Generates github compatible API documentation from your project's jsdocs and adds them to your Readme.
npm install docme
docme <readme> <docme-options> -- <jsdoc-options>
Generates jsdocs for non-private members of the project in the current folder.
It then updates the given README with the githubified version of the generated API docs.
Note: overriding the jsdoc destination (-d, --destination) is not possible since docme will write files to a temp dir
-l, --loglevel level at which to log: silly|verbose|info|warn|error|silent -- default: info
-h, --help Print this help message.
Generate with default options and update
Override [jsdocconf.json](
docme -- --configure ./myconf.json
Override loglevel and jsoc configuration:
docme --loglevel silly -- --configure ./myconf.json
Note: all functions that are not part of the public API should be marked as @private
in order to exclude them from
the docs generated by docme
Since docme is using jsdoc under the hood, it is helpful to review its documentation. I
highly recommend this page explaining
how to specify @param
types among other useful specs.
In order to make your docme APIs appear properly styled, please install the chrome extension or bookmarklet.
Generates jsdocs for non-private members of the project in the current folder. It then updates the given README with the githubified version of the generated API docs.
Name Type Description readme
String path to readme in which the API docs should be updated
Array.<String> consumed by docme
Name Type Argument Description loglevel
String <optional>
(info) level at which to log: silly|verbose|info|warn|error|silent
Array.<String> consumed by jsdoc
function called back when docme finished updating the README
generated with docme