This is a Java EE application of a laptop e-commerce. It was made for the fictional company "LapTop Computadores" by the fictional software company "Solstice".
- Shop
- Basic product listing and local filtering
- Session-based shopping cart feature
- Checkout and simulated payement
- Customer account and registration
- Simulated tracking orders, refunds and custom products exchanges
- Admin panel
- Dashboard
- Product managment
- Control options for simulated features
- Login and customer/admin account
- Basic product stock functionality (history, manual up and automatic down)
Requirements: Java 1.8+, Eclipse IDE (JEE), Apache Tomcat and MySQL
- Clone the project:
git clone
- Import the project into Eclipse (guide)
- Fix your build path (if needed) to use your installed JRE:
- Project Explorer -> Right click on project -> Build Path -> Configure Build Path -> JRE System Library -> Edit -> Alternative JRE
- You may need to do the same with the Apache Tomcat library
- Make sure your Apache Tomcat is ready to be used by Eclipse (guide) and the project root context is set to
(guide) - Run the scripts at
as root user to create the database, user and to fill table data- Recommended to use MySQL Workbench to easily connect and paste/run the scripts
- Run the project on your server
- The project should be accessible through something like localhost:8080/note-commerce/
g-otn and thiago-bezerra.
- Prof. Doctor Rodrigo Rocha Silva, for assigning us this project
- ioxua and marcelovbcfilho, for giving us some tips and for the nice discussions about the project
This project is licensed under MIT, and uses AdminLTE 3, also licensed under MIT.