A simple API wrapper for AWS lambda
yarn add lambda-api-wrapper
npm i lambda-api-wrapper
Then wrap the handler you want to run in the wrapper:
import * as wrapper from 'lambda-api-wrapper';
export const handler = async ({
// lambda-api-wrapper adds a few nice-to-haves to your lambda functions:
respond, // function, the response handler. must be returned by function. e.g return respond(500, 'you messed up!')
verbose, // boolean, whether ?verbose=true was included in url
log, // function, logs to cloudwatch if verbose === true
multipartData, // parsed multipart form data from body
jsonData, // parsed JSON data from post body
formData, // parsed url-encoded form data from body
// lambda's original function parameters are also included:
event, context, callback }) => {
// do stuff
return respond(200, 'OK'); // respond with the status code and response info
export default wrapper(handler);
In addition to the wrapper, if you globally install the library (npm i -g lambda-api-wrapper
) you can run a handler independent of the wrapper/lambda framework for testing purposes.
lambda-wrap run \
--path webhooks/this-webhook \ # infers .js on the filename
--formData '{ "contact[email]": "person@example.com" }'
You must export handler
(as shown above) to use this functionality. All log
s and respond
s will be piped to console.log
. For now, event
, context
, and callback
are not currently provided in this use case. If you'd like to add this functionality, please feel free to fork this repo and open a PR (I'm quite friendly ^_^ )