,15 +2444,9 @@ msgstr "Ne možete učitati više datoteka za ovu verziju." msgid "Source file uploaded but you indicated no source was needed." msgstr "" -msgid "Application" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Select an application first" +msgid "Ensure name and summary combined are at most {limit_value} characters (they have {show_value})." msgstr "" -msgid "There cannot be more than 3 required add-ons." -msgstr "Ne može biti više od 3 tražena dodatka." - msgid "" "On this site. Your submission will be listed on this site and the Firefox Add-ons Manager for millions of users, after it passes code review. Automatic updates are handled " "by this site. This add-on will also be considered for Mozilla promotions and contests. Self-distribution of the reviewed files is also possible." @@ -2516,45 +2463,12 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Categories cannot be changed while your add-on is featured." msgstr "Kategorije ne mogu biti promijenjene dok je vaš dodatak prikazan." -msgid "Add-ons for Thunderbird and SeaMonkey are now listed and maintained on addons.thunderbird.net. You can use the same account to update your add-ons on the new site." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Legacy extensions are no longer supported in Firefox." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Starting with Firefox 53, new add-ons on this site can only be WebExtensions." -msgstr "Počevši sa Firefox 53, novi dodaci na ovoj stranici mogu biti samo WebExtensions." - -msgid "Legacy add-ons are not compatible with Firefox 57 or higher. Use a maxVersion of 56.* or lower." -msgstr "Naslijeđeni dodaci nisu kompatibilni sa Firefox 57 ili novijom verzijom. Koristite maxVersion od 56.* ili starije." - -msgid "Legacy language packs for Firefox are no longer supported. A WebExtensions install manifest is required. See {mdn_link} for more details." -msgstr "" - -msgid "We allow and encourage an upgrade but you cannot reverse this process. Once your users have the WebExtension installed, they will not be able to install a legacy add-on." -msgstr "Dozvoljavamo i potičemo nadogradnju, ali ne možete pokrenuti ovaj proces. Jednom kada vaši korisnici budu imali instaliran WebExtension, neće biti u mogućnosti instalirati dodatak naslijeđa." - -msgid "You cannot update a WebExtensions add-on with a legacy add-on. Your users would not be able to use your new version because Firefox does not support this type of update." -msgstr "Ne možete ažurirati WebExtensions dodatak sa naslijeđenim dodatkom. Vaši korisnici ne bi bili u mogućnosti koristiti vašu novu verziju jer Firefox ne podržava ove vrste ažuriranja." - msgid "Your developer API key was found in the submitted file. To protect your account, the key will be revoked." msgstr "" msgid "The developer API key of a coauthor was found in the submitted file. To protect your add-on, the key will be revoked." msgstr "" -#, python-format -msgid "%s responded with %s (%s)." -msgstr "%s je odgovorio sa %s (%s)." - -#, python-format -msgid "Connection to \"%s\" timed out." -msgstr "Povezivanje na \"%s\" je isteklo." - -#, python-format -msgid "Could not contact host at \"%s\"." -msgstr "Ne mogu kontaktirati host na \"%s\"." - msgid "Mozilla Security Notice: Your AMO API credentials have been revoked" msgstr "" @@ -2580,12 +2494,6 @@ msgstr "" msgid "User Reviews" msgstr "" -msgid "Changes successfully saved." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Please check the form for errors." -msgstr "" - msgid "Add-on cannot be deleted. Disable this add-on instead." msgstr "" @@ -2610,12 +2518,18 @@ msgstr "" msgid "An author has been removed from your add-on" msgstr "Autor je uklonjen s vašeg dodatka" +msgid "Changes successfully saved." +msgstr "" + msgid "Validate Add-on" msgstr "" -msgid "Check Add-on Compatibility" +msgid "Icons must be either PNG or JPG." msgstr "" +msgid "Icons cannot be animated." +msgstr "Ikone ne mogu biti animirane." + #, python-format msgid "Images cannot be larger than %dKB." msgstr "Slike ne mogu biti veće od %dKB." @@ -2624,6 +2538,20 @@ msgstr "Slike ne mogu biti veće od %dKB." msgid "Image must be exactly {0} pixels wide and {1} pixels tall." msgstr "Slike moraju biti tačno {0} piksela široke i {1} piksela visoke." +#, fuzzy +msgid "Image must be at least {0} pixels wide and {1} pixels tall." +msgstr "Slike moraju biti tačno {0} piksela široke i {1} piksela visoke." + +msgid "Image dimensions must be in the ratio 4:3." +msgstr "" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Icon must be at least {0} pixels wide and tall." +msgstr "Slike moraju biti tačno {0} piksela široke i {1} piksela visoke." + +msgid "Icon must be square (same width and height)." +msgstr "" + msgid "There was an error uploading your preview." msgstr "Dogodila se greška pri učitavanju vašeg pregleda." @@ -2642,6 +2570,45 @@ msgstr "" msgid "This upload has failed validation, and may lack complete validation results. Please take due care when reviewing it." msgstr "Ovaj prijenos nije prošao validaciju i možda nema potpune rezultate validacije. Molimo budite pažljivi kad ga pregledavate." +msgid "Header area background" +msgstr "Pozadina područja zaglavlja" + +msgid "The color of the header area background, displayed in the part of the header not covered or visible through the header image. Manifest field: accentcolor." +msgstr "Boja pozadine područja zaglavlja, prikazana u dijelu zaglavlja nije pokrivena ili vidljiva kroz sliku zaglavlja. Polje manifesta: accentcolor." + +msgid "Header area text and icons" +msgstr "Tekst i ikone područja zaglavlja" + +msgid "The color of the text and icons in the header area, except the active tab. Manifest field: textcolor." +msgstr "Boja teksta i ikona u području zaglavlja, osim aktivnog taba. Polje manifesta: textcolor." + +msgid "Toolbar area background" +msgstr "Pozadina područja alatne trake" + +msgid "The background color for the navigation bar, the bookmarks bar, and the selected tab. Manifest field: toolbar." +msgstr "Boja pozadine za navigacijsku traku, traku zabilješki i odabranih tabova. Polje manifesta: toolbar." + +msgid "Toolbar area text and icons" +msgstr "Tekst i ikone područja alatne trake" + +msgid "The color of the text and icons in the toolbar and the active tab. Manifest field: toolbar_text." +msgstr "Boja teksta i ikona u alatnoj traci i aktivnom tabu. Polje manifesta: toolbar_text." + +msgid "Toolbar field area background" +msgstr "Pozadina područja polja alatne trake" + +msgid "The background color for fields in the toolbar, such as the URL bar. Manifest field: toolbar_field." +msgstr "Boja pozadine za polja u alatnoj traci, kao što je URL traka. Polje manifesta: toolbar_field." + +msgid "Toolbar field area text" +msgstr "Tekst područja polja alatne trake" + +msgid "The color of text in fields in the toolbar, such as the URL bar. Manifest field: toolbar_field_text." +msgstr "Boja teksta u poljima u alatnoj traci, kao što je URL traka. Polje manifesta: toolbar_field_text." + +msgid "Please check the form for errors." +msgstr "" + msgid "Review requested." msgstr "" @@ -2708,15 +2675,13 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Lightweight Themes" msgstr "" -msgid "Add-on Policies" -msgstr "" +#, fuzzy +msgid "Developer Policies" +msgstr "Vijesti programera" msgid "Add-on Validator" msgstr "" -msgid "Add-on Compatibility Checker" -msgstr "" - msgid "Development Add-ons" msgstr "" @@ -2741,13 +2706,6 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Use the field below to upload your add-on package." msgstr "" -#, python-format -msgid "Note that this tool only works with legacy add-ons. WebExtension APIs are thoroughly documented here." -msgstr "" - -msgid "After upload, a series of automated validation tests will run to check compatibility with the following application version:" -msgstr "" - msgid "After upload, a series of automated validation tests will be run on your file." msgstr "Nakon prijenosa, serije automatskih testova validacije će biti pokrenute za vašu datoteku." @@ -2764,9 +2722,6 @@ msgstr "Rezultati validacije" msgid "Validated at:" msgstr "" -msgid "Tested for compatibility against:" -msgstr "Testirano za kompatibilnost protiv:" - msgid "Recent Activity for My Add-ons" msgstr "Nedavne aktivnosti za moje dodatke" @@ -2806,7 +2761,8 @@ msgstr "" "Ažurirajte kompatibilnosti Učitajte noviju verziju ili Ignorišite" -msgid "View and update application compatibility ranges." +#, fuzzy +msgid "View and update application compatibility ranges" msgstr "Pregledajte i ažurirajte opsege kompatibilnosti aplikacije." msgid "Compatibility" @@ -2818,6 +2774,9 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Adjusting application information here will allow users to install your add-on even if the install manifest in the package indicates that the add-on is incompatible." msgstr "Prilagođeni podaci o aplikaciji će omogućiti korisnicima da instaliraju vaš dodatak čak i ako dodatak nije kompatibilan sa manifestom." +msgid "Application" +msgstr "" + msgid "Supported Versions" msgstr "" @@ -2844,7 +2803,7 @@ msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" msgstr[2] "" -msgid "Edit Information" +msgid "Edit Product Page" msgstr "" msgid "None" @@ -2875,11 +2834,71 @@ msgstr "" "Dodaci mogu imati bilo koji broj autora s 2 moguća pravila:
The page or file you requested wasn't found on our site. It's possible that you clicked a link that's out of date, or typed in " -"the address incorrectly.
Or you can just jump over to some of the " -"popular pages on our website.
La pàgina o el fitxer que demaneu no està al nostre web. Potser que hàgiu clicat un enllaç que està desactualitzat o que hàgiu " -"teclejat una adreça incorrecta.
Sinó, podeu saltar cap a una altra " -"pàgina nostre web.
Or you can just jump over to some of the popular pages on our website." +"
La pàgina o el fitxer que heu sol·licitat no estan en aquest lloc. Pot ser que hàgiu fet clic en un enllaç que obsolet o que hàgiu " +"teclejat l'adreça incorrectament.
També podeu anar a alguna de les pàgines més populars del nostre lloc web." +"
Reports submitted to us through the Add-on Compatibility Reporter are collected here for developers to view. These reports help us determine which add-ons will need " -"help supporting an upcoming Firefox version.
" -msgstr "" -"Els informes que rebem a través del generador d'informes de compatibilitat dels complements es recullen aquí per tal que els desenvolupadors els consultin. Aquests " -"informes ens ajuden a determinar quins complements necessitaran una ajuda en una propera versió del Firefox.
" - -msgid "Reports for your Add-ons" -msgstr "Informes dels vostres complements" - -msgid "Enter the GUID of an add-on below to view any reports we've received." -msgstr "Introduïu el GUID d'un complement a continuació per veure quins informes n'hem rebut." - -msgid "{addon} Compatibility Reports" -msgstr "Informes de compatibilitat de {addon}" - -msgid "{0} success report" -msgid_plural "{0} success reports" -msgstr[0] "{0} Informe correcte" -msgstr[1] "{0} Informes correctes" - -msgid "{0} problem report" -msgid_plural "{0} problem reports" -msgstr[0] "{0} Informe amb problema" -msgstr[1] "{0} Informes amb problemes" - -msgid "View all" -msgstr "Mostra-ho tot" - -msgid "Filter by Application" -msgstr "Filtra per aplicació" - -msgid "Report Type" -msgstr "Tipus d'informe" - -msgid "Version" -msgstr "Versió" - -#, fuzzy -msgid "Application Version" -msgstr "Versions de l'aplicació" - -msgid "Application Build" -msgstr "Nombre de compilació de l'aplicació" - -msgid "Platform" -msgstr "Plataforma" - -#, fuzzy -msgid "e10s Enabled" -msgstr "Inhabilitat" - -#, fuzzy -msgid "e10s Compatible" -msgstr "Incomplet" - -msgid "Submitted" -msgstr "S'ha enviat" - -msgid "Success" -msgstr "Correcte" - -msgid "Problem" -msgstr "Problema" - -msgid "No reports found." -msgstr "No s'ha trobat cap informe." - msgid "{addon} was created." msgstr "S'ha creat el {addon}." @@ -2060,65 +1947,142 @@ msgstr "Connectors" msgid "Themes (Static)" msgstr "" -#. Review points sources other than add-ons and themes. -msgid "Other" -msgstr "Altres" - -msgid "Exception" -msgstr "Excepció" - -msgid "Release" -msgstr "Versió" - -msgid "Change" -msgstr "Canvi" - -msgid "Compatible" -msgstr "" - -#, fuzzy -msgid "Incompatible" -msgstr "Incomplet" - msgid "Alerts & Updates" msgstr "Avisos i actualitzacions" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that help you stay up-to-date, track tasks, improve efficiency. Find extensions that reload tabs, manage productivity, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Appearance" msgstr "Aparença" +msgid "Download extensions that modify the appearance of websites and the browser Firefox. This category includes extensions for dark themes, tab management, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Bookmarks" msgstr "Adreces d'interès" +msgid "Download extensions that enhance bookmarks by password-protecting them, searching for duplicates, finding broken bookmarks, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Download Management" msgstr "Gestió de baixades" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that can help download web, music and video content. You can also find extensions to manage downloads, share files, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Feeds, News & Blogging" msgstr "Canals, notícies i blogs" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that remove clutter so you can stay up-to-date on social media, catch up on blogs, RSS feeds, reduce eye strain, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Games & Entertainment" msgstr "Jocs i entreteniment" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to boost your entertainment experience. This category includes extensions that can enhance gaming, control video playback, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Language Support" msgstr "Eines d'idiomes" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that offer language support like grammar check, look-up words, translate text, provide text-to-speech, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Photos, Music & Videos" msgstr "Fotos, música i vídeos" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that enhance photo, music and video experiences. Extensions in this category modify audio and video, reverse image search, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Privacy & Security" msgstr "Privadesa i seguretat" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to browse privately and securely. This category includes extensions to block annoying ads, prevent tracking, manage redirects, and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Download Firefox extensions for search and look-up. This category includes extensions that highlight and search text, lookup IP addresses/domains, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Shopping" msgstr "Compres" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that can enhance your online shopping experience with coupon finders, deal finders, review analyzers, more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Social & Communication" msgstr "Social i comunicacions" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to enhance social media and instant messaging. This category includes improved tab notifications, video downloaders, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Tabs" msgstr "Pestanyes" +msgid "Download Firefox extension to customize tabs and the new tab page. Discover extensions that can control tabs, change the way you interact with them, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Web Development" msgstr "Desenvolupament web" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that feature web development tools. This category includes extensions for GitHub, user agent switching, cookie management, and more." +msgstr "" + +#. Review points sources other than add-ons and themes. +msgid "Other" +msgstr "Altres" + +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that can be unpredictable and creative, yet useful for those odd tasks." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Device Features & Location" +msgstr "Funcions i posicionament" + +msgid "Download extensions to enhance Firefox for Android. Perform quick searches, free up system resources, take notes, and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Experimental" +msgstr "Experimental" + +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that are regularly updated and ready for public testing. Your feedback informs developers on changes to make in upcoming versions." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Performance" +msgstr "Rendiment" + +msgid "Download extensions that give Firefox a performance boost. Find extensions that help you be more productive and efficient by blocking annoying ads and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Photos & Media" +msgstr "Fotos i multimèdia" + +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to enhance photos and media. This category includes extensions to reverse search images, capture full page screenshots, and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Security & Privacy" +msgstr "Seguretat i privadesa" + +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to surf safely and privately. Discover extensions that can stop sneaky ad trackers in their tracks, easily clear browsing history, and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Social Networking" +msgstr "Xarxes socials" + +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to enhance your experience on popular social networking websites such as YouTube, GitHub, Reddit, and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sports & Games" +msgstr "Esports i jocs" + +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to give your entertainment experience a boost with live stream enhancers, sports updates, and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "User Interface" +msgstr "Interfície d'usuari" + +msgid "Download user interface Firefox extensions to alter web pages for easier reading, searching, browsing, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Animals" msgstr "Animals" @@ -2149,36 +2113,81 @@ msgstr "Esports" msgid "Abstract" msgstr "Abstracte" +msgid "Download Firefox artistic and conceptual themes. This category includes colorful palettes and shapes, fantasy landscapes, playful cats, psychedelic flowers." +msgstr "" + msgid "Causes" msgstr "Causes" +msgid "Download Firefox themes for niche interests and topics. This category includes sports themes, holidays, philanthropic causes, nationalities, and much more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Fashion" msgstr "Moda" +msgid "Download Firefox themes that celebrate style of all forms—patterns, florals, textures, models, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Film and TV" msgstr "Pel·lícules i TV" +msgid "Download Firefox themes with movies and television. This category includes anime like Uchiha Madara, movies like The Matrix, shows (Game of Thrones), and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Download Firefox themes with the Firefox browser theme. This category includes colorful, diverse depictions of the Firefox logo, including more general fox themes." +msgstr "" + msgid "Foxkeh" msgstr "Foxkeh" +msgid "Download Firefox themes with the Japanese Firefox. This category includes themes that depict the cute Foxkeh mascot in various poses on diverse landscapes." +msgstr "" + msgid "Holiday" msgstr "Festes" +msgid "Download Firefox themes with holidays. This category includes Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, Fourth of July, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Music" msgstr "Música" +msgid "Download Firefox themes for musical interests and artists. This category includes popular bands like Nirvana and BTS, instruments, music videos, and much more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Download Firefox themes with animals and natural landscapes. This category includes flowers, sunsets, foxes, seasons, planets, kittens, birds, and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Download Firefox themes that are interesting, creative, and unique." +msgstr "" + msgid "Scenery" msgstr "Teatre" +msgid "Download Firefox themes that feature the environment and the natural world. This category includes sunsets, beaches, illustrations, city skylines, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Seasonal" msgstr "Estacional" +msgid "Download Firefox themes for all four seasons—fall, winter, spring, and summer. Autumn leaves, snowy mountain peaks, sunny summer days, and spring flowers." +msgstr "" + msgid "Solid" msgstr "Sòlid" +msgid "Download Firefox themes with solid and gradient colors to personalize your browser. This category includes bold reds, pastels, soft greys, and much more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Download Firefox themes that feature a variety of sports. This category includes country flags, sports teams, soccer, hockey, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Websites" msgstr "Llocs web" +msgid "Download Firefox themes that capture the essence of the web—captivating, unusual, and distinctive." +msgstr "" + msgid "General" msgstr "General" @@ -2212,116 +2221,41 @@ msgstr "Viatge" msgid "Video" msgstr "Vídeo" -msgid "Device Features & Location" -msgstr "Funcions i posicionament" +msgid "All Rights Reserved" +msgstr "Tots els drets reservats." -msgid "Experimental" -msgstr "Experimental" +msgid "Creative Commons Attribution 3.0" +msgstr "Creative Commons Atribució v3.0" -msgid "Feeds, News, & Blogging" -msgstr "Canals, notícies i blogs" +msgid "Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0" +msgstr "Creative Commons Atribució-No comercial v3.0" -msgid "Performance" -msgstr "Rendiment" +msgid "Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0" +msgstr "Creative Commons Atribució-No comercial-Sense derivats v3.0" -msgid "Photos & Media" -msgstr "Fotos i multimèdia" +msgid "Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 3.0" +msgstr "Creative Commons Atribució-No comercial-Compartir igual v3.0" -msgid "Security & Privacy" -msgstr "Seguretat i privadesa" +msgid "Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0" +msgstr "Creative Commons Atribució-Sense derivats v3.0" -msgid "Social Networking" -msgstr "Xarxes socials" +msgid "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0" +msgstr "Creative Commons Atribució-Compartir igual v3.0" -msgid "Sports & Games" -msgstr "Esports i jocs" +msgid "Any" +msgstr "Qualsevol" -msgid "User Interface" -msgstr "Interfície d'usuari" +msgid "All Platforms" +msgstr "Totes les plataformes" -msgid "Appearance and Customization" -msgstr "Aparença i personalització" +msgid "Linux" +msgstr "Linux" -msgid "Calendar and Date/Time" -msgstr "Calendari i data/hora" +msgid "Mac OS X" +msgstr "Mac OS X" -msgid "Chat and IM" -msgstr "Xat i missatgeria" - -msgid "Message Composition" -msgstr "Redacció de missatges" - -msgid "Contacts" -msgstr "Contactes" - -msgid "Folders and Filters" -msgstr "Carpetes i filtres" - -msgid "Import/Export" -msgstr "Importació/exportació" - -msgid "Message and News Reading" -msgstr "Lectura de missatges" - -msgid "Privacy and Security" -msgstr "Privadesa i seguretat" - -msgid "Downloading and File Management" -msgstr "Baixada i gestió de fitxers" - -msgid "Interface Customizations" -msgstr "Personalització de la interfície" - -msgid "Language Support and Translation" -msgstr "Assistència per a idiomes i traducció" - -msgid "Photos and Media" -msgstr "Fotografia i mitjans" - -msgid "RSS, News and Blogging" -msgstr "RSS, Notícies i Blogs" - -msgid "Site-specific" -msgstr "Específics per a llocs web" - -msgid "Web and Developer Tools" -msgstr "Eines web i de desenvolupament" - -msgid "All Rights Reserved" -msgstr "Tots els drets reservats." - -msgid "Creative Commons Attribution 3.0" -msgstr "Creative Commons Atribució v3.0" - -msgid "Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0" -msgstr "Creative Commons Atribució-No comercial v3.0" - -msgid "Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0" -msgstr "Creative Commons Atribució-No comercial-Sense derivats v3.0" - -msgid "Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 3.0" -msgstr "Creative Commons Atribució-No comercial-Compartir igual v3.0" - -msgid "Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0" -msgstr "Creative Commons Atribució-Sense derivats v3.0" - -msgid "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0" -msgstr "Creative Commons Atribució-Compartir igual v3.0" - -msgid "Any" -msgstr "Qualsevol" - -msgid "All Platforms" -msgstr "Totes les plataformes" - -msgid "Linux" -msgstr "Linux" - -msgid "Mac OS X" -msgstr "Mac OS X" - -msgid "BSD" -msgstr "BSD" +msgid "BSD" +msgstr "BSD" msgid "Windows" msgstr "Windows" @@ -2520,6 +2454,18 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Recent Changes for My Add-ons" msgstr "" +msgid "Legacy extensions are no longer supported in Firefox." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Add-ons for Thunderbird and SeaMonkey are now listed and maintained on addons.thunderbird.net. You can use the same account to update your add-ons on the new site." +msgstr "" + +msgid "We allow and encourage an upgrade but you cannot reverse this process. Once your users have the WebExtension installed, they will not be able to install a legacy add-on." +msgstr "" + +msgid "[{field}] The text in the \"{field}\" field has been flagged as spam." +msgstr "" + msgid "Must have at least one owner." msgstr "Ha de tenir com a mínim un propietari." @@ -2559,6 +2505,10 @@ msgstr "Especifiqueu la vostra Política de privadesa:" msgid "Unsupported file type, please upload an archive file {extensions}." msgstr "" +#, fuzzy +msgid "Invalid or broken archive." +msgstr "Arxiu invàlid." + msgid "View current" msgstr "" @@ -2595,14 +2545,8 @@ msgstr "No s'ha trobat cap fitxer per pujar" msgid "Source file uploaded but you indicated no source was needed." msgstr "" -msgid "Application" -msgstr "Aplicació" - -msgid "Select an application first" -msgstr "Primer cal que seleccioneu una aplicació" - -msgid "There cannot be more than 3 required add-ons." -msgstr "No es pot requerir més de 3 complements." +msgid "Ensure name and summary combined are at most {limit_value} characters (they have {show_value})." +msgstr "" msgid "" "On this site. Your submission will be listed on this site and the Firefox Add-ons Manager for millions of users, after it passes code review. Automatic updates are handled " @@ -2617,45 +2561,12 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Categories cannot be changed while your add-on is featured." msgstr "No es poden canviar les categories mentre el vostre complement estigui destacat per a aquesta aplicació." -msgid "Add-ons for Thunderbird and SeaMonkey are now listed and maintained on addons.thunderbird.net. You can use the same account to update your add-ons on the new site." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Legacy extensions are no longer supported in Firefox." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Starting with Firefox 53, new add-ons on this site can only be WebExtensions." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Legacy add-ons are not compatible with Firefox 57 or higher. Use a maxVersion of 56.* or lower." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Legacy language packs for Firefox are no longer supported. A WebExtensions install manifest is required. See {mdn_link} for more details." -msgstr "" - -msgid "We allow and encourage an upgrade but you cannot reverse this process. Once your users have the WebExtension installed, they will not be able to install a legacy add-on." -msgstr "" - -msgid "You cannot update a WebExtensions add-on with a legacy add-on. Your users would not be able to use your new version because Firefox does not support this type of update." -msgstr "" - msgid "Your developer API key was found in the submitted file. To protect your account, the key will be revoked." msgstr "" msgid "The developer API key of a coauthor was found in the submitted file. To protect your add-on, the key will be revoked." msgstr "" -#, python-format -msgid "%s responded with %s (%s)." -msgstr "%s ha respòs amb %s (%s)." - -#, python-format -msgid "Connection to \"%s\" timed out." -msgstr "S'ha esgotat el temps de connexió a «%s»." - -#, python-format -msgid "Could not contact host at \"%s\"." -msgstr "No s'ha pogut contactar amb el servidor central a «%s»." - msgid "Mozilla Security Notice: Your AMO API credentials have been revoked" msgstr "" @@ -2682,12 +2593,6 @@ msgstr "Col·leccions dels usuaris" msgid "User Reviews" msgstr "Comentaris dels usuaris" -msgid "Changes successfully saved." -msgstr "S'han desat els canvis correctament." - -msgid "Please check the form for errors." -msgstr "" - msgid "Add-on cannot be deleted. Disable this add-on instead." msgstr "No es pot suprimir el complement. Mireu d'inhabilitar-lo." @@ -2712,11 +2617,17 @@ msgstr "" msgid "An author has been removed from your add-on" msgstr "" +msgid "Changes successfully saved." +msgstr "S'han desat els canvis correctament." + msgid "Validate Add-on" msgstr "Valida el complement" -msgid "Check Add-on Compatibility" -msgstr "Comprova la compatibilitat del complement" +msgid "Icons must be either PNG or JPG." +msgstr "La icona ha de ser o bé PNG o bé JPG." + +msgid "Icons cannot be animated." +msgstr "Les icones no poden ser animades." #, python-format msgid "Images cannot be larger than %dKB." @@ -2726,6 +2637,21 @@ msgstr "Les imatges no poden ocupar més de %dKB." msgid "Image must be exactly {0} pixels wide and {1} pixels tall." msgstr "La imatge ha de tenir exactament {0} píxels d'amplada i {1} píxels d'alçada." +#, fuzzy +msgid "Image must be at least {0} pixels wide and {1} pixels tall." +msgstr "La imatge ha de tenir exactament {0} píxels d'amplada i {1} píxels d'alçada." + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Image dimensions must be in the ratio 4:3." +msgstr "Les imatges han de ser o bé PNG o bé JPG." + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Icon must be at least {0} pixels wide and tall." +msgstr "La imatge ha de tenir exactament {0} píxels d'amplada i {1} píxels d'alçada." + +msgid "Icon must be square (same width and height)." +msgstr "" + msgid "There was an error uploading your preview." msgstr "S'ha produït un error quan es pujava la previsualització." @@ -2744,6 +2670,46 @@ msgstr "" msgid "This upload has failed validation, and may lack complete validation results. Please take due care when reviewing it." msgstr "" +msgid "Header area background" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The color of the header area background, displayed in the part of the header not covered or visible through the header image. Manifest field: accentcolor." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Header area text and icons" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The color of the text and icons in the header area, except the active tab. Manifest field: textcolor." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Toolbar area background" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The background color for the navigation bar, the bookmarks bar, and the selected tab. Manifest field: toolbar." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Toolbar area text and icons" +msgstr "" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "The color of the text and icons in the toolbar and the active tab. Manifest field: toolbar_text." +msgstr "Aquest és el color del text de la pestanya." + +msgid "Toolbar field area background" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The background color for fields in the toolbar, such as the URL bar. Manifest field: toolbar_field." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Toolbar field area text" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The color of text in fields in the toolbar, such as the URL bar. Manifest field: toolbar_field_text." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please check the form for errors." +msgstr "" + #, fuzzy msgid "Review requested." msgstr "S'ha sol·licitat la revisió" @@ -2810,15 +2776,13 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Lightweight Themes" msgstr "" -msgid "Add-on Policies" -msgstr "Permisos dels complements" +#, fuzzy +msgid "Developer Policies" +msgstr "Comentaris del desenvolupador" msgid "Add-on Validator" msgstr "Validador de complements" -msgid "Add-on Compatibility Checker" -msgstr "Verificador de compatibilitat de complements" - msgid "Development Add-ons" msgstr "Desenvolupament de complements" @@ -2843,13 +2807,6 @@ msgstr "Cerca" msgid "Use the field below to upload your add-on package." msgstr "" -#, python-format -msgid "Note that this tool only works with legacy add-ons. WebExtension APIs are thoroughly documented here." -msgstr "" - -msgid "After upload, a series of automated validation tests will run to check compatibility with the following application version:" -msgstr "" - msgid "After upload, a series of automated validation tests will be run on your file." msgstr "" @@ -2866,9 +2823,6 @@ msgstr "Resultats de la validació" msgid "Validated at:" msgstr "" -msgid "Tested for compatibility against:" -msgstr "" - msgid "Recent Activity for My Add-ons" msgstr "Activitat recent dels meus complements" @@ -2908,7 +2862,8 @@ msgstr "" "Actualitza la compatibilitat Puja una altra versió or Ignora" -msgid "View and update application compatibility ranges." +#, fuzzy +msgid "View and update application compatibility ranges" msgstr "Mostra i actualitza els detalls de compatibilitat de l'aplicació." msgid "Compatibility" @@ -2922,6 +2877,9 @@ msgstr "" "Si ajusteu la informació de l'aplicació aquí, permetreu que els usuaris instal·lin el vostre complement fins i tot quan el manifest de la instal·lació del paquet indiqui que el complement és " "incompatible. " +msgid "Application" +msgstr "Aplicació" + msgid "Supported Versions" msgstr "Versions disponibles" @@ -2947,9 +2905,8 @@ msgid_plural "{0} themes" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" -#, fuzzy -msgid "Edit Information" -msgstr "Informació bàsica" +msgid "Edit Product Page" +msgstr "" msgid "None" msgstr "Cap" @@ -2978,12 +2935,73 @@ msgid "" "The page or file you requested wasn't found on our site. It's possible that you clicked a link that's out of date, or typed in " -"the address incorrectly.
Or you can just jump over to some of the " -"popular pages on our website.
Or you can just jump over to some of the popular pages on our website." +"
Ri ruxaq o Yakb'äl xak'utuj man k'o ta pa ruxaq qak'amaya'l. Rik'in jub'a' xapïtz' pa ruwi' jun ojer ximonel o man ütz ta xatz'ib'aj ri ochochib'äl. " "
Reports submitted to us through the Add-on Compatibility Reporter are collected here for developers to view. These reports help us determine which add-ons will need " -"help supporting an upcoming Firefox version.
" -msgstr "" -"Ri taq rutzijol xeqak'ül rik'in ri Rutzijöy K'amonel Tz'aqat yemol richin chi b'anonela' yekinik'oj. Ri taq rutzijol yeto'on richin nijikib'äx achike taq tz'aqat xketo' " -"richin xkesamäj pa ri jun chik ruwäch Firefox.
" - -msgid "Reports for your Add-ons" -msgstr "Kitzijol taq Atz'aqat" - -msgid "Enter the GUID of an add-on below to view any reports we've received." -msgstr "Tatz'ib'aj ri GUID richin jun tz'aqat ikim richin natz'ët ri taq tzijol eqak'ulun." - -msgid "{addon} Compatibility Reports" -msgstr "{addon} K'amonel taq Rutzijol" - -msgid "{0} success report" -msgid_plural "{0} success reports" -msgstr[0] "{0} ütz rutzijol" -msgstr[1] "{0} ütz taq rutzijol" - -msgid "{0} problem report" -msgid_plural "{0} problem reports" -msgstr[0] "{0} kitzijol k'ayewal" -msgstr[1] "{0} taq kitzijol k'ayewal" - -msgid "View all" -msgstr "Titz'et ronojel" - -msgid "Filter by Application" -msgstr "Tichayüx chi Chokoy" - -msgid "Report Type" -msgstr "Ruwäch Rutzijol" - -msgid "Version" -msgstr "Ruwäch" - -msgid "Application Version" -msgstr "Ruwäch Chokoy" - -msgid "Application Build" -msgstr "Tinuk' Chokoy" - -msgid "Platform" -msgstr "Nuk'uche'el" - -msgid "e10s Enabled" -msgstr "e10s Tzijon" - -msgid "e10s Compatible" -msgstr "e10s K'amonel" - -msgid "Submitted" -msgstr "Taqon" - -msgid "Success" -msgstr "Xojtikïr" - -msgid "Problem" -msgstr "K'ayewal" - -msgid "No reports found." -msgstr "Majun rutzijol xe'ilitäj." - msgid "{addon} was created." msgstr "{addon} xtz'uk." @@ -1974,64 +1865,144 @@ msgstr "Taq nak'ab'äl" msgid "Themes (Static)" msgstr "Taq Wachinel (Molob'a')" -#. Review points sources other than add-ons and themes. -msgid "Other" -msgstr "Juley chik" - -msgid "Exception" -msgstr "Man relik ta" - -msgid "Release" -msgstr "Elesanem" - -msgid "Change" -msgstr "Tijalwachïx" - -msgid "Compatible" -msgstr "K'amonel" - -msgid "Incompatible" -msgstr "Man k'amonel ta" - msgid "Alerts & Updates" msgstr "Kitzijol K'ayewal & Taq K'exoj" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that help you stay up-to-date, track tasks, improve efficiency. Find extensions that reload tabs, manage productivity, and more." +msgstr "" +"Ke'aqasaj taq ruk'amal Firefox yatkito' richin nak'exla' awi', ye'awojqaj taq samaj richin ri ütz samaj. Ke'awila' taq k'amal yekisamajib'ej taq ruwi', nikinuk'samajij k'iyirisanem chuqa' ch'aqa' " +"chik." + msgid "Appearance" msgstr "Rutzub'al" +msgid "Download extensions that modify the appearance of websites and the browser Firefox. This category includes extensions for dark themes, tab management, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Bookmarks" msgstr "Taq yaketal" +msgid "Download extensions that enhance bookmarks by password-protecting them, searching for duplicates, finding broken bookmarks, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Download Management" msgstr "Kinuk'samejel Qasanïk" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that can help download web, music and video content. You can also find extensions to manage downloads, share files, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Feeds, News & Blogging" msgstr "Taq b'ey, Taq Tzijol & Taq Ichinya'l" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that remove clutter so you can stay up-to-date on social media, catch up on blogs, RSS feeds, reduce eye strain, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Games & Entertainment" msgstr "Taq Etz'anem & K'astanib'alil" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to boost your entertainment experience. This category includes extensions that can enhance gaming, control video playback, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Language Support" msgstr "Rutob'al Ch'ab'äl" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that offer language support like grammar check, look-up words, translate text, provide text-to-speech, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Photos, Music & Videos" msgstr "Taq Wachib'äl, Q'ojom & taq Silowäch" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that enhance photo, music and video experiences. Extensions in this category modify audio and video, reverse image search, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Privacy & Security" msgstr "Ichinanem & Jikomal" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to browse privately and securely. This category includes extensions to block annoying ads, prevent tracking, manage redirects, and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Download Firefox extensions for search and look-up. This category includes extensions that highlight and search text, lookup IP addresses/domains, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Shopping" msgstr "Loq'oj" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that can enhance your online shopping experience with coupon finders, deal finders, review analyzers, more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Social & Communication" msgstr "Winaqilal & Tzijob'äl" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to enhance social media and instant messaging. This category includes improved tab notifications, video downloaders, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Tabs" msgstr "Taq ruwi'" +msgid "Download Firefox extension to customize tabs and the new tab page. Discover extensions that can control tabs, change the way you interact with them, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Web Development" msgstr "Ajk'amaya'l Nuk'unem" +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that feature web development tools. This category includes extensions for GitHub, user agent switching, cookie management, and more." +msgstr "" + +#. Review points sources other than add-ons and themes. +msgid "Other" +msgstr "Juley chik" + +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that can be unpredictable and creative, yet useful for those odd tasks." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Device Features & Location" +msgstr "Kisamaj Okisaxel & K'ojlem" + +msgid "Download extensions to enhance Firefox for Android. Perform quick searches, free up system resources, take notes, and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Experimental" +msgstr "Soltojtob'enel" + +msgid "Download Firefox extensions that are regularly updated and ready for public testing. Your feedback informs developers on changes to make in upcoming versions." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Performance" +msgstr "Rub'eyal nisamaj" + +msgid "Download extensions that give Firefox a performance boost. Find extensions that help you be more productive and efficient by blocking annoying ads and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Photos & Media" +msgstr "Taq Wachib'äl & K'oxom" + +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to enhance photos and media. This category includes extensions to reverse search images, capture full page screenshots, and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Security & Privacy" +msgstr "Jikomal & Ichinanem" + +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to surf safely and privately. Discover extensions that can stop sneaky ad trackers in their tracks, easily clear browsing history, and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Social Networking" +msgstr "K'amawinaqil" + +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to enhance your experience on popular social networking websites such as YouTube, GitHub, Reddit, and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sports & Games" +msgstr "Taq Etz'asilonem & Taq Etz'anem" + +msgid "Download Firefox extensions to give your entertainment experience a boost with live stream enhancers, sports updates, and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "User Interface" +msgstr "Ruk'amal Okisanel" + +msgid "Download user interface Firefox extensions to alter web pages for easier reading, searching, browsing, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Animals" msgstr "Chikopi'" @@ -2062,36 +2033,81 @@ msgstr "Taq etz'asilonem" msgid "Abstract" msgstr "Ch'utinisan na'oj" +msgid "Download Firefox artistic and conceptual themes. This category includes colorful palettes and shapes, fantasy landscapes, playful cats, psychedelic flowers." +msgstr "" + msgid "Causes" msgstr "Taq aruma" +msgid "Download Firefox themes for niche interests and topics. This category includes sports themes, holidays, philanthropic causes, nationalities, and much more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Fashion" msgstr "Wiqob'äl" +msgid "Download Firefox themes that celebrate style of all forms—patterns, florals, textures, models, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Film and TV" msgstr "Silowachil chuqa' TV" +msgid "Download Firefox themes with movies and television. This category includes anime like Uchiha Madara, movies like The Matrix, shows (Game of Thrones), and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Download Firefox themes with the Firefox browser theme. This category includes colorful, diverse depictions of the Firefox logo, including more general fox themes." +msgstr "" + msgid "Foxkeh" msgstr "Foxkeh" +msgid "Download Firefox themes with the Japanese Firefox. This category includes themes that depict the cute Foxkeh mascot in various poses on diverse landscapes." +msgstr "" + msgid "Holiday" msgstr "Uxlanem" +msgid "Download Firefox themes with holidays. This category includes Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, Fourth of July, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Music" msgstr "Q'ojom" +msgid "Download Firefox themes for musical interests and artists. This category includes popular bands like Nirvana and BTS, instruments, music videos, and much more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Download Firefox themes with animals and natural landscapes. This category includes flowers, sunsets, foxes, seasons, planets, kittens, birds, and more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Download Firefox themes that are interesting, creative, and unique." +msgstr "" + msgid "Scenery" msgstr "Wachaj" +msgid "Download Firefox themes that feature the environment and the natural world. This category includes sunsets, beaches, illustrations, city skylines, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Seasonal" msgstr "Kajtz'ukalil" +msgid "Download Firefox themes for all four seasons—fall, winter, spring, and summer. Autumn leaves, snowy mountain peaks, sunny summer days, and spring flowers." +msgstr "" + msgid "Solid" msgstr "Köw" +msgid "Download Firefox themes with solid and gradient colors to personalize your browser. This category includes bold reds, pastels, soft greys, and much more." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Download Firefox themes that feature a variety of sports. This category includes country flags, sports teams, soccer, hockey, and more." +msgstr "" + msgid "Websites" msgstr "Ajk'amaya'l ruxaq" +msgid "Download Firefox themes that capture the essence of the web—captivating, unusual, and distinctive." +msgstr "" + msgid "General" msgstr "Chijun" @@ -2125,81 +2141,6 @@ msgstr "B'eyajnem" msgid "Video" msgstr "Silowäch" -msgid "Device Features & Location" -msgstr "Kisamaj Okisaxel & K'ojlem" - -msgid "Experimental" -msgstr "Soltojtob'enel" - -msgid "Feeds, News, & Blogging" -msgstr "Taq b'ey, Taq Tzijol, & Taq Ichinya'l" - -msgid "Performance" -msgstr "Rub'eyal nisamaj" - -msgid "Photos & Media" -msgstr "Taq Wachib'äl & K'oxom" - -msgid "Security & Privacy" -msgstr "Jikomal & Ichinanem" - -msgid "Social Networking" -msgstr "K'amawinaqil" - -msgid "Sports & Games" -msgstr "Taq Etz'asilonem & Taq Etz'anem" - -msgid "User Interface" -msgstr "Ruk'amal Okisanel" - -msgid "Appearance and Customization" -msgstr "Wachinïk chuqa' Ichinanem" - -msgid "Calendar and Date/Time" -msgstr "Cholb'äl Q'ij chuqa' Q'ijul/Time" - -msgid "Chat and IM" -msgstr "Chat chuqa' IM" - -msgid "Message Composition" -msgstr "Runuk'ulem Tzijol" - -msgid "Contacts" -msgstr "Kib'i' achib'il" - -msgid "Folders and Filters" -msgstr "Taq Yakwuj chuqa' Taq Chayub'äl" - -msgid "Import/Export" -msgstr "Tijik'/Export" - -msgid "Message and News Reading" -msgstr "Rutzijol chuqa' Kisik'inem taq Tzijol" - -msgid "Privacy and Security" -msgstr "Ichinanem chuqa' Jikomal" - -msgid "Downloading and File Management" -msgstr "Kinuk'samajel Qasanïk chuqa' Yakb'äl" - -msgid "Interface Customizations" -msgstr "Kichinanem K'amal" - -msgid "Language Support and Translation" -msgstr "Rutob'al Ch'ab'äl chuqa' Tzalq'omanïk" - -msgid "Photos and Media" -msgstr "Taq Wachib'äl chuqa' K'oxom" - -msgid "RSS, News and Blogging" -msgstr "RSS, taq Tzijol chuqa' Ichinya'l" - -msgid "Site-specific" -msgstr "Jikïl-ruxaq" - -msgid "Web and Developer Tools" -msgstr "Ajk'amaya'l chuqa' Taq Rusamajib'al Nuk'unel" - msgid "All Rights Reserved" msgstr "E'ichinan Ronojel ri taq Ch'ojib'äl" @@ -2417,6 +2358,19 @@ msgstr "K'ak'a' taq Jaloj pa %s" msgid "Recent Changes for My Add-ons" msgstr "K'ak'a' taq Jaloj pa Taq Nutz'aqat" +msgid "Legacy extensions are no longer supported in Firefox." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Add-ons for Thunderbird and SeaMonkey are now listed and maintained on addons.thunderbird.net. You can use the same account to update your add-ons on the new site." +msgstr "Wakami ri taq rutz'aqat Thunderbird chuqa' SeaMonkey xtiq'alajin pa addons.thunderbird.net. Yatikïr nawokisaj ri rub'i' taqoya'l richin ye'ak'ëx pa ri k'ak'a' ajk'amaya'l ruxaq." + +msgid "We allow and encourage an upgrade but you cannot reverse this process. Once your users have the WebExtension installed, they will not be able to install a legacy add-on." +msgstr "Niqaya' q'ij chuqa' niqaya' kitzijol ri taq k'exoj, xa xe man tikirel ta nik'ex. Toq ri okisaxela' kiyakon chik ri WebExtension, man xketikïr ta xtikiyäk jun rutz'aqat choltz'ib'anem." + +#, fuzzy +msgid "[{field}] The text in the \"{field}\" field has been flagged as spam." +msgstr "Ri tz'ib'anïk xtz'ib'äx ya'on retal achi'el seq'tzijol." + msgid "Must have at least one owner." msgstr "K'o chi k'o jun rajaw." @@ -2456,6 +2410,10 @@ msgstr "Tajikib'a' ri Runa'ojil Ichinanem ri atz'aqat:" msgid "Unsupported file type, please upload an archive file {extensions}." msgstr "Man yek'ul ta re taq ruwäch yakb'äl re', tajotob'a' jun yakb'äl rik'in rub'anikil {extensions}." +#, fuzzy +msgid "Invalid or broken archive." +msgstr "Man okel ta yakb'äl." + msgid "View current" msgstr "Titz'et ri wakami" @@ -2490,14 +2448,8 @@ msgstr "Man ajotob'an ta jun ruxe'el yakb'äl." msgid "Source file uploaded but you indicated no source was needed." msgstr "" -msgid "Application" -msgstr "Chokoy" - -msgid "Select an application first" -msgstr "Nab'ey ticha' jun chokoy" - -msgid "There cannot be more than 3 required add-ons." -msgstr "Man tikirel ta nik'o chi re ri 3 rajowaxik taq tz'aqat." +msgid "Ensure name and summary combined are at most {limit_value} characters (they have {show_value})." +msgstr "" msgid "" "On this site. Your submission will be listed on this site and the Firefox Add-ons Manager for millions of users, after it passes code review. Automatic updates are handled " @@ -2513,46 +2465,12 @@ msgstr "Awuma rat. Re ruwäch re' xtijuch' richin nital msgid "Categories cannot be changed while your add-on is featured." msgstr "Man tikirel ta yejal ri taq ruwäch toq ri atz'aqat ya'on ruq'ij." -msgid "Add-ons for Thunderbird and SeaMonkey are now listed and maintained on addons.thunderbird.net. You can use the same account to update your add-ons on the new site." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Legacy extensions are no longer supported in Firefox." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Starting with Firefox 53, new add-ons on this site can only be WebExtensions." -msgstr "Nitikirisäx rik'in ri Firefox 53, ri k'ak'a' taq rutz'aqat ruxaq, e ütz we e WebExtensions." - -msgid "Legacy add-ons are not compatible with Firefox 57 or higher. Use a maxVersion of 56.* or lower." -msgstr "Ri taq tz'aqat e'ichinan kan man e k'amonel ta rik'in ri Firefox 57 o jotöl. Tokisäx jun maxVersion richin 56.* o qajinäq." - -msgid "Legacy language packs for Firefox are no longer supported. A WebExtensions install manifest is required. See {mdn_link} for more details." -msgstr "Man yek'ul ta chik ojer taq pisoj ch'ab'äl pa Firefox. Rajowaxik niyak jun WebExtensions tzijoxïk. Tatz'eta' {mdn_link} richin ch'aqa' chik rutzijol." - -msgid "We allow and encourage an upgrade but you cannot reverse this process. Once your users have the WebExtension installed, they will not be able to install a legacy add-on." -msgstr "Niqaya' q'ij chuqa' niqaya' kitzijol ri taq k'exoj, xa xe man tikirel ta nik'ex. Toq ri okisaxela' kiyakon chik ri WebExtension, man xketikïr ta xtikiyäk jun rutz'aqat choltz'ib'anem." - -msgid "You cannot update a WebExtensions add-on with a legacy add-on. Your users would not be able to use your new version because Firefox does not support this type of update." -msgstr "" -"Man yatikïr ta nak'ëx jun WebExtensions tz'aqat rik'in legacy tz'aqat. Man xketikïr xtikokisaj ri k'ak'a' ruwäch ri okisanela' ruma chi ri Firefox man nuya' ta q'ij chi ke re kiwäch k'exoj re'." - msgid "Your developer API key was found in the submitted file. To protect your account, the key will be revoked." msgstr "Xilitäj ri API ewan atzij richin b'anonel pa ri yakb'äl xtaq. Richin nichajïx ri rub'i' ataqoya'l, xtiyuj ri ewan tzij." msgid "The developer API key of a coauthor was found in the submitted file. To protect your add-on, the key will be revoked." msgstr "Xilitäj ri API ewan rutzij b'anonel richin jun achb'anel pa ri yakb'äl xtaq. Richin nichajïx ri tz'aqat, xtiyuj ri ewan tzij." -#, python-format -msgid "%s responded with %s (%s)." -msgstr "%s xutzolij tzij rik'in %s (%s)." - -#, python-format -msgid "Connection to \"%s\" timed out." -msgstr "Ri okem pa \"%s\" xk'is ruq'ijul." - -#, python-format -msgid "Could not contact host at \"%s\"." -msgstr "Man rilon ta ri k'uxasamaj pa \"%s\"." - msgid "Mozilla Security Notice: Your AMO API credentials have been revoked" msgstr "Rutzijol Rujikomal Mozilla: Xeyuj ri taq AMO API wujil" @@ -2578,12 +2496,6 @@ msgstr "Kimol Okisanel" msgid "User Reviews" msgstr "Kitzijoxik Okisanel" -msgid "Changes successfully saved." -msgstr "Ütz xeyak ri jaloj." - -msgid "Please check the form for errors." -msgstr "Tanik'oj ri kinojwuj sachoj." - msgid "Add-on cannot be deleted. Disable this add-on instead." msgstr "Man tikirel ta niyuj ri tz'aqat. Tichup re tz'aqat re'." @@ -2608,11 +2520,17 @@ msgstr "Jun b'anel xujäl jun samaj pan atz'aqat" msgid "An author has been removed from your add-on" msgstr "Jun b'anel xuyüj el pa ri atz'aqat" +msgid "Changes successfully saved." +msgstr "Ütz xeyak ri jaloj." + msgid "Validate Add-on" msgstr "Tijikib'äx ri Tz'aqat" -msgid "Check Add-on Compatibility" -msgstr "Tinik'öx ruk'amonel Tz'aqat" +msgid "Icons must be either PNG or JPG." +msgstr "Ri taq wachib'äl k'o chi e PNG o JPG kib'anikil." + +msgid "Icons cannot be animated." +msgstr "Man tikirel ta e silonel ri taq wachib'äl." #, python-format msgid "Images cannot be larger than %dKB." @@ -2622,6 +2540,21 @@ msgstr "Ri taq wachib'äl k'o chi man ye'ik'o ta chi re ri %dKB." msgid "Image must be exactly {0} pixels wide and {1} pixels tall." msgstr "Ri wachib'äl k'o chi {0} piksel ruwa chuqa' {1} taq piksel rujotolem." +#, fuzzy +msgid "Image must be at least {0} pixels wide and {1} pixels tall." +msgstr "Ri wachib'äl k'o chi {0} piksel ruwa chuqa' {1} taq piksel rujotolem." + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Image dimensions must be in the ratio 4:3." +msgstr "Ri taq wachib'äl k'o chi e PNG o JPG kib'anikil." + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Icon must be at least {0} pixels wide and tall." +msgstr "Ri wachib'äl k'o chi {0} piksel ruwa chuqa' {1} taq piksel rujotolem." + +msgid "Icon must be square (same width and height)." +msgstr "" + msgid "There was an error uploading your preview." msgstr "Xk'ulwachitäj jun sachoj toq nijotob'äx ri nab'ey rutzub'al." @@ -2640,6 +2573,45 @@ msgstr "Ruwäch %s xtzij chik." msgid "This upload has failed validation, and may lack complete validation results. Please take due care when reviewing it." msgstr "Re jotonem re' xuyüj ri junamanem ruma ri' toq rik'in jub'a' man tz'aqät ta ri ketal junamanem. Jeb'ël tanik'oj." +msgid "Header area background" +msgstr "Rupam ruk'ojlib'al jub'i'aj" + +msgid "The color of the header area background, displayed in the part of the header not covered or visible through the header image. Manifest field: accentcolor." +msgstr "Ri rub'onil rupam ruk'ojlib'al b'i'aj, ri k'o pa ruk'ojlib'al b'i'an, ri man nojinäq ta o man tz'etel ta rik'in ri wachib'äl. Ruk'ojlib'al manifiesto: accentcolor." + +msgid "Header area text and icons" +msgstr "Rutz'ib'anïk chuqa' ruwachib'al ruk'ojlib'al b'i'aj" + +msgid "The color of the text and icons in the header area, except the active tab. Manifest field: textcolor." +msgstr "Ri rub'onil tz'ib'anïk chuqa' ruwachib'al ruk'ojlib'al b'i'aj, man ke ta ri' ri tzijïl ruwi'. Ruk'ojlib'al Manifiesto: textcolor." + +msgid "Toolbar area background" +msgstr "Rupam ruk'ojlib'al rukajtz'ik samajib'äl" + +msgid "The background color for the navigation bar, the bookmarks bar, and the selected tab. Manifest field: toolbar." +msgstr "Ri rub'onil rupam rukajtz'ik okem pa k'amaya'l, kikajtz'ik yaketal chuqa' ri ruwi' cha'on. Ruk'ojlib'al manifiesto: toolbar." + +msgid "Toolbar area text and icons" +msgstr "Rutz'ib'anïk chuqa' ruwachib'al ruk'ojlib'al rukajtz'ik samajib'äl" + +msgid "The color of the text and icons in the toolbar and the active tab. Manifest field: toolbar_text." +msgstr "Ri rub'onil tz'ib'anïk chuqa' ruwachib'al pa ri rukajtz'ik samajib'äl chuqa' ri tzijïl ruwi'. Ruk'ojlib'al Manifiesto: toolbar_text." + +msgid "Toolbar field area background" +msgstr "Rupam ruk'ojlib'al rukajtz'ik samajib'äl" + +msgid "The background color for fields in the toolbar, such as the URL bar. Manifest field: toolbar_field." +msgstr "Ri rub'onil rupam ruk'ojlib'al rukajtz'ik samajib'äl, achi'el ri rukajtz'ik URL. Ruk'ojlib'al Manifiesto: toolbar_field." + +msgid "Toolbar field area text" +msgstr "Kitz'ib'anik ruk'ojlib'al rukajtz'ik samajib'äl" + +msgid "The color of text in fields in the toolbar, such as the URL bar. Manifest field: toolbar_field_text." +msgstr "Ri rub'onil rutz'ib'anik ruk'ojlib'al rukajtz'ik samajib'äl, achi'el ri rukajtz'ik URL. Ruk'ojlib'al manifiesto: toolbar:field_text." + +msgid "Please check the form for errors." +msgstr "Tanik'oj ri kinojwuj sachoj." + msgid "Review requested." msgstr "Xk'utüx nik'oxïk." @@ -2706,15 +2678,13 @@ msgstr "Kib'anik K'amal" msgid "Lightweight Themes" msgstr "Anin taq Wachinel" -msgid "Add-on Policies" -msgstr "Kina'ojil Tz'aqat" +#, fuzzy +msgid "Developer Policies" +msgstr "Kitzijol B'anonela'" msgid "Add-on Validator" msgstr "Rujikib'anel Tz'aqat" -msgid "Add-on Compatibility Checker" -msgstr "Runik'onel K'amonel Tz'aqat" - msgid "Development Add-ons" msgstr "Kitz'aqat B'anonem" @@ -2739,13 +2709,6 @@ msgstr "Tikanöx" msgid "Use the field below to upload your add-on package." msgstr "Tawokisaj ri k'ojlib'äl ikim richin najotob'a' tz'aqat pisaj." -#, python-format -msgid "Note that this tool only works with legacy add-ons. WebExtension APIs are thoroughly documented here." -msgstr "Tanataj chi re samajib'äl re' xa xe nisamäj kik'in taq tz'aqat e'ichinan kan. WebExtension APIs wawe' k'o taq ruwujil." - -msgid "After upload, a series of automated validation tests will run to check compatibility with the following application version:" -msgstr "Chi rij ri jotob'anïk, xkesamajïx jalajöj taq rutojtob'enik ruyonil junamanem richin nitojtob'ëx we nuk'äm ri' rik'in ri ruwäch chokoy:" - msgid "After upload, a series of automated validation tests will be run on your file." msgstr "Chi rij ri jotob'anïk, xkesamajïx jalajöj taq rutojtob'enik yonil junamanem chi rij ri ayakb'al." @@ -2762,9 +2725,6 @@ msgstr "Kiq'i'oj Jikib'anem" msgid "Validated at:" msgstr "Jikib'an pa:" -msgid "Tested for compatibility against:" -msgstr "Xnik'öx ri ruk'amonik rik'in:" - msgid "Recent Activity for My Add-ons" msgstr "K'ak'a' Samaj pa Taq Nutz'aqat" @@ -2804,7 +2764,8 @@ msgstr "" "Tik'ex ri K'amonem Tijotob'äx K'ak'a' Ruwäch o Tirepüx kan" -msgid "View and update application compatibility ranges." +#, fuzzy +msgid "View and update application compatibility ranges" msgstr "Ketz'et chuqa' kek'ex ri kajilab'al kik'amonik chokoy." msgid "Compatibility" @@ -2816,6 +2777,9 @@ msgstr "Tik'ex K'amonïk" msgid "Adjusting application information here will allow users to install your add-on even if the install manifest in the package indicates that the add-on is incompatible." msgstr "Toq xb'an runuk'ulem ri retamab'al chokoy, xtaya' q'ij chi ke ri okisanela' richin nikiyäk ri atz'aqat achi'el chuqa' we ri manifest ruyakb'al pitzoj nuya' pe rutzijol chi man nuk'äm ta ri'." +msgid "Application" +msgstr "Chokoy" + msgid "Supported Versions" msgstr "K'amonel taq Ruwäch" @@ -2841,8 +2805,8 @@ msgid_plural "{0} themes" msgstr[0] "{0} wachinel" msgstr[1] "{0} taq wachinel" -msgid "Edit Information" -msgstr "Tinuk' Etamab'äl" +msgid "Edit Product Page" +msgstr "" msgid "None" msgstr "Majun" @@ -2872,12 +2836,71 @@ msgstr "" "Ri taq tz'aqat tikirel e k'ïy yeb'ano ri tikirel 2 kisamaj:
Please read the Review Guidelines " "for more detail about user add-on reviews.
" msgstr "" +"Tasik'ij ri Ketal taq Ejqalem richin ch'aqa' chik kib'anikil kitzijoxik kitz'aqat okisanela'.
" msgid "Reply to review by {0}" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Titzolïx tizj chi re ri runik'on {0}" msgid "Write a Reply" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Titz'ib'äx jun Tzolin Tzij" msgid "Submit" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Titaq" #. this string is following a