Client implementation of RICOH THETA API v2.1.
Supported environments are Java, JVM languages, Android, and THETA Plug-in.
Tested on RICOH THETA V and THETA Z1. Some features for THETA S and SC are not tested.
Modify your build.gradle
to include this library.
repositories {
mavenCentral() // insert this line
dependencies {
implementation 'org.theta4j:theta-web-api:1.6.0' // insert this line
This library takes network access, so your application needs android.permission.INTERNET
Insert the following line into your AndroidManifest.xml
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
Network access on UI thread causes an error on Android system. You need to call API on other thread.
For more details, see the official document.
// Invalid example written in Kotlin
class MyActivity : Activity() {
override fun onKeyDown(keyCode: Int, event: KeyEvent): Boolean {
// UI event is invoked on UI thread!!
theta.takePicture() // this line causes error!!
// Valid example written in Kotlin
class MyActivity : Activity() {
private val executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor()
override fun onKeyDown(keyCode: Int, event: KeyEvent): Boolean {
executor.submit {
// The executor's thread is not an UI thread.
theta.takePicture() // this is OK.
These examples are written in Java.
is central object of this library.
When use from external device and THETA is Wi-Fi access point mode.
final Theta theta = Theta.create(); // endpoint is set to
When use from external device and THETA is Wi-Fi client mode. Digest Authentication is required in this mode.
final String endpoint = ""; // just an example
final String username = "THETAYL00000000"; // just an example
final String password = "p@55w0rd"; // just an example
final Theta theta = Theta.create(endpoint, username, password); // specify username and password
When use from THETA Plug-in.
final Theta theta = Theta.createForPlugin(); // endpoint is set to
import org.theta4j.osc.CommandResponse;
import org.theta4j.osc.CommandState;
import org.theta4j.webapi.TakePicture;
CommandResponse<TakePicture.Result> response = theta.takePicture();
while(response.getState() != CommandState.DONE) {
response = theta.commandStatus(response);
System.out.println("fileUrl: " + response.getResults().getFileUrl());
import static org.theta4j.webapi.Options.*;
final ISOSpeed iso = theta.getOption(ISO);
System.out.println("ISO: " + iso);
import org.theta4j.osc.OptionSet;
import static org.theta4j.webapi.Options.*;
final OptionSet optionSet = theta.getOptions(ISO, ISO_SUPPORT, SHUTTER_SPEED);
System.out.println("ISO: " + optionSet.get(ISO));
System.out.println("ISO Support: " + optionSet.get(ISO_SUPPORT));
System.out.println("Shutter Speed: " + optionSet.get(SHUTTER_SPEED));
import static org.theta4j.webapi.Options.*;
import org.theta4j.webapi.ISOSpeed;
theta.setOption(ISO, ISOSpeed._200);
import org.theta4j.osc.OptionSet;
import static org.theta4j.webapi.Options.*;
import org.theta4j.webapi.ExposureProgram;
import org.theta4j.webapi.ISOSpeed;
final OptionSet optionSet = new OptionSet.Builder()
.set(ISO, ISOSpeed._200)