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OpenFlow capable device certification framework


packages: lua, gcc, cmake, openvwitch
ssh keys for root auf dem measuremnt host
link moongen to ./build/MoonGen in moongen directory
LaTeX: texlive + pdfplots, csvsimple, (texlive-base texlive-latex-extra)


make changes in settings.conf
configure OpenFlow-Switch to listen on selected Port
setup MoonGen: ./ --setup
*look at help: ./ --help
start benchmark ./ <benchmark.cfg>
(start with --verbose and/or look at sdn-cert.log)

Benchmarks and Test-Cases

Testcases are defined in multiple layers:
Layer 1:
	benchmark.cfg: List of testcases with name and variables in form of key=value
	files are stored in ./benchmarks/
Layer 2:
	stored in test-cases/config/<name>.lua
	See test-cases/benchmark_template.lua for details

	All Arguments beginning with '$' are treated as variables. All variables from the
	upper layer is passed downwards. So it is possible to define or override variables
	from layer 1 here.
		files are currently identified by $file=#, where # stands for the index of the
		file in the list above. Physical connections between the switch and the loadgen
		are addressed by index. Use $link=1 to use the first connection. $link=* will
		match to a list of all available connections
	HINT: all keys are stored in lower case and without underscores. So 'rx_port' will
		refer to the same value as "rxPort". Values are not changed in any way.
layer 3:
	moongen scripts: invidual scripts for generating and evaluating the result


Layer 1:
	feature-test/feature_list.cfg: List of feature-tests
Layer 2:
	stored in feature-tests/config/<name>.lua
	See feature-tests/feature_template.lua for details
	A simple feature test will work like this:
		1)	install rules
		2)	generate specific packet
		3)	modify packet and jump to 2) or continue
		4)	receive all packets, storing them in a table
		5)	check if number of packets is as expected
		6)	check if packet content is as expected
		7)	report result
Layer 3:
	moongen script: one script, that performs the generating and checks the result with
	the given configuration.


OpenFlow Switch certification tool (work-in-progress)







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