./calculatorA dd1 mm1 yyyy1 dd2 mm2 yyyy2 [Returns the number of days between an inputed start and end date, not including the end date.]
./calculatorB dd1 mm1 yyyy1 dd2 mm2 yyyy2 include [Returns the number of days between an inputed start and end date, including the end date.]
./calculatorC dd1-mm1-yyyy1 dd2-mm2-yyyy2 include [Returns the number of days between the string of a start and end date, including the end date string.]
./calculatorD today dd2-mm2-yyyy2 include OR ./calculatorD dd1-mm1-yyyy1 today include [Returns the number of days between the string of a start and end date, including the end date string. However, either of the dates can be the string “today”.]
./calculatorE dd1-mm1-yyyy1 dd2-mm2-yyyy2 include [Returns the number of days between the string of a start and end date in different years, including the end date string.]