This is a simple Angular project that makes use of the github API to search for users and displays their site
The user is able to;
Type into the search field to get a user's account
See relevant information about searched user
Navigate to the user's repositories
Either a computer, phone, tablet or an Ipad
An access to the Internet
- Make sure you have a stable internet to have the ability to clone the repository.
- Type the following command in your terminal to clone this repository
git clone
If you are using SSH, use the following command
git clone
When you run the commands successfully, you should have a local version of this repository.
Before running the application, make sure you have angular CLI, nodejs (best choice LTS), and nmp installed on your machine
use the command below to start the application and lauch it in your browser
ng serve --open
- Make sure you have a stable internet for forking this repository.
- According to the license, you can fork this project. You need to click on the forking icon and it will be added as one of your repositories
Feel free to fork the project and have fun with it. Happy coding!
To get more help on the Angular CLI use ng help
or go check out the Angular CLI Overview and Command Reference page.
- CSS3
- JavaScript
- Angular
- Typescript
Copyright (c) Samuel Martins - MIT Licence
- Twitter - @thesmartcoder7
- Linkedin - Samuel Martins
- Website - Samuel Martins
- blog - Samuel Martins
This project was generated with Angular CLI version 13.3.0.