Twitch Chat Trading Bot README This is a full-stack application created by Theo Dryden to generate excitement around financial education by creating the opportunity to discuss assets/investing on live social media platforms (Twitch) using REAL-TIME trading algorithms.
Trading account starts with $100,000. Participants discuss their stock investment ideas before placing a trade in the chat of Trades are placed by typing "!trade direction stock quantity" in Twitch chat : e.g. "!trade buy AAPL 100" / "!trade sell AAPL 100" Participants can see the portfolio performance of the trading account by visiting the website: Orders placed outside of market hours will be fulfilled later on.
Access the live app link here:
Tech Stack Font-End React.JS Next.JS JavaScript Hosting on Vercel
Back-End Node.JS MySQL Hosting on AWS
Process Summary
Bullet pointed feature requirements
Determined file and folder structure
Created a basic design of the pages using Figma
Started programming the bot.js for twitch
Programmed the front end
Testing and tweaks
Launched on Vercel and AWS
Promoted on LinkedIn and Instagram
- The API Keys displaying as undefined using the env variables.
- Understanding the ALPACA financial Market lingo
- Originally wanted an Instagram Comment Bot but had META Account difficulties, leading to Twitch Bot instead
- Uploading files to my AWS instance using SSH
- Usage of environment variables
- Next.JS API file/folder structure
- Splitting the project into two parts instead of one whole
- Ensuring the bot.js script was running on the server when I didn't have the terminal open by using pm2 process manager.
Overall Experience This a great project to challenge my understanding of Next.JS/React file/folder structure and components. It was also a good attempt at creating something with the purpose of solving a realworld problem.
Future Improvements
- Creating a homepage to better present the application
- Creating a user login system with Clerk Auth
- Update the navigation bar design from top to side bar
Social Channels
Youtube Channel