Project : Joeyy - A Discord Bot written in Python. (Will be deployed on Heroku)
Joeyy is a Discord bot which gives sarcastic replies to a user's messages in a server. It can also play music & do general stuff to manage a server.
- Discord Bot : The main folder which contains all the code which was used to build & run the bot.
inside Discord Bot folder :-
- - The prime python script which acts a hub of all other command cogs.
- Cogs - Contains the code for all the different stuff which the bot can do.
- Others - Files which are used for deployment on Heroku.
- Tester: contains trash prototype code for testing purposes.
- Lavalink, venv etc: These are all the subsidary stuff of the project.
Command prefix : '!'
!Hey : where 'Hey/hey' prompts the bot to await a text message from a channel member & replies upon reading it.
Ex :- Like when you say !hey followed by some text...
Ex :- It can read specific words in a message & throw in a bit of joke... -
!clear : clears the last n messages (n = 1,2,3,4,5.....)
!kick : kicks a member from the channel.
!ban : manually bans a member from the channel.
!unban : manually unbans the banned member.
Work in progress !
Music bot : Lavalink (Wavelink) is used to provide music playing commands. The code is somewhat finished, the process of intigrating it with the server & the main file is pending.
Snack-time reminder : A Timely reminder whivh remind the 'active' server members to drink water or eat something. A little bit of tweaking with it's code is still needed for the function to run seamlessly.