This is a simple WebSocket library for real time app like Chats, Notification, etc based on DDP protocol powered by RXjs
- use Meteor-DDP protocol (without the need of Meteor Client) to connect to any Server supporting DDP protocol.
- use RxJs to handle the collection items in Streams
- customizable Cache options to persist and load data from cache
This library works well together with:
- Code rewrite using ES6 and Typescript (add typings and interfaces)
- Using customizable storage system (minimongo-db or minimongo-cache dependencies are NOT required)
- Access to collection's data by simple subscribe to Observable and use RxJs operators (map, zip, filter, etc) for querying
npm install rxjs-ddp-client
yarn add rxjs-ddp-client
- First you need to create a custom DDPClient class that will extend from the base class DDPClient (for a complete example see the file MyDDPClient.ts).
- In this custom DDPClient class you need to implement all your DDP app logic (Login, Collections names, DDP server url, etc)
// example/MyDDPClient.ts
// Define your collections names
export enum MY_DDP_COLLECTIONS {
USERS = 'users',
CHATS = 'chats',
// Class methods implementations
connect() {
const ddpServerUrl = 'ws://localhost:8080';
login() {
return this.callWithPromise('login', {
username: 'xxx',
password: 'xxx',
// Events called by DDPClient
onConnected() {
// DDP connected, now we can login and subscribe to the publications on the server
this.ddpStatus.isConnected = true;
this.ddpStatus.isDisconnected = false;
// Example: Login automatically when WebSocket is connected
this.login().then(() => {
onDisconnected() {
// DDP disconnected, notify user
this.ddpStatus.isConnected = true;
this.ddpStatus.isDisconnected = false;
onSocketError(error) {
// Custom code on Socket error
// ...
- rxjs-ddp-client comes with the data cache out of the box. To keep things flexible, you can use any cache system by implementing a class like MyDDPCacheEngine that has the methods required by DDPCacheEngine interface. For example if you chose to use LocalStorage as cache engine you need a class like this:
// example/MyDDPCacheEngine.ts
export class MyDDPCacheEngine implements DDPCacheEngine {
constructor() {}
getItem(keyName: string) {
return Observable.of(localStorage.getItem(keyName));
setItem(keyName: string, value: any) {
return Observable.of(localStorage.setItem(keyName, value));
removeItem(keyName: string) {
return Observable.of(localStorage.removeItem(keyName));
- Ultimately you can initialize your custom DDP client in your app main entry point
// app.ts
import { DDPCacheEngine } from 'rxjs-ddp-client';
import { MyDDPClient, MyDDPCacheEngine } from './src/utils/ddp';
const myDDPClient = new MyDDPClient();
// OPTION 1: Wrapper of LocalForage or any storage using Observable (methods must match to DDPCacheEngine interface)
// const _storageService = new MyLocalForageWrapper();
// OPTION 2: if you use Angular 2 you could consider using the StorageService of ng2-platform ([see ng2-platform repo](
// const _storageService = this._storageService; // Need to declare StorageService in the constructor
// OPTION 3: use the browser localStorage (using the example file my-ddp-cache-engine.ts above)
const _storageService = MyDDPCacheEngine;
Angular 2+
// app.component.ts
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { MyDDPClient } from './my-ddp-client';
import { MyDDPCacheEngine } from './my-ddp-cache-engine';
selector: 'app-root',
templateUrl: './app.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./app.component.css'],
export class AppComponent {
title = 'app';
constructor() {
init() {
const myDDPClient = new MyDDPClient();
const myDDPCacheEngine = new MyDDPCacheEngine();
- Thanks to oortcloud for the node-ddp-client which formed the inspiration for this code.
- Thanks to yjmade for the Django/PostgreSQL implementation of the Meteor server.