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Note Commerce

This is a Java EE application of a laptop e-commerce. It was made for the fictional company "LapTop Computadores" by the fictional software company "Solstice".


  • Shop
    • Basic product listing and local filtering
    • Session-based shopping cart feature
    • Checkout and simulated payement
    • Customer account and registration
    • Simulated tracking orders, refunds and custom products exchanges
  • Admin panel
    • Dashboard
    • Product managment
    • Control options for simulated features
  • Login and customer/admin account
  • Basic product stock functionality (history, manual up and automatic down)

Installing and Running

Requirements: Java 1.8+, Eclipse IDE (JEE), Apache Tomcat and MySQL

  1. Clone the project: git clone
  2. Import the project into Eclipse (guide)
  3. Fix your build path (if needed) to use your installed JRE:
    • Project Explorer -> Right click on project -> Build Path -> Configure Build Path -> JRE System Library -> Edit -> Alternative JRE
    • You may need to do the same with the Apache Tomcat library
  4. Make sure your Apache Tomcat is ready to be used by Eclipse (guide) and the project root context is set to note-commerce (guide)
  5. Run the scripts at sql/ as root user to create the database, user and to fill table data
    • Recommended to use MySQL Workbench to easily connect and paste/run the scripts
  6. Run the project on your server
  7. The project should be accessible through something like localhost:8080/note-commerce/


g-otn and thiago-bezerra.


  • Prof. Doctor Rodrigo Rocha Silva, for assigning us this project
  • ioxua and marcelovbcfilho, for giving us some tips and for the nice discussions about the project


This project is licensed under MIT, and uses AdminLTE 3, also licensed under MIT.