The code is based on Curiosity-driven Exploration by Self-supervised Prediction and the license comes from the project.
Based on previous related works,to enhance the curiosity-driven exploration andutilize prior experience more effectively, we develop a new memory replay mechanism, whichconsists of two modules: Trajectory Replay Module (TRM) to record the agent moving trajectory information with much less space, and the Trajectory Optimization Module (TOM) to formulate the state information as reward.
1. This code is based on TensorFlow. To install, run these commands:
# you might not need many of these, e.g., fceux is only for mario
sudo apt-get install -y python-numpy python-dev cmake zlib1g-dev libjpeg-dev xvfb \
libav-tools xorg-dev python-opengl libboost-all-dev libsdl2-dev swig python3-dev \
python3-venv make golang libjpeg-turbo8-dev gcc wget unzip git fceux virtualenv \
# install the code
cd superMarioBros
virtualenv tom
source $PWD/tom/bin/activate
pip install numpy
pip install pandas
pip install -r src/requirements.txt
python tom/src/go-vncdriver/
cd tom/src/
# revise the lines below
env_id = 'ppaquette/SuperMarioBros-' + level + '-v0'
env = env_wrapper.MarioEnv(env, tilesEnv=False)
# if you want to train the agent in a effient version.
# revise the lines below
env_id = 'ppaquette/SuperMarioBros-' + level + '-Tiles-v0'
env = env_wrapper.MarioEnv(env, tilesEnv=True)
LEVEL = "1-1" # revise the level to which you want
cd tom/src/
python --default --env-id mario --noReward --log-dir tmp/ac4_$LEVEL --num-worker 4 --pretrain ./model/dir
The log directory which is parameter of log-dir
must be clean! Or the neural network will load the weight and bias from the dirty directory.
cd tom/src/
#from ICM_TOM import A3C # comment the line
from test_dis import A3C # uncomment the line
python --default --env-id mario --noReward --log-dir tmp/testing_mario --num-worker 4 --pretrain ./model/testing/model/dir