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Home: Getting started.

Abdulazeez Abdulazeez Adeshina edited this page Jul 20, 2018 · 1 revision

Getting started.


Table of contents.

 * Installing simple-lang & it's enviroment.
 * Test your installation.
 * Getting help.

Installing simple-lang & it's enviroment.

simple-lang can be installed on any operating system. Be it Windows, Linux or Unix OS* and even Mac. In this section, i'll discuss how we can install in all OS'es.

Unix / Linux Os.

To install simple-lang on a Unix / Linux OS, grab the latest release of the Linux package from here. Choose the suitable OS type and download. Upon downloading, you'll unzip and install. Open your terminal:

$ unzip & cd simple-lang-release-version
$ cd build & chmod +x 
$ sudo ./ -c -i
# This check and configures your system (-c) and then install (-i)

Boom!. simple-lang has been installed and enviroments and modules have also been added.

Windows OS.

It's pretty simple-lang to install simple-lang on Windows OS. Grab the latest release for windows from here and run the .exe file. In a few moments, you'll have simple-lang installed.

Mac OS.

The steps are pretty similar to the one of the Unix. Grab the latest release for Mac from here. Unzip and run the sh file. Open your console.

$ unzip & cd simple-lang-release-version
$ cd build & chmod +x
$ sudo ./

Testing your installation.

To test your installation, open your Konsole, Terminal or command prompt and test run the simple-lang command.

$ simple

You can also test the enviroments built with it, such as the repl ( read-evaluate-print-loop) with the command:

$ simplerepl

Hello world - Testing the installation.

To see simple-lang in action, we'll write a basic hello world in simple-lang. Create a new file in your desired workspace, I'll name mine hello.sim. Write this in the file:

display "Hello World"

Run the file using the simple-lang compiler from your command prompt, terminal or konsole.

$ simple hello.sim
// Displays "Hello world"

Getting help.

Stuck installing simple-lang ? Do create a new issue here. We'll be glad to help.