🙏, this is Sushil Sharma!
Developer | Programmer | Open Source Contributor | AI Automation | Strategist | Innovator | Researcher
>>I'm a programmer, I control your life, but I don't have one of my own.
Unreal software developer who tasted the syntax of each code.! I tailor the languages to suit my audience and achieve high performance at a low cost.
Programming Languages | |
Web Developemnt | |
Databases | |
CI/CD | |
Baas | |
Blockchain | |
Cloud | |
Payment | |
Data Visualization | |
Machine Learning | |
OS | |
UX/UI | |
Hosting |
- 🔭 I’m currently working on Portfolio-website
- 🌱 I focus on Progressive Web Applications (PWAs) and Serverless
- 👯 In my limited free time, I mainly contribute to Open-Source Projects
- 🤔 I’m looking for help with DexWeaver, Interlock, Loop
- 💬 Please feel free to contact me with any development-related inquiries. I'M A DEVELOPER PROGRAMMER.
- 📫 You can also catch up with me on any Social Media
- ⚡ Fun fact: I'm a huge movie buff and love sampling new foods and sweets. Oh, and I can never go a day without my cup of Chai!
NOTE: Most Used languages do not indicate my skill level or something like that, it's a GitHub metric of which languages I have the most code on GitHub