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feat(connector-domparser): extract file size
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another benefit is that jsoup is not needed for the retrieval of items
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thetric committed Mar 16, 2017
1 parent 92abe32 commit 5ac7592
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Showing 2 changed files with 116 additions and 86 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,10 +8,14 @@ import java.time.LocalDateTime
@ToString(includeNames = true, includeSuperProperties = true)
final class CourseFile extends AbstractIliasItem {
LocalDateTime modified
final LocalDateTime modified
final long size

CourseFile(int id, String name, String url, IliasItem parent, LocalDateTime modified) {
final int id,
final String name, final String url, final IliasItem parent, final LocalDateTime modified, final long size) {
super(id, name, url, parent)
this.modified = modified
this.size = size
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,40 +6,34 @@ import com.github.thetric.iliasdownloader.service.model.CourseFile
import com.github.thetric.iliasdownloader.service.model.CourseFolder
import com.github.thetric.iliasdownloader.service.model.IliasItem
import com.github.thetric.iliasdownloader.service.webparser.impl.IliasItemIdStringParsingException
import com.github.thetric.iliasdownloader.service.webparser.impl.course.datetime.RelativeDateTimeParser
import com.github.thetric.iliasdownloader.service.webparser.impl.course.jsoup.JSoupParserService
import com.github.thetric.iliasdownloader.service.webparser.impl.util.WebIoExceptionTranslator
import groovy.transform.CompileStatic
import groovy.util.logging.Log4j2
import org.apache.http.client.fluent.Executor
import org.apache.http.client.fluent.Request
import org.jsoup.Jsoup
import org.jsoup.nodes.Document
import org.jsoup.nodes.Element

import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
import java.time.LocalDateTime
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter
import java.util.regex.Pattern
import java.util.regex.Matcher

import static java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern

final class CourseSyncServiceImpl implements CourseSyncService {
private static final String COURSE_SELECTOR = "a[href*='_crs_'].il_ContainerItemTitle"
private static final String ITEM_CONTAINER_SELECTOR = '.il_ContainerListItem'
private static final String ITEM_TITLE_SELECTOR = 'a.il_ContainerItemTitle'
private static final String ITEM_PROPERTIES_SELECTOR = '.il_ItemProperty'

// these types should be ignored in logs
private static final Set<String> IGNORED_ITEM_TYPES = new HashSet<>(['frm', 'grp'])

private static final Pattern ITEM_URL_SPLIT_PATTERN = Pattern.compile('[_.]')

// for German date time format: 23. Sep 2016, 17:34
private static final DateTimeFormatter LAST_MODIFIED_FORMATTER = ofPattern('dd. MMM yyyy, HH:mm', Locale.GERMAN)
private final RelativeDateTimeParser relativeDateTimeParser
// modified ISO 8601 formatter - the default from Java require a 'T' as date-time separator
// e.g. 2016-11-15 14:13:59
private static final DateTimeFormatter LAST_MODIFIED_FORMATTER = ofPattern('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')
private static final String COURSE_LINK_REGEX = /<a href="(?<url>.+)">(?<name>.+)<\/a>/
private static final String ROW_SEPARATOR = ' '

private final WebIoExceptionTranslator exceptionTranslator

Expand All @@ -48,18 +42,18 @@ final class CourseSyncServiceImpl implements CourseSyncService {
private final String iliasBaseUrl
private final String courseOverview
private final String courseLinkPrefix
private final String courseWebDavPrefix

CourseSyncServiceImpl(WebIoExceptionTranslator webIoExceptionTranslator,
JSoupParserService jSoupParserService,
String iliasBaseUrl, String clientId,
RelativeDateTimeParser relativeDateTimeParser) {
String iliasBaseUrl, String clientId) {
this.exceptionTranslator = webIoExceptionTranslator
this.jSoupParserService = jSoupParserService
this.relativeDateTimeParser = relativeDateTimeParser

this.iliasBaseUrl = iliasBaseUrl
courseOverview = "${iliasBaseUrl}ilias.php?baseClass=ilPersonalDesktopGUI&cmd=jumpToSelectedItems"
courseLinkPrefix = "${iliasBaseUrl}goto_${clientId}_crs_"
courseWebDavPrefix = "${iliasBaseUrl}webdav.php/ilias-fhdo/ref_"

Expand All @@ -76,7 +70,7 @@ final class CourseSyncServiceImpl implements CourseSyncService {
private Course toCourse(Element courseElement) {
int courseId = getCourseId(courseElement)
String courseName = courseElement.text()
String courseUrl = courseElement.attr('href')
String courseUrl = "${courseWebDavPrefix}$courseId/"
return new Course(courseId, courseName, courseUrl)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -122,93 +116,113 @@ final class CourseSyncServiceImpl implements CourseSyncService {
return iliasItem instanceof Course || iliasItem instanceof CourseFolder

private Collection<? extends IliasItem> findItems(final IliasItem courseItem, Executor httpRequestExecutor) {
return getItemContainersFromUrl(courseItem.url, httpRequestExecutor)
.collect { toIliasItem(courseItem, it) }
private Collection<? extends IliasItem> findItems(final IliasItem courseItem, final Executor httpRequestExecutor) {
String itemContainer = getItemContainersFromUrl(courseItem.url, httpRequestExecutor)
if (!itemContainer.empty) {
def all = getIliasItemRows(itemContainer, courseItem)*.trim().findAll()
return all.collect { toIliasItem(courseItem, it) }.
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No items found at URL: ${courseItem.url}!")

private Elements getItemContainersFromUrl(String itemUrl, Executor httpRequestExecutor) {
// TODO replace with Kevin's Ilias Downloader 1 Method (directory output)
// --> Performance?
return connectAndGetDocument(itemUrl, httpRequestExecutor).select(ITEM_CONTAINER_SELECTOR)
* Extract HTML from the 'table'
* @param itemContainer
* @param courseItem
private Collection<String> getIliasItemRows(final String tableHtml, final IliasItem courseItem) {
def itemListStartDelimiter = '<hr>'
def startIndexItemList = tableHtml.indexOf(itemListStartDelimiter)
checkItemListIndex(startIndexItemList, 'Begin', courseItem)

def itemListEndDelimiter = '\n<hr>'
def endIndexItemList = tableHtml.lastIndexOf(itemListEndDelimiter)
checkItemListIndex(endIndexItemList, 'End', courseItem)

def itemListBeginPos = startIndexItemList + itemListStartDelimiter.length()
if (itemListBeginPos >= endIndexItemList) {
return []
return tableHtml[itemListBeginPos..endIndexItemList].split('\n')*.trim()

private IliasItem toIliasItem(IliasItem parent, Element itemContainer) {
Elements itemTitle =
String itemName = itemTitle.text()
String itemUrl = itemTitle.attr('href')
String idString = getItemIdFromUrl(itemUrl)
String[] split = ITEM_URL_SPLIT_PATTERN.split(idString)
private void checkItemListIndex(final int index, final String name, final IliasItem item) {
if (index == -1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("$name of item list not found! Search URL is ${item.url}")

String type = split[0]
int itemId = Integer.parseInt(split[1])
private String getItemContainersFromUrl(final String itemUrl, final Executor httpRequestExecutor) {
def html = this.getHtml(itemUrl, httpRequestExecutor)
def startTag = '<pre>'
def startIndexTable = html.indexOf(startTag)
def endTag = '</pre>'
def endIndexTable = html.lastIndexOf(endTag)
def exclusiveStartIndex = startIndexTable + startTag.length()
return html[exclusiveStartIndex..endIndexTable - 1]

List<String> properties = getSanitizedItemProperties(itemContainer)
private IliasItem toIliasItem(final IliasItem parent, final String itemRow) {
// item format: (size or character '-' [=folder]) last modified link
if (isFolder(itemRow)) {
return createFolder(parent, itemRow)
} else {
// assume it is a file
return createFile(parent, itemRow)

return createIliasItem(parent, type, itemId, itemName, itemUrl, properties)
private boolean isFolder(final String itemRow) {
return itemRow[0] == '-'

private List<String> getSanitizedItemProperties(Element itemContainer) {
getItemProperties(itemContainer).collect { trimAllWhitespaces(it) }.findAll()
private CourseFolder createFolder(final IliasItem parent, final String itemRow) {
final int firstPosSeparator = itemRow.indexOf(ROW_SEPARATOR)
final int secondPosSeparator = itemRow.indexOf(ROW_SEPARATOR, firstPosSeparator + ROW_SEPARATOR.length())
def parsedLink = parseLink(itemRow, secondPosSeparator)
return new CourseFolder(2,'name'), resolveItemLink(parent, parsedLink), parent)

private String trimAllWhitespaces(Element element) {
return trimNbspFromString(element.text()).trim()
private GString resolveItemLink(IliasItem parent, Matcher parsedLink) {
return "${parent.url}/${'url')}"

private static Elements getItemProperties(Element itemContainer) {
private CourseFile createFile(final IliasItem parent, final String itemRow) {
final int firstPosSeparator = itemRow.indexOf(ROW_SEPARATOR)
final int secondPosSeparator = itemRow.indexOf(ROW_SEPARATOR, firstPosSeparator + ROW_SEPARATOR.length())

def parsedLinkName = parseLink(itemRow, secondPosSeparator)
def lastModified = parseLastModified(itemRow, firstPosSeparator, secondPosSeparator)
def fileSize = parseFileSize(itemRow, firstPosSeparator)
def name ='name')
def url = resolveItemLink(parent, parsedLinkName)
return new CourseFile(1, name, url, parent, lastModified, fileSize)

* Removes the "no backspace" ({@literal &nbsp} character from the string.
* @param s
* String to trim
* @return a new String without "no backspace" characters
private static String trimNbspFromString(String s) {
return s.replace('\u00a0', '')

private String getItemIdFromUrl(String itemUrl) {
return itemUrl.replaceFirst("${iliasBaseUrl}goto_ilias-fhdo_", '')

private IliasItem createIliasItem(
IliasItem parent,
String type, int itemId,
String itemName, String itemUrl, List<String> properties) {
switch (type) {
case 'fold':
return new CourseFolder(itemId, itemName, itemUrl, parent)
case 'file':
log.debug('itemId {}, name {}, url {}', itemId, itemName, itemUrl)
String fileType = properties.get(0)
if (properties.size() < 3) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException('No last modified timestamp present! Item with ' +
"ID $itemId (URL: $itemUrl) has only following properties: $properties")
LocalDateTime lastModified = parseDateString(properties.get(2))
return new CourseFile(itemId, "$itemName.$fileType", itemUrl, parent, lastModified)
if (!IGNORED_ITEM_TYPES.contains(type)) {
log.warn('Unknown type: {}, URL: {}', type, itemUrl)
return null
private long parseFileSize(final String itemRow, final int firstPosSeparator) {
def rawSizeInBytes = itemRow[0..firstPosSeparator - 1]
def sanitizedSizeInBytes = rawSizeInBytes.replaceAll(',', '')
return Long.parseLong(sanitizedSizeInBytes)

private LocalDateTime parseDateString(String lastModifiedDateTimeString) {
if (relativeDateTimeParser.isRelativeDateTime(lastModifiedDateTimeString)) {
log.debug('{} is a relative date', lastModifiedDateTimeString)
return relativeDateTimeParser.parse(lastModifiedDateTimeString)
private Matcher parseLink(final String itemRow, final int secondPosSeparator) {
def startIndex = secondPosSeparator + ROW_SEPARATOR.length()
def matcher = itemRow[startIndex..-1] =~ COURSE_LINK_REGEX
if (!matcher) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to parse $itemRow")
return LocalDateTime.parse(lastModifiedDateTimeString, LAST_MODIFIED_FORMATTER)
return matcher

private LocalDateTime parseLastModified(final String itemRow, final int firstPosSeparator, final int secondPosSep) {
def startIndex = firstPosSeparator + ROW_SEPARATOR.length()
def lastModifiedString = itemRow[startIndex..secondPosSep - 1]
return LocalDateTime.parse(lastModifiedString, LAST_MODIFIED_FORMATTER)

private Document connectAndGetDocument(String url, Executor httpRequestExecutor) {
private Document connectAndGetDocument(final String url, final Executor httpRequestExecutor) {
log.debug('Getting: "{}"', url)
try {
def content = httpRequestExecutor.execute(Request.Get(url))
Expand All @@ -220,4 +234,16 @@ final class CourseSyncServiceImpl implements CourseSyncService {
throw exceptionTranslator.translate(e)

private String getHtml(final String url, final Executor httpRequestExecutor) {
log.debug('Getting: "{}"', url)
try {
def content = httpRequestExecutor.execute(Request.Get(url))
} catch (IOException e) {
log.error("Could not GET: $url", e)
throw exceptionTranslator.translate(e)

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